618 AD, the first year of the Shenzhou Empire, October 1 of the lunar calendar.

The water clock shows that it is 10:01 a.m.

Shenzhou Avenue, on the red carpet, under the attention of the whole city.

Li Zhiyun was dressed in a yellow robe embroidered with five red stars in the center, and sat on the imperial step composed of nine black horses and absolute shadows.

Behind Li Zhiyun, there were 500 civil and military officials, more than 10,000 tiger and iron horsemen, more than 30,000 Mo Dao cavalry, and more than 100,000 heavy armored soldiers.

Yaowang College, Women's College, Men's College, Scientific Research Institute...

Hundreds of boxes of bamboo barrel grenade samples, thousands of Wolong forts, 10,000 folding ladders for siege ...

More than a thousand envoys and entourages from various countries were placed in the rear position.

Above the sky, there are also war pigeons circling.

Amid the excited cries and firecrackers of the people of the city, Li Zhiyun headed towards the main gate of the Shenzhou Imperial Palace - Yingtianmen.

Along the road, the mountains roared and tsunamis rose one after another, shaking the heavens and the earth!

"Long live the Shenzhou Empire, long

live long live!" "Long live the emperor!" The

envoys of various countries looked at this powerful military formation and the cries of the people of the whole city, and their hearts were magnificent.

Today's Luoyang City seems to have become the most dazzling star on the land of China!

Above the large Shenzhou Square.

Li Zhiyun walked down, climbed the nine hundred and ninety-nine steps, and came to the bronze giant ding, a pair of starry eyes moved in all directions, staring at the world!

Li Zhiyun said in a loud voice:

"On the first day of the first month of the first year

of the empire in Luoyang, the god capital, set up an altar to prepare an instrument, and announce to the world

!" "Today, the four directions of Shenzhou are determined by Shenzhou, and the country is called 'Shenzhou Empire'!" All the civil and military officials, fierce soldiers, and common people of the Shenzhou Empire all crawled on the ground, shouting:

"Long live the Shenzhou Empire, long live long live!"


Li Zhiyun

, the king of the Chinese people, is the co-lord of the world!" "I will save the life of the heavens, the Pinghai, and lead the Chinese people to stand

on the top of the world!" "At that time, all those who follow the lonely, the south of the world, the north of the sea

, will be my Chinese heroes!" "At that time, everything that shines on the sun and the moon and the rivers will be my Chinese land!"

Long live the emperor, long live the emperor!" "Long live the emperor, long live long live!" "Long live the emperor, long live

long live!"

After the ceremony of sacrificing the heavens and establishing the kingdom and ascending the throne as emperor, Liu Min invited Wan Xuanyu, Wu Shu, Qing'er and others up.

"Ling! This canonizes the mother of Xunzhi Wan as the Empress Dowager of the Shenzhou Empire, and is located on the throne of Xuan!" "Ling! This canonizes the Wu Clan of Xunzhi as

the Empress of the Shenzhou Empire, located in the center of Xuanzhi

!" "Ling, canonize Fang Qing'er as the Grand Princess of the Shenzhou Empire today!" In

an instant, everyone was prostrate on the ground again, kneeling in turn!

Hidden in the mission, Kinderman, with a pair of beautiful eyes Gu Panshenglian, looked at Li Zhiyun in front of Juding silently.

Perhaps, it's time for Li Zhiyun to get to know himself.

I saw Kinderman lift his neon clothes high, revealing his snowy skin, and walked out of the embassy group.

"His Royal Highness Li Zhiyun of the Great Shenzhou Empire, I am Queen Jindeok of Silla, hereby present a letter of surrender, and only you will be the first to follow in the future!"

Kinderman's appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.


Shu on the stage was also slightly trembling, and his eyes were full of vinegar.

Li Zhiyun nodded quietly to Kinderman:


!" "The world should take this as an example!" Liu

Min immediately put the letter of surrender into the golden plate.

Kinderman originally thought that Li Zhiyun would look at himself more and say a few more words.

Who knows, Li Zhiyun continued to start a new round of canonization:

"Ling! This day canonizes Liu Min, Tang Jian, and Changsun Wuji as the left prime minister, and receives the four provinces of Zhongshu, Menxia, Shangshu, and Duhufu!"

Jia B Jiao (AB Jiao), effectively disperse power, and defend the imperial power

! "Order! Today, Zong Luo Jiao, Li Jing, Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, Su Dingfang, Xin Fang'er, Zhang Guangan, Wei Chi Jingde, Zheng Wenxiu, and others are canonized as great generals of Shenwu!"

Sun Simiao and Yuan Tiangang immediately crawled on the ground, and Chinese medicine and Taoism could finally be carried forward and popularized all over the world

! And the next scene really made everyone feel Li Zhiyun's broad mind

! "Ling! Today, Wang Shichong is canonized as the imperial history doctor of the Shenzhou Empire, and leads the post of superintendent!"

Wang Shichong immediately crawled on the ground and said from the bottom of his heart:

"Old Minister Xie Dijun is very kind!" I

thought that this scene was unexpected enough, but who knew that what was even more unexpected was still below!


to mention Li Shimin as the Qin king of the Tang Kingdom, let's talk about it for now.


at this moment, directly in front of Shenzhou Avenue, there was a sudden sound of horses' hooves!

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