On the huge square, more than 100,000 pairs of eyes brushed together to look at the end of Shenzhou Avenue.

At the end, one man and one horse appeared.

I saw that this person was popular, majestic, and his face was grim.

It was Li Shimin, the king of Qin in the Tang Kingdom!

The horse galloped, the sound of the horse's hooves became more dense, and Li Shimin was followed by no less than 10,000 Xuanjia cavalry.

Li Shimin had more eyes this time and left all the nearly 200,000 troops in the country.

What made everyone puzzled was that in the middle of the Xuanjia heavy army, there were more than ten prison cars!

"Everyone, look, in that first prison car, is it Li Jiancheng, the crown prince of the Tang Kingdom, and Yin Yanxue, the concubine of the De Kingdom?" "Well, isn't Yin Yanxue the concubine of His Majesty Li Yuan, how can she be detained with the prince?"

"There is blood! They have blood

on them!" "Everyone look at Li Jiancheng's right arm and Yin Yanxue's awesomeness!" Suddenly

, everyone's eyes focused on the first prison car, and the

familiar picture once again flooded everyone's hearts.

They remembered that just a few days ago, Li Jiancheng personally led an army of 150,000 troops back to Chang'an, and before leaving, he promised Li Zhiyun that he would restore the truth of the tragedy that occurred on the night of Chang'an Chinese New Year's Eve, escort Yin Yanxue back to Luoyang to confront him on the spot, and return Li Zhiyun to a clean slate!

But now it seems that Li Jiancheng did not fulfill his promise, but Li Shimin did what he said.

At this time, Li Jiancheng and Yin Yanxue were already dying, lying cross-lying on the ground of the prison car.

But when they heard the discussion around them, they finally reacted, and "Tengdi" jumped up with all their strength.

Then, there was deep fear and landlessness!

The two struggled to hold their heads, squatting on the side of the prison with their backs to everyone.

But this cell is transparent on all sides, how can there be only one back?

In a moment, Li Shimin had already dismounted and walked towards Li Zhiyun with slightly excited steps.

When he went to Chang'an, he not only exposed Li Jiancheng's conspiracy, but also drove him out of the position of crown prince and obtained the right to lead the 200,000-strong army of the Tang Kingdom

! Now, he must show the ugly faces of Li Jiancheng and Yin Yanxue to the people of the world

! Let Li Jiancheng never turn over

! And as for whether Li Jiancheng is alive or dead, it is entirely up

to Li Zhiyun to decide! Although he very much wants to kill Li Jiancheng, the matter of this brother-killer should be left to Li Zhiyun.


as Li Shimin was about to step on the steps, the great generals Zong Luoji and Cheng Yanjin stopped him with a smile.

"The last general will see General Li, Admiral of the Heavenly Strategy of the Shenzhou Empire!"

"Admiral of the Heavenly Strategy, ranked first among the hundred officials!" The

two looked at Changsun Wuji behind Li Shimin, and also said in unison:

"Lord Changsun, congratulations on becoming the prime minister of the Shenzhou Empire




Changsun Wuji knelt down towards Li Zhiyun, who was high above:

"Wei Chen Changsun Wuji, thank Emperor Longen!" "Wei Chen

will definitely bow down and die!" Li

Zhiyun smiled heartily, waved his big hand, and Changsun Wuji stood up.

And the next moment, everyone looked at Li Shimin.

Well, it's your turn to kneel.

Li Shimin met everyone's gaze, and his whole face suddenly became hot.

"Admiral Tiance

?"Ranking first among the hundred officials?

It sounds really fragrant, but no matter how incense is not controlled by people, is there an independent king of a country?"

"Second brother Li Shimin congratulated the fifth brother on ascending the throne,

and the Shenzhou Empire will definitely stand on the land of China!" "My Tang Kingdom is willing to make good friends with the Shenzhou Empire for generations and share the peace and prosperity of the world!"

Everyone looked at Li Zhiyun above and Li Shimin below with complicated expressions.

Li Shimin thought that he could be on an equal footing with Li Zhiyun, but he didn't know that between them, there were nine hundred and ninety-nine steps! Li Zhiyun's

eyes flashed coldly

, and he said, "Have you found out what happened on the night of Chinese New Year's Eve?"

Li Shimin immediately presented the relevant evidence in front of everyone, and said:

"It has come out that Li Jiancheng used force against Zhang Jieyu, and then killed him!"

He and Yin Yanxue colluded with each other, and after assassinating Zhang Jieyu, they blamed you, intending to kill two birds with one stone

!" Li Zhiyun's starry eyes flickered, and he shouted

to everyone in the audience: "Have you ever heard clearly?" In

an instant, everyone crawled on the ground again

: "Congratulations to the emperor for revealing the truth!"

Li Shimin threw up his hand: "Fifth brother, how do these people deal with it?"

Li Zhiyun looked at Li Jiancheng, Yin Yanxue, Li Yuanji, Pei Yuan, Wei Zheng and dozens of others were all in prison.

"Yin Yanxue, execute immediately!" When

he boarded, Hu Biantie rode a shot and stabbed open the cell door, grabbed Yin Yanxue and walked outside the city.

This is the place of the founding ceremony, and it is not appropriate to see red, and they decided to execute them outside the city!

"Ah, the prince save me, quickly save the concubines!"

Yin Yanxue yelled at Li Jiancheng, who was huddled in the corner.

The corners of Li Shimin's mouth were crooked, and he looked

like he was condescending, gloating: "I really don't know if I'm dead or alive, Li Jiancheng is going to die soon, do you still beg him?" And

the next moment, a voice came out, stunned

everyone! "Who told you that this Li Jiancheng is going to die?" PS

: Dear readers, the author of the street asks everyone to give a [five-star praise], help this book!

At the same time, the big gift continues to smash

! The author fungus is about to be unable to open the pot, and urgently needs the support of all the big guys

! -- the author has something to say:

The tomato has been revised, but the author can still see the gift list, there are very few big guys who give gifts recently, in the past, it was dozens of gifts a day, but now there are few, and I hope you continue to stick to it!

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