When Li Zhiyun was angry, there were still people who tried to take risks?

This kind of person was either stunned or lacked roots!

But when everyone found out, it was actually Wei Zheng in the cell who spoke.

That thought disappeared.

This cargo is nicknamed "Wei Rectum".

In addition to the loyalty of its people, there is another biggest feature, that is, they have to fight to the death for things they are not used to.

As for the consequences, it was not within his consideration, and he thought about other things after saying it in advance!

The more Wei Zheng said, the more excited he became:

"Li Zhiyun, according to the "Wude Law

"!" "You are the king of Chu of the Tang Kingdom, but you have established your own empire, this is a crime of conspiring against the great rebellion

!" "In your eyes, you have no father, no brother, no brother, no impermanence, and thousands of soldiers are killed, this is a major crime of immorality!"

Everyone sweated for Wei Zheng.

The blood of Pei Zheng who was in a different place was still warm, and the eyes above that head were still terrified! Pei

Zheng's past lesson is in front of him, this Wei Zheng is really not afraid of death?

Although Li Shimin in pain is very fond of Wei Zheng, the loyal minister of Prince Yin, he also knows that the family forces behind Wei Zheng are complicated and cannot be underestimated!


he lands on the ground here, then even if he returns to the Great Tang in the future, it will be difficult to properly explain to everyone in the world, and maybe he will also cast a layer of jealousy over his rivers and mountains.

"Wei Zheng, silence King Ben!" Li

Shimin pointed angrily at Wei Zheng, trying to stop his death.

But Wei Zheng was still chattering, and the air was filled with solemnity and slaughter, suffocating and difficult to breathe.

Sure enough, Li Zhiyun roared,

"Come!" Tiger

Iron rode towards Wei Zheng fiercely.

Everyone closed their eyes and couldn't bear to look directly.

Because when they opened their eyes again, this aggressive Wei Zheng must have already landed on the ground

!" "Detain Wei Zheng in solitary confinement, with good food and drink

!" "No one can hurt him without Xuan's permission!" Wei

Zheng immediately became angry, he felt that this was Li Zhiyun's greatest humiliation to him!

"What do you mean by this, why don't you kill me?"

I can tell you that I have only one master, and that is Prince Li Jiancheng

!" Li Zhiyun looked down at Wei Zheng and said calmly:

"With copper as a mirror, you can be dressed; with history as a mirror, you can know what to do; and with a human mirror, you can understand gains and losses!"

Li Zhiyun's three sentences are like a daigo empowerment, like the peak of a great road, lingering in the ears, and hitting the heart!

For many years, he has tried to tell the world the power of daring to speak, but he has never found the right language to summarize.

And just now, Li Zhiyun's three sentences completely matched his heart! How could he not be surprised

! Li Shimin's brows furrowed, it was over, these three sentences of Li Zhiyun subdued a ruthless person!

And the power generated by these three sentences brought to everyone the shock could not be quelled for a long time.

They also understood Li Zhiyun's foundation at this moment.

Pei Xian, towards Qin Twilight, towards the third and fourth of the day, the head landed.

Wei Zheng, just righteous, loyal, and loud.

After that, to be a person and do things, you still have to look at Wei Zheng.

From the moment of the founding of the country, Li Zhiyun set the standard of the Shenzhou Empire to the world.

Looking at Li Yuan, Li Shimin, Li Jiancheng and more than 10,000 other people, they were escorted by the Tiger Iron Horse and the Mo Dao Camp and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Wan Xuanyu in the stands looked at the farce in front of him, and did not say anything from beginning to end, let alone plead for Li Yuan.

The hardships of life, the cruelty of war, and the misfortune of people's hearts have long told her the greatest truth in life.

Today I let you live, tomorrow you will let me die!

It is not appropriate to treat these heroes in troubled times with acts of kindness and righteousness towards ordinary people.

At this moment, the envoys of various countries in the audience had a more comprehensive understanding of the young emperor of the Shenzhou Empire, Li Zhiyun.

Li Zhiyun's iron-fisted tactics and political wisdom made them admire and worry at the same time.

There are many people who have already made up their minds that when they go back, they will pray to the king of a country, kneel down to surrender to the Jinderman of Silla, and voluntarily become a vassal of the Shenzhou Empire!

Kinderman, Queen of Good Virtue, her chest rose and fell violently.

If you can get Li Zhiyun's favorite, then everything is worth it.

Just when Kinderman plucked up the courage to take a sexy and enchanting step forward again, ready to approach Li Zhi.


crowd, which was about to disperse, stood in place again, countless pairs of eyes looking at the end of Shenzhou Avenue.

What they saw and heard today made them realize.

Horses' hooves clang, heads flying!

And who will it be this time?

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