Strong curiosity made all the people stop and watch.


the end of Shenzhou Avenue, a luxurious carriage pulled by four warmen rushed towards everyone!

Above the carriage, there stood a fat-headed, big-eared, bulging belly, greasy skin, about one meter and five meters, who looked close to middle age!

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"Kinderman, you little bitch is really disobedient!"

The "middle-aged man" accelerated sharply and drove towards Kinderman, and behind him, hundreds

of people were shocked, according to this speed, a group of envoys in front had to be knocked to death!

At the moment of the attack, Kinderman could only move his delicate body quickly and run in the opposite direction.

"My beauty, where are you running?" the

middle-aged man turned his horse's head and hurried over.

Kinderman ran forward desperately, his eyes full of despair, because at this moment, Li Zhiyun was still on the rooftop, watching all this expressionlessly.

A pair of rough big hands pinched hard towards Kinderman's twin peaks.

The middle-aged man's face showed an unbelievably lewd expression.

Kinderman knew that there was no way to escape, and closed his eyes unwillingly at this moment.

A horse roar sounded in all directions, and the black red war horse soared into the air, shouting at the four war horses.


The four war horses suddenly braked, almost causing the carriage to fall on its head

! Kinderman was lifted up by a powerful big hand of Kong Wu and thrown towards the crowd!

Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin in the crowd immediately stretched out their arms and tightly caught Kinderman.

Looking at the beauty in his arms, Luo Shixin's hands unconsciously moved to his butt.

Li Niang slapped over:

"You dead ghost who dares to take advantage of the cheap, don't

let go quickly!" "This is the emperor's woman!"

Luo Shixin smiled awkwardly and let go of Kinderman.


: ???

Kinderman immediately opened a pair of beautiful eyes, but at this moment, a red flame in his pupils cut through the sky

! With a gust of wind, with an irresistible powerful force, he split the middle-aged man's carriage in half!

Jindeman's eyes lit up, and the deer bumped, it was the fat

body of the middle-aged man in the carriage, who fell heavily to the ground, because the inertia just slipped to Li Zhiyun's feet.

Li Zhiyun raised a kick and flew it several meters away!


"Bold Li Zhiyun, do you know who King Ben is?"

"Presumptuous!" Zong

Luoji, Cheng Yanjin, Wei Chi Jingde, and Luo Shixin immediately stepped forward and glared angrily at this person.

The middle-aged man got up with the help of everyone, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said disdainfully:


Li Zhiyun, this king is the second prince of Goguryeo, tall and fierce!" "

Hahaha, your time of death is coming, don't you quickly kneel down and beg from King Ben?"

Is it the second son of Gao Jianwu, the king of Goguryeo Rongliu?"


Why did he come, it seems that the person who came is not good

!" "Can't you see it, this is for that little lady!"

There was an incredible laughter from the crowd.

Zheng Wenxiu, who was well aware of the complicated situation, immediately walked to Li Zhiyun in small steps, and whispered:

"Emperor, this person is Gao Jianwu's second son, if you kill him, I'm afraid..."

Looking at the two monarchs whispering, Gao Da Meng thought that Li Zhiyun was afraid and became bold.

"Li Zhiyun, King Ben's fiancée Kinderman ran to your Luoyang City

!" "Hand him over, you kneel and kowtow three heads, this matter will be settled!"

This product really doesn't know the height of the sky, it's just dying!

Who knows, the next words of the tall and fierce will let everyone know.


Don't you know yet, just above this Yellow River, a thousand warships

of my father's king are already heading here!" "This king will tell my father, step on your Shenzhou Empire, and let these thousands of people be buried with you!"


rains over the Yellow River this year have swollen sharply over the course of several days and nights.

Looking at Gao Da Meng's invincible appearance, what he said may be true

! And the sailors of Goguryeo have always been the strongest in the world

! They don't need to go ashore, just constantly harassing the counties of the Shenzhou Empire along the way, which can make Li Zhiyun fall into a huge passivity!

If you make another night attack at night and run to the ship after the fight, what can you do for them?

Zhao Qi, the Goguryeo envoy in the mission, immediately trotted to Gao Dameng and said

, "Second Prince, you are here to make trouble, does Your Majesty know?"

He knew that Li Zhiyun would definitely give up this woman under a powerful threat and a woman!

Kinderman looked at the silent Li Zhiyun, his eyes full of fiery anticipation of what he could do.

But until Gao Dameng had walked in front of her, Li Zhiyun was still indifferent.

Everyone's eyes darkened.

Thousands of warships and a woman

? Let them choose, they will choose the former

! But why is it not a taste in their hearts?


! In the land of the Shenzhou Empire, even the most basic personal safety can not be guaranteed!

And the next moment, they finally knew.

If you play cards according to common sense, it will not be Li Zhiyun!

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