
, under the gaze of everyone, Li Zhiyun appeared like a rapid lightning bolt, and appeared in the middle of Gao Da Meng and Kinderman in an instant.

A tall figure stood in front of Kinderman.

Looking at the man in front of him, Kinderman's eyes were full of tears, and his heart was deeply moved.

Moved beyond words.

"Li Zhiyun, King Ben advises you not to be nosy, this woman King Ben is going to decide!" What's

more, she is not a citizen of your Shenzhou Empire!" Li Zhiyun's starry eyes flickered, causing Liu Min to take the "letter of surrender to the country": "

Silla has been a part of my Shenzhou Empire from the moment of surrender, and she is a citizen of my Shenzhou Empire!"

It doesn't matter if you are a cat or a dog, as long as you set foot on the land of my Shenzhou Empire, everything here is not your turn to decide

!" Gao Da Meng became angry: "Are you really not afraid of my father's thousand warships?"

"King Ben sees that you want to die

!" Gao Da Meng suddenly punched Li Zhiyun

! "Ah, the second prince must not!" Zhao

Qi knew that Gao Da Meng was about to break into a catastrophe!

But it was already too late, Li Zhiyun's eyes flashed cold, and he kicked him several meters into the air

! Li Zhiyun bent his bow and took an arrow, and an arrow pierced the sky with the sound of breaking wind, shooting through the

tall and fierce heart! Bang

! The tall and fierce fell heavily on the ground, and the dead could not die again

! Quiet! The second

prince of Goguryeo was shot in front of everyone!

Pu Tong -

Kinderman knelt down in front of Li Zhiyun, and said with teary eyes: "Kinderman

thanked His Royal Highness the Emperor for saving his life!" All

the surrounding people and envoys showed happy smiles on their faces.

Li Zhiyun looked down at everyone with a pair of starry eyes, and said word by word:

"Those who violate my Hua Xia Wei will be condemned from afar

!" "The whole city is on guard, ready to meet the enemy!"

The tall and fierce cavalrymen were frightened, and all of them crawled on the ground, kneeling to survive.

"Kinderman, Zhao Qi, follow Xuan!" Li

Zhiyun threw off a sentence and walked towards Mingtang.

Shenzhou City, Ming Hall Hall.

Li Zhiyun sat on the dragon chair, and the civil and military officials stood on both sides.

Kinderman and Zhao Qi knelt in the middle.

"Jindeman, what do you have to do with Goguryeo?" "

Emperor Qiyu, my Silla has been enslaved by Goguryeo for a long time, and the people of the whole country are miserable

!" "Although the concubine is Queen Seondeok, the power of the dynasty is controlled by my uncle

!" In order to win the favor of King Rongliu, my uncle specially offered me to his second prince Gao Dameng

!" "So the concubine came to the Shenzhou Empire alone, hoping that the emperor could save me and save the people of Dawn!"

Li Shiyun's expression tightened:

"So, you forged this 'letter of surrender to the country'


This time, a total of three countries, Gaochang, Nanzhao and Silla, presented the "Letter of Surrender".

But why did the system's reward not come for a long time?

Now that we think about it, it is nothing more than that Gao Chang and Nanzhao did not really surrender

! They are most likely the pawns and eyeliners of Tubo, Tuyuhun, and Western Turks

! Although Kindermann is sincere, she cannot represent the power of the entire country!

Although the system did not give Li Zhiyun a reward, he was very happy in his heart.


the future, which country is sincere, which one is yin and yang, you will know as soon as you test

it!" "Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin

!" "The end will come!" Li

Zhiyun's eyes flashed with cruelty, what he hated the most in his life was the person who sneaked and played tricks

!" "Go and kill the king of Gaochang and Nanzhao!"

Send two armies of tiger and iron cavalry to secretly penetrate into their country and kill all the royal families!" "

Nuo!" Cheng

Yanjin and Luo Shixin immediately understood Li Zhiyun's thoughts.

The kings of these two nations they had seen, though on the surface they spoke of sincerity.

But the Great Seal of the Jade Seal, the territory of the city, and the Tiger Talisman of the Troop Transfer, did not see any of

them!" "Zhao Qi!" Zhao Qi's

body suddenly trembled, and he said in horror:

"The foreign minister is here!" "

The last time you came to Luoyang, did you take Xuan's warning as a deaf ear and did not convey it to King Rongliu?"

Li Zhiyun was playing with two steel balls in his hand, not angry with himself.

"After the foreign minister left Luoyang last time, he went all the way north along the Yellow River, and he never thought that he would encounter King Rongliu's army in Beihai County!" Zheng

Wenxiu on the side immediately asked vigilantly:

"So, King Rongliu has long been eyeing my Shenzhou Empire?"

Starting from Goguryeo, along the Bohai Sea to the mouth of the Yellow River, and then along the Yellow River all the way south, it is currently less than two hundred li from Luoyang!

The emperor, the foreign minister kindly reminded that this time the king of Rongliu is menacing, and the Shenzhou Empire has just been established, it is not appropriate ... Head-on conflict!" the

corners of Li Zhiyun's mouth twitched slightly, and he chuckled: "

Then according to Lord Zhao's intention, my Shenzhou Empire surrendered to your projectile land?"

Zhao Qi did not dare to say further, but his meaning was already obvious.

If you don't surrender, do you want to destroy the group?

But looking at Li Zhiyun's posture, he did not consider the word "surrender" at all!

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