"Wen Xiu, what is the current strength of the Fang Navy Division?" "

Emperor Qiyu, Goguryeo should come out for the country this time. There are more than 200 large warships, more than 600 medium-sized attack ships, and more than 300 grain and grass replenishment ships!"

"Emperor, depending on the other party's configuration, they have no problem staying at sea for a year, this is a long-term battle!"

Liu Min carefully analyzed the other party's food and grass supplies and said.

"Emperor, no matter how many people he comes, the one who beats his mother is!"

said Zong Luo angrily.

Zheng Wenxiu frowned

, and said, "Guys, how can the other party fight if he doesn't

go ashore!" "According to the scout's report, King Rongliu did not get off the boat or go ashore during the day, so he stayed in the middle of the Yellow River, and in the dead of night, he only ordered small and medium-sized boats that moved fast to invade the counties along the way, often killing people, grabbing grain and grass and running!" Li

Zhiyun stood up from the dragon chair with a grim face:

"Cheng bite Jin, Luo Shixin, Gao Chang, and Nanzhao Guojun can have their heads cut off?"

"Hui Emperor Jun, have hung it at the mouth of Caishi

!" "Give the heads of these two people to King Rongliu!" Everyone

was a little confused, could it be that they wanted to use two heads to warn King Rongliu?

Li Zhiyun paused and continued:

"And that tall and fierce corpse, whip the corpse 10,000 times, and send it together!"


the face of powerful forces, Li Zhiyun could not be described as ruthless, and he also vividly showed his strong attitude!

In particular, "Although it will be condemned to offend my Huaxia", it is even more full of the power of resistance

!" "Zheng Wenxiu, how many warships do we have at present?" "

Emperor Qiyu, 80 large ships, 35 small and medium-sized ships!"

Everyone gasped again.

More than a hundred ships, against more than a thousand warships

, not to mention that the other side is a maritime power, and the navy division has a very strong combat capability.

It's like if you let a dry duck with oars chase a champion swimmer who drives a motorboat?

If these ministers knew, there were still a thousand warships in Xiao Mill in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

They have to go crazy

!" "Emperor, Weichen has an idea recently, if it works, we hope to defeat King Rongliu!"

said Zheng Wenxiu's eyes brightly.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes shifted to Zheng Wenxiu.

"Wen Xiu, please say!"

Zheng Wenxiu Yuguang swept towards Kinderman and Zhao Qi on the side, and stopped talking.

Li Zhiyun waved his hand:

"It's okay, neither of them can leave Luoyang a step!" Zhao

Qi's face was immediately filled with horror, he wouldn't die here, right?

Zheng Wenxiu then came up with his own plan:

"Emperor Qiyu, when I was training the soldiers to fight on the water, the last general had a whim and combined the bamboo barrel grenade and the throwing machine to see if I could throw the grenade farther in the way of the throwing machine. "

Everyone listened, wonderful

! This is indeed a good idea

! Throwing grenades by manpower alone is very limited!

If King Rongliu's big ship refuses to fight closely, then there is nothing to do with him!"

But the trebuchet throws large stones after all, the accuracy is not high, and some of the soldiers on the ship throw the grenade on another boat..." Hearing

this, Li Zhiyun was shocked in his heart:


Individual soldiers were injured, but their lives were not affected.

Everyone's nervous mood calmed down a little, and Li Zhiyun's pair of starry eyes made Zheng Wenxiu a little worried:

"Does General Zheng want to develop...

"Artillery?" Zheng

Wenxiu was suddenly stunned, and then nodded desperately.

Yes, although I don't understand what artillery is, it should be what you need literally.

Li Zhiyun immediately looked at Zheng Wenxiu with a smile: "Yes, Wen Xiu's idea is very good

!" "We will go to the Admiralty Camp to make this artillery now!" Zheng

Wenxiu nodded excitedly, and said urgently:

"Emperor, what do Wei Chen need to prepare?"

Li Zhiyun pondered for a while, and directly wrote down a list and handed it to Zheng Wenxiu


"Yellow mud, clay, wax blocks, crucible furnaces, coal, copper..." Zheng

Wenxiu looked at these materials and was no stranger, and he immediately sent someone to prepare.

After a blaze of incense, everyone came to the shore of Luoyang Lake, the base of the Admiralty Camp.

Looking around, above the great Luoyang Lake, hundreds of warships are on display.

After a period of practice, the soldiers all overcame seasickness and mastered some of the key skills of arranging ships.

Kinderman also followed, looking at the large Luoyang Lake and couldn't help but exclaim

: "Emperor, the concubine has heard others say that Luoyang is dry all year round, when did there be such a big lake?" Zheng

Wenxiu smiled heartily, his face was full of arrogant expressions:

"The queen doesn't know something, this is all the masterpiece of the emperor, this is an artificial lake, fifty li long and thirty li wide, connecting Luoshui and the Yellow River!"

Kinderman was shocked, and once again firmed his inner thoughts:

We must find an opportunity for Li

Zhiyun to ravage himself! The kind that ravages him fiercely, and scratches his back

! In this life, such an excellent man is enough for a lifetime!

At this moment, a group of soldiers moved the materials Li Zhiyun needed, and Li Zhiyun immediately began teaching.

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