Five hundred meters away, in front of a big tree.

Luo Shixin and Aunt Wang in the nearby village talked and laughed.

"Second Aunt Wang, don't be nervous or ashamed.

Luo Shixin was next to Second Aunt Wang and said extremely seriously:

"Two loves are the natural laws of heaven and earth, and how can we stop it?"

Luo Shixin was talking serious nonsense, and Second Aunt Wang nodded coquettishly.

Luo Shixin was overjoyed and pulled Second Aunt Wang towards the tree.

Li Zhiyun put down his binoculars hesitantly, immediately adjusted the angle of the artillery, and then said to Zheng


"You guys come and operate, target, big tree ahead

!" "Give less gunpowder, use smaller training shells, don't cripple Lao Luo!"


Wenxiu and the soldiers immediately excitedly aimed at the target through the scope.

The cannon burst out with amazing recoil, threw a shell fiercely, drew a beautiful parabola in the air, and roared towards the tree!

"Old Luo, you are right, we should bravely pursue our own love..."

So what are you waiting for, come on baby!" and

just then, the whistling shells fell accurately under the tree.


Shixin looked at the front of him with an embarrassed face, and then looked under the tree.

"Who the fuck is it, dare to bomb Lao Tzu!" Luo Shixin looked at the several warships docked on Luoyang Lake with angry eyes, and immediately understood what was going on in his heart.

Fuck, it must be this Zheng Wenxiu ghost

! Well, if you don't let me fight in the field, then I will make you uncomfortable!

Luo Shixin immediately had an idea, and pulled Second Aunt Wang towards Luoyang Lake.

"Lao Luo, where are you taking me?" "

Let's go to the ship to theorize theory!" Second

Aunt Wang looked at Luo Shixin shyly:

"This is not good, there must be soldiers on it." "

Hmph, I'm going to show him Zheng Wenxiu on the spot and blind his dog's eyes!" The

two came to the boat after a while.

"Zheng Wenxiu, did you blow

up Lao Tzu and almost killed Lao Tzu!" Luo

Shixin was just about to get angry, but heard a familiar voice:

"Lao Luo, it's not Wen Xiu who blew you up, but me!" Luo

Shixin immediately turned his head and found Li Zhiyun looking at him with a smile.

Luo Shixin lowered his head a little embarrassed, and Second Aunt Wang also blushed and gave a big gift to Li Zhiyun.

"Emperor, then again, this shot just now was really accurate!" Luo Shixin immediately patted his horse's butt with a grin.

"Sure, the emperor has installed scopes for these guns!" said

Zheng Wenxiu with a proud face.


Luo Shixin immediately got his hands on and fiddled with it.

"Don't say it, with the scope, you really mean where to fight!" Luo

Shixin continued to pat the horse's butt.

"What were you and Second Aunt Wang doing just now?" Li

Zhiyun interrupted Luo Shixin's horse fart and asked with interest.

Luo Shixin's old face blushed:

"I didn't do anything, just discuss literature and talk about life philosophy."

Luo Shixin secretly said, such a long distance, I still don't want to make up how I want.

And when Zheng Wenxiu handed the telescope in his hand to Luo Shixin with a bad smile, Luo Shixin put it on his eyes and looked at it.

"Zheng Wenxiu, you actually peeped at Lao Tzu!"

and the next scene made Luo Shixin blush even more.

I saw all the soldiers on the deck raise the binoculars in their hands one after another.

Luo Shixin: ???

really a bunch of beasts!

You collectively peep at Lao Tzu!" "Lao Luo

, your body is going to collapse if you engage in this way!"


Zhiyun diverted the topic seriously, and said:

"I see that your Yintang is black, and I just helped you calculate a trigram..."

Luo Shixin immediately looked at Li Zhiyun nervously, in his heart, the emperor was even more ruthless than that Yuan Tiangang!

Li Zhiyun adjusted his tone and said in a low voice:

"The life talisman on your head will disappear after two years..."

Luo Shixin gasped, and huge drops of sweat oozed from his forehead.

Lee Ji-yun said he would die in two years, and that would be.

In fact, in history, Luo Shixin really died two years later.

The fifth year of Wude (622).

Luo Shixin was captured in the Battle of Huoshui.

Killed by Liu Heimin.

Of course, Li Zhiyun will not let this happen.

"Emperor save me!"

Luo Shixin immediately knelt in front of Li Zhiyun and hugged Li Zhiyun's thigh and said pitifully.

"It's easy to save you, I just don't know if you can do it!"

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