In the face of life and death, Luo Shixin immediately nodded desperately, as if he had made up his mind to change these problems of his own.

Seeing Luo Shixin's extremely sincere look of wanting to change his previous mistakes, Li Zhiyun smiled slightly.

I think of my previous life and once went for a check because of lung pain.

The doctor suspected that he had lung cancer and asked to

quit smoking immediately! and he had difficulty quitting smoking, and he had not quit countless times before, but this time, he divinely quit smoking!

But in the end, the doctor ruled out the possibility of lung cancer, and after telling himself that it was just ordinary pneumonia, he began to relapse again!

"First, I can't interfere with your personal life, but you must also have a degree and be clean, you know, I don't want you to come back with a sickness, and it will not be good to infect everyone!" said

Li Zhiyun, and actually took out a box set from his pocket and handed it to Luo Shixin:

"This thing must be worn every time, we must believe in science, so that it is hygienic!"

Suddenly, everyone looked at Luo Shixin with envy, because this was the first time they had seen a whole box!

Luo Shixin excitedly took the beautifully packaged box, and printed a lot of strange words.

These words are obviously much simpler than many of the current ones, but he can still know the meaning of these words.

It's really amazing.

In line with the attitude of patting a horse if he can, Luo Shixin proposed:

"Emperor, the last general will see that the words on this are very concise and clear... Why don't we let Prime Minister Liu promote these simple characters?" Liu

Min on the side immediately snatched the box and carefully observed these "simplified characters".

For a moment, Liu Min's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but praise

: "Wonderful! It's really wonderful!" Li

Zhiyun smiled at Luo Shixin:

"Old Luo, you see that if you put your mind to business, you must be a civilian-martial artist!"

After Liu Min finished studying these simplified characters, he knelt on the ground excitedly:

"Emperor, these words are really wonderful, I don't know if the emperor has studied these?"

He thought about it, and tonight he sorted out all the "Chinese dictionary" in his mind, and changed some characters with very complex strokes to modern characters.

Luo Shixin couldn't help but feel a little proud, which showed that his proposal was still useful.

His talent is really not limited to sticks, and other things are not

yet hand-to-hand!

"Emperor, please continue, what else do I need to pay attention to to save my life?" "

Second, I will teach you a set of health gymnastics.

When Li Zhiyun said this, he turned to all the soldiers and said:

"You guys also follow and learn, this has a lot of help for strengthening the body and solid precision casting source!" As

soon as everyone heard the four words "solid precision casting source", they immediately became interested and learned with Li Zhiyun.

After some practice, everyone suddenly felt extremely comfortable.

"Emperor, what is this called gymnastics?"

"The seventh set of elementary school student radio gymnastics. "

Everyone: ???

and at this moment, smoke suddenly billowed under a warship in the distance!

Zheng Wenxiu couldn't help but look embarrassed, and immediately asked the herald to give an order to the distant ship to stop training.

Li Zhiyun looked at the burning warship in the distance, as if he remembered the tragic scene of the Three Kingdoms burning Chibi.

If the ships caught fire, it wouldn't be long before all the ships that formed the formation would burn out.

After some deliberation, Li Zhiyun decided to build several warships made of steel plates.

When he said these thoughts, everyone looked at each other.

Isn't it a ripping calf to build a warship from cement and steel


Zheng Wenxiu, a senior admiral, immediately asked suspiciously:


Emperor, as far as the last general knows, the density of wood is lighter than water, so it will float on water, but the density of steel plates is far greater than water, will the ship made of steel plates sink to the bottom of the ship?" Li

Zhiyun looked at Zheng Wenxiu with some surprise, but he didn't expect that this product still knew the word "density"!

Zheng Wenxiu immediately asked people to find some pieces of steel and threw them into the water.


The steel sheet sank.

"Emperor, you see, the steel plate will definitely sink to the bottom.

Li Zhiyun glanced at Zheng Wenxiu and said,

"The magnitude of the buoyancy force acting on the object in the water is equal to the gravity of the object discharging the water."

Li Zhiyun knew that they definitely didn't understand what this sentence meant, so he didn't bother to explain, and directly made a steel box of the steel piece and put it on the water.

Li Zhiyun added some stones to the box, and the box only sank a little, but it still floated firmly on the water!

Everyone looked at the picture in front of them in shock, as if opening the door to a new world!"

Emperor, this is great, if we can make a batch of steel warships, we will be invincible!"

said Zheng Wenxiu and everyone excitedly.

Who knows, Li Zhiyun was not too happy, because he thought of one thing.

Ships made of steel plates must weigh much more than wooden ships, and current ships are all powered by manpower.

Thinking of this, Li Zhiyun decided that he must study how to use coal to make steam equipment to power warships.

"Report!" At

this moment, a signal soldier stepped on his horse, knelt by the water and shouted

: "Emperor Qiyu, the envoy of Goguryeo has arrived!"


Back to my hometown, the mobile phone code is really slow... Three chapters were stunned for more than six hours, and their hands were sore.

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