618 AD.

The first day of November, three o'clock in the morning.

"Emperor Qiyu!"

Liu Min, Li Jing, Sun Simiao, and the others rushed into the main hall of the Ming Hall with panicked expressions.

At this time, it was already three o'clock in the morning, and Li Zhiyun still did not have any sleep.


asked Li Zhiyun anxiously as he jumped up from the dragon chair.

"A corpse was found at the entrance of Luoyang City's East City, artificially placed under rags!"

On the way, Li Zhiyun tightly wrapped the cloth curtain around his mouth and nose.

At this time, the East Market had already closed, and the body under the rag was obviously not found, and it is not known when it was placed here.

Li Zhiyun ordered the soldiers to open the rags with spears.

In an instant, a stinking corpse appeared in front of everyone.



Zhiyun's memory of his previous life, he once had "pockmark", which is called smallpox

! This

is an extremely strong infectious disease!

But now it is the end of 618 AD, and even Sun Simiao's "Thousand Gold Essentials" has not recorded any information about the smallpox virus!" Sun Simiao

carefully observed the pus and rash on the corpse, and asked suspiciously.

"Smallpox virus is a powerful infectious disease

!" "After being infected with smallpox virus, it will make people have high fever and fatigue, unbearable headaches, rapid heartbeat, general weakness, and red rashes on the face, arms and legs!"

Many people will die two days before the rash, and those who are in good health can only last a week at most, and some people even die without warning!"


Zhiyun carefully observed the face and appearance of this corpse.

Judging from the appearance, it is obviously not a Chinese person, and his appearance is quite characteristic of Goguryeo.


wonder that Gao Jianbin would put down his cruel words, it turned out to be waiting here.

Liu Min

said with a heavy face

, "Emperor Qiyu, a total of five similar corpses have been found in different places in Luoyang City!"

Li Zhiyun frowned:

"Never !Immediately order the corpse to be burned

!" "In addition, there will definitely not be only five corpses, continue to look for me

!" "We must find them all and burn them on the spot!" Liu

Min and the others immediately raised their legs and left, he knew that this matter was of great importance, because he saw "panic" on Li Zhiyun's face for the first time!

Li Zhiyun seemed to remember something again, and immediately stopped Liu Min and said

, "You leave these things to others to do, and immediately summon the main hall of the civil and military officials to discuss the matter!"

Li Zhiyun quickly rode towards the main hall of the Ming Hall.

He knew that this was a sniper battle, and although the other party was not a million soldiers, it was enough to kill the entire city!

On the first day of November, it was three o'clock in the morning.

All the civil and military officials in their sleep were woken up by a sharp knock on the door!

They all covered their mouths and noses in accordance with the regulations and set off towards the main hall of the Mingtang Hall of Luoyang City.

Along the way, they were uneasy and speculated.

Perhaps the two thousand warships of Goguryeo and Xiao Mill had launched an all-out attack on Luoyang!

Could it be something else?

Four o'clock in the morning.

Shenzhou City, Ming Hall Hall.

The lights are bright, and hundreds of officials gather.

Li Zhiyun paced back and forth in front of the dragon chair.

After thinking for a moment, Li Zhiyun said with a solemn expression:

"Time is relatively urgent, let me briefly say it here

!" "At present, all the people of my Shenzhou Empire have reached a moment when their lives are at stake, life and death!"

Suddenly, the minister, who was originally a little sleepy, immediately looked at Li Zhiyun with bright eyes.

"Before leaving, Gao Jianbin, the envoy of Goguryeo, threw several corpses at several places in Luoyang City, and all of these corpses were infected with the big smallpox

virus!" "The smallpox virus is a highly contagious virus, which is divided into large, medium, and small smallpox categories, and if you have large smallpox if you don't treat it in time, you will definitely die!"

Angry is that Goguryeo, who killed this day, actually ignored the lives of the people of the world, which can be described as extremely vicious and unnatural!

Nervously, these corpses are in the population gathering place, how many civilians and soldiers have been contacted?

Maybe even I have been infected before I know it.

In an instant, above the entire court, everyone was in danger and anxious.

Li Zhiyun looked at the worried face of the Minister of Culture and Martial Arts above the hall, and said calmly: "

Everyone, I ask you, what is the current state of my Shenzhou Empire?!" In

an instant, thousands of pictures appeared in everyone's minds.

Since then, under the leadership of Li Zhiyun.

Ping Daliang, Western Qin, Turks

! Zhengguo, Xia Guo, and Mayi

! Singing all the way, advancing all the way

! Saving the people of Li from fire and water, and benefiting the world

in the world! Today's Shenzhou Empire.

"A spring leek green, ten miles of rice flowers fragrant. There is no hunger in the prosperous world, so why should you be busy with ploughing and weaving. "

The people and the people, live and work in peace and contentment; agriculture is not easy to acre, and the city does not return to the city! All

this is not easy to come by

!" "Gentlemen, I ask you again, that Goguryeo came up with such a dirty means to subvert my Shenzhou Empire!"

"We will not be willing

!" "Let that Goguryeo die

!" "Good!" Li

Zhiyun gritted his teeth and firmly said a "good" word: "

Everyone, I will lead everyone to control the spread of this smallpox virus in the shortest possible time!"

Yes, if the emperor cannot solve the current predicament, who else will be able to turn the tide?


knelt down without hesitation:

"Please the emperor save the people of my Shenzhou!"

First, Luoyang City was immediately closed and fully taken over by the army, and everyone stayed at home to be inspected

!" "Second, hurry up to make a batch of protective

masks!" Li Zhiyun said, handing Sun Simiao a few masks:

"This is the sample I just made, with two layers of breathable linen clothes on the outside, and cotton soaked in Malan Mountain on the inside!"

Sun Simiao immediately took the order, and Li Zhiyun continued:

"Third, build an isolation hospital in an open and ventilated place overnight to concentrate on the treatment of suspected patients!

Everyone immediately looked at Li Zhiyun, especially Sun Simiao's eyes suddenly lit up!

If smallpox can really be completely prevented and treated, it will definitely be a great achievement in history

!" "Bring it in!" Li

Zhiyun ordered, and everyone looked towards the gate of the hall.

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