I saw that outside the hall, four tigers rode in carrying a sick and dead cow!

In an instant, the pungent stench came to their faces, and everyone subconsciously tightened the cloth curtain wrapped around their faces.

But Sun Simiao leaned over for the first time and forcibly endured the pungent taste to take a closer look.

"Emperor, this cow has pus sores on its udders, and it seems to have died of infection!" Everyone

immediately changed color when they heard the word "infected", and they subconsciously took a step back.

But Li Zhiyun did the opposite, took a step closer and came to Sun Simiao's side.

"Don't be afraid, come and take a look

!" "How to completely prevent and eradicate smallpox, the mystery lies in this cow!" Seeing

that Li Zhiyun and Sun Simiao did not have any intention of fear, everyone also became bold, and looked around the cow and observed.

And Cheng Yanjin, who has always eaten cows for various reasons until his mouth is soft, suddenly felt a burst of nausea at this moment.

Because the cow in front of him is full of holes, miserable, and disgusting!

He feels that he will never eat beef again in his life.

And the next moment Li Zhiyun's words made everyone's faces change suddenly.


immediately asked suspiciously: "What is cowpox?"

Liu Min immediately grabbed Li Zhiyun:

"Emperor, since this cow has the smallpox virus, then let's stay away from some

!" "Yes, Emperor, this virus seems to be extremely ferocious, even this sturdy cow can't carry it, let alone our small human beings!"

said Changsun Wuji worriedly.

Li Zhiyun chuckled and patted Liu Min and Changsun Wuji on the shoulders:

"Although this cow died of cowpox, these infected parts, such as these pustules.

Li Zhiyun pointed to the ulceration of the cow's udder and said

, "

If humans come into contact with these pustules, it will only produce a slight fever reaction, which is not enough to be fatal

!" "After the fever, we will also produce smallpox antibodies in our bodies, and we will never get smallpox again in our lives!"

"Antibodies, refers to the protective proteins produced by the body due to the stimulation of antigens

!" "Simply put, your body produces something to fight this virus

!" "Just now, vaccinia is also called smallpox vaccine!"

Just when everyone was thinking about the meaning of Li Zhiyun's words.

Li Zhiyun suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed it on the cow's pustules

! The next moment, a creepy scene happened

! I saw Li Zhiyun put the pustules on the dagger into his nostrils abruptly!

And also frowned, took a few deep breaths, and let this pus quickly enter the nasal cavity!



, it was early in the morning, and everyone had not had time to eat breakfast, and there was not much food in their stomachs.

"Emperor, you are testing poison with your own body!" Sun

Simiao looked at Li Zhiyun in horror.

Ask yourself, as a generation of medicine kings, he has also tasted all kinds of poisons, herbs, and flavors.

But such a fierce test of poison like Li Zhiyun really shocked him!

After calming his breathing a little, Li Zhiyun stuffed a wad of paper into his nostrils.

"Don't panic

!" "Just now, I have planted cowpox

into my body!" "If nothing else, tomorrow I will start a sudden high fever, and my body is covered with red rash!"

"The rash then turns into a pustule, which ruptures and then scabs.


that, it means that I have obtained smallpox antibodies, and I will never get smallpox again in my life!"


even think that the disgusting cow in front of them looks so beautiful!

Between the deadly virus and the disgusting taste, the importance is naturally clear.

Li Zhiyun was just about to open his mouth to instruct everyone to plant pox, telling everyone that you can dilute the pus and apply it to your body directly.

But everyone obviously couldn't wait

! Everyone scrambled to pick up some pus sores and stuff them into their nostrils

! And learning Li Zhiyun's actions just now, they took a deep breath of foul-smelling air!

Li Zhiyun: Yu

Shinan and Samurai, who were ??? in the rear, had no time to scramble for it, and after everyone was stuffed, they finally had a chance to pick up some pustules.

"Wait a minute!" facing

the two fathers-in-law, Li Zhiyun rushed up and said, "

Actually... There are many ways to grow pox, such as..."

Li Zhiyun said, directly put the pus sores into a glass of water and shake them evenly, and then said to

the two: "Take off your shirt!" Yu


: ??? Samurai: ???

the two of them peeled off their shirts, and Li Zhiyun smeared the mixed water just now on the two.



Zhiyun returned to the dragon chair and said

, "Everyone has learned the method of planting pox, but we urgently need cows with this symptom to collect smallpox vaccine!"

Everyone immediately crawled on the ground to take orders, and Li Zhiyun continued:

"We must do everything in our power to collect enough smallpox vaccines within two days, and plant pox as we collect them!" "We must plant all 500,000 soldiers and civilians in Luoyang City with cowpox within four days!"

And it's still ... 500,000 soldiers and civilians?

Let's not talk about the magnitude of this volume, let's first say whether the people are willing to accept this new thing or not.

Everyone knows that the key to winning this war is to race against time and fight against death!

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