Yang Shugen continued to speak, but his eyes were full of endless resentment and cruelty:

"Just the day before yesterday, the envoys of Goguryeo arranged for the young people in our village to go to the post station every day to deliver vegetables and food!"

Poplar Root wept on his back, and everyone present was unmoved.

Li Zhiyun finally understood everything.

This village should have been exposed to smallpox infection in Goguryeo a few days ago

! After a few days of fermentation, the smallpox virus has completely broken out

! Village chief Yang Shugen blocked the entire village as soon as possible based on the experience he heard from his father's generation!

"Old man, let's go and save them

!" said Li Zhiyun and was about to gallop his horse, who knew that a raging fire suddenly broke out in the village

! Facing the howling north wind, the fire was even stronger!

"Emperor, you and all the soldiers can come here desperately, the old man is already satisfied!"

Plopped down on the ground and roared up to the sky:

"I don't regret following the emperor in this life, and I will be a Chinese person

in the next life!" "Emperor, please remember to avenge our blood hatred

!" "Today, ninety-eight men, women, and children from our entire village went to Huangquan

!" "We, see you in the next life!" After

Yang Shugen finished speaking, he desperately rushed into the fire.

The winds in early winter were a bit cold.

Crystalline tears slipped from everyone's cheeks and flowed into their mouths.

Extremely bitter.

The originally warm flame in front of me is as evil as the devil at this moment.

In that fire there were many figures.

There were old people who seemed to be holding their beards and looked at them kindly.

The young man with a square temperament and a girl with a smile like a flower, with a shallow smile, full of affection.

Also, there are the children who squat on the ground and play, raising their heads from time to time and giving them an innocent smile...

The north wind howled by, shattering these moving pictures in front of him, leaving only a dazzling fiery red, and.

A handful of yellow sand.

A poplar root.


, there are snowflakes floating in the sky!" Li

Zhiyun looked up at the sky.

A beautiful and pure snowflake fell on the face.

It's like baptizing the world.

Could it be that the heavens were all moved? Could

it be that the heavens were all angered?

Li Zhiyun secretly bit his lips, and his tooth marks were deep in his flesh.

Li Zhiyun gazed angrily at the Yellow River in the distance, and let out a desperate angry voice:

"Today, you Goguryeo kill my people and humiliate our army and people, tomorrow, I will let you ambush millions of corpses and shed thousands of miles of blood!"

The soldiers' tragic mood was ignited, and a raging fire burned in their eyes!

They swore to the death to fight Goguryeo to the death!" "All the soldiers obeyed the order!


"Save the people of the city at all costs, everyone must plant cowpox as soon as possible!" "

We must solve all worries and surprise Goguryeo!"

At the same time.

Gao Jianbin, who walked slowly around the trail behind Luoyang City, burned a roaring wolf smoke on a hilltop.

Transmit a signal to Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill above the Yellow River.

Above the Yellow River, the section of Hanoi County is less than a hundred miles from Luoyang City.

Inside the middle is an unusually luxurious turtle boat.

Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill hugged the beauties around them, pushing cups and changing lamps, so uncomfortable.

Although Gao Jianwu is only about one meter and seven meters tall, a pair of small eyes hang on his lewd face, and he is nearly forty years old.

But this did not hinder his ambition and desire for Huaxia.

He wanted to join forces with Xiao Mill to completely defeat Li Zhiyun!

Then his own territory is about to expand several times or even ten times

! Then, he will slowly map the entire

land of China! Gao Jianwu thinks like this, why not Xiao Milling?

His purpose is also very simple, that is, to unite foreign forces and eradicate Li Zhiyun, the most powerful in the land of China, in one fell swoop

! And he has the confidence to occupy half of the rivers and mountains!

"King Qiyu, wolf smoke has been found in the rear of Luoyang!"

A scout came into the ship to report.

Gao Jianwu violently pushed the commotion in his arms into the scout's arms, and said with joy

: "Good, good, good


"Presumably my brother has completed the task

!" Gao Jianwu picked up two bottles of wine, handed one glass to Xiao Mill, and raised his glass:

"King Da Liang, I believe that in less than half a month, the Shenzhou Empire will be full of corpses and rivers of blood!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Come on, all the soldiers drank for three days!!" In

an instant, hundreds of scantily dressed beauties appeared on the deck.

Twist and dance.

Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill's faces trembled, and they drowned in rouge powder with wine bottles...

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