On the second day of November, one o'clock in the morning.

The household inspection of 200,000 soldiers has come to an end.

In this investigation, although some people did not understand, did not understand, and did not cooperate.


the foreign envoys in the post stations no longer shouted to go out of the city, but when they saw the orderly army of Li Zhiyun carrying out various tasks in an orderly manner, their hearts began to settle down.

In just one day, Luoyang City burned more than 1,000 corpses and isolated more than 20,000 people!

On the second day of November, at five o'clock in the morning.

Sun Simiao and nearly five hundred disciples closely observed Li Zhiyun and the civil and military officials who planted pox above the court.

Some ministers began to have a febrile reaction, followed by a large rash.


enough, under the powerful rush, Li Zhiyun immediately turned from fever to red rashes, pustules, pustules, ruptures, and scabs!

Even in the process, Li Zhiyun also asked Sun Simiao to collect smallpox vaccine on his body!

"Everyone, please see, this is commonly known as 'pockmarks', which also means that the acne was completely successful, and there was no intersection with smallpox in his life!"

Liu Min, Changsun Wuji, Xiao Yao, Li Jing, Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, Su Dingfang and others gathered in the cattle slaughterhouse.

"Keep heating me, be sure to keep the temperature high

!" "Only then will the cowpox break out quickly, and the pus will get bigger and bigger!"

The second day of November, 10 a.m.

A thousand scalpers were finally infected with the smallpox virus in the heat, and the pus was getting bigger and bigger.

When the time was ripe, Sun Simiao and his disciples immediately began collecting smallpox vaccines.

Dilute with water in a certain proportion and divide into countless small jars.

Each can can cover about the amount of medicine needed by a family of four.

The second day of November, 5 p.m.

With the joint efforts of all soldiers.

The tiger iron horse quickly delivered medicines, and then ordinary soldiers assisted all the people with pox.

On the third day of November, one o'clock in the morning.

The city-wide pox planting work has been completed.

Of course, there were no Li Yuan, Li Shimin and others who fell behind in the prison.

Just this afternoon, Changsun Wuji and Xiao Yu and other former ministers of the Tang State personally planted pox for Li Yuan and Li Shimin.

When he learned that Goguryeo Chen Bing was on the Yellow River and the entire city of Luoyang was ravaged by the smallpox virus.

So he

immediately wrote down a holy decree, demanding that Changsun Wuji must bring the will back to China and inform Liu Wenjing, Yin Kaishan, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruxian and others

! The 200,000-strong army of the Tang State must go all out to cooperate with Li Zhiyun in fighting in a unified battle

! It is necessary to drive Goguryeo out of China! On

the point of unanimity with the outside world, Li Yuan, Li Shimin, and Li Zhiyun have the same views.

Let us fight in the nest, that is our own business

! But if outsiders interfere, don't blame us for not being polite!

Do you really think that I am a good Huaxia boy and a bully?

Li Shimin, you go out now and fight with your fifth brother

!" Li Yuan's eyes were full of firmness, and he looked

at Changsun Wuji expectantly: "Auxiliary machine, you must help with this, although Li Shimin's talent is not as good as Li Zhiyun, but he is also an expert in lining up troops!" Li Shimin

nodded solemnly, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared at Changsun Wuji.

But such a major decision is obviously not something that Changsun Wuji and others can influence.

I saw that the cell door was about to be closed.


Li Shimin actually knelt down

!" "Last General Li Shimin, may only the emperor take the lead and voluntarily become the heavenly policy general of the Shenzhou Empire!"

The King of Qin of the Tang Kingdom, now the prince, a generation of war god Li Shimin.

No matter how Li Zhiyun was benevolent, he never surrendered.


Wuji did not dare to slacken and rushed towards the Ming Hall with Li Shimin.

Shenzhou City, Ming Hall Hall.

Li Zhiyun and the civil and military officials all sat on the ground.

Forty-eight hours of continuous racing day and night exhausted everyone.

And it happened to the step of the smallpox vaccine to have a red rash, and everyone was even weaker and clenched their teeth.

Wu Shu, Changsun Wuxian and others led the army of women to deliver meals, milk, hot water, etc. to everyone.

At this critical time, rapid nutritional supplementation is abnormally critical.

Li Zhiyun looked at Wu Shu and the others with pity, and said softly

: "Shu'er, you have just planted pox, and your body is also extremely weak, it is better to go back and rest!" Wu Shu also

cast a very concerned look at Li Zhiyun:

"Brother Yun, since the concubine is the mother of a country, she must shoulder the heavy responsibility on her shoulders!"

Wu Shu said, pointing to an ordinarily dressed woman in the crowd.

Li Zhiyun immediately rushed over and knelt down in front of

Wan Xuanyu: "Queen Mother, why are you here?"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes converged on Wan Xuanyu.

"Wei Chen/Last General, see the Empress Dowager!" Wan

Xuanyu immediately waved her hand

: "Everyone hurry up and rest, don't pay attention to the main palace!" Wan

Xuanyu touched Li Zhiyun's head lovingly:

"Son, my mother believes in you, and she will definitely take all the people through the difficulties." A

"mother" broke Li Zhiyun's defenses.

Two lines of hot tears slid down her cheeks unbridled.

This is also the first time that Li Zhiyun has shed tears in front of civil and military officials.

And at this moment, a familiar system voice suddenly sounded in Li Zhiyun's mind!

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