Just when Li Zhiyun wanted to go up to find out, this person spoke again:

"My soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire, do you know?" "

Although your slogans are shouted loudly, how can you go to the battlefield with this ghost appearance now



Yes, at present, everyone is enduring the torment of acne after planting pox.

Extremely weak body.

Not to mention the battle, the upper kang is difficult.


Zhiyun: "


don't I know

??? this person is not a charlatan, right?

"I think everyone knows that just today, our brave imperial highness, under the blessing of high temperature, promoted the rapid outbreak of smallpox virus vaccine, and finally healed his body!"

"Soldiers, His Royal Highness the Emperor has tried medicine for the sake of the Jiangshan community and ordinary people of our Shenzhou Empire, regardless of life and death!"

The man waved his hand and continued

, "Everyone please take a look at them again!" Everyone

looked in the direction of this person's finger, and Li Zhiyun also followed the trend curiously.


Li Zhiyun was impressed.

In particular, Liu Min, Changsun Wuji, Xiao Yao, Li Jing, Cheng Yanjin, and others were listening carefully!

At this time, a familiar figure suddenly stood up in the crowd and came to this person with firm steps.

Abruptly removed the blouse.

Li Zhiyun looked startled.

Li Shimin

? Why did this product come here?


Everyone looked at Li Shimin and was shocked.

I saw that above Li Shimin's chest, there were many red rashes densely covered, and some red rashes had begun to bulge, forming individual pustules.

Li Shimin cheered, and the muscles on his body exploded, setting off the pus one by one more brightly.

Li Zhiyun smirked and shook his head.

It's a pity that this product doesn't become Mr. Bodybuilder

!" "Everyone must know that this is the second brother of the emperor and the current general of the Divine Empire,

Li Shimin!" Li Shimin bowed his hand to everyone: "Lucky will be lucky!"

Li Zhiyun saw that the civil and military officials did not have much interest in Li Shimin, obviously this product should have come here a long time ago.

"Just now, General Li endured the severe pain of his life, and in a short period of time, in our furnace-like military camp, he completed the first two rounds of lesions of the

smallpox vaccine!" "Everyone knows that the smallpox vaccine is not a smallpox virus, and it is acceptable to bite your teeth!" Everyone

looked at Li Shimin intently, their eyes full of admiration.

"General Lee can do it, and I believe we will be able to do it!" "

Do you have confidence!?"

All the soldiers looked excited, and violently grabbed their shirts and exposed them to the heat.


Zhiyun could feel that under the blessing of the coal around him, the temperature in the barracks had approached forty degrees!

But he has Lü Bu Xiangyu's divine power, and he has physical strength rushing and unparalleled rushing, what are these soldiers?

Although the picture in front of him is a little funny, looking at the firm expression of each soldier who gritted his teeth and insisted on it, Li Zhiyun's vision blurred....

"Ah, the emperor is here!" At

this time, I don't know who shouted, and everyone looked at Li Zhiyun in unison.

Li Zhiyun immediately held back his tears, and his expression immediately became serious

: "This is going to die, you guys are just fooling around!" Everyone

suddenly bent over

: "Wei Chen/Last General

, see the emperor!" Li Shimin also knelt on the ground:

"Heavenly Strategy General Li Shimin, see His Royal Highness the Emperor!"

Li Zhiyun lifted Li Shimin up with one hand, and squinted at Changsun Wuji and Xiao Yu on the side.

Lao Tzu asked you to plant this pox, who let you put this product out?

"Who are

you?" "Why has Xu never seen you?" Li

Zhiyun stared at the person in front of him.

I saw that this person was tall and powerful, no less than three hundred catties by eye; angular, rough skin, and did not look like a Central Plains person.


Zhiyun: ???

"Are you the Tiger Iron Rider, have you always been in my army?"

It turns out that the goods rewarded by the system are actually here.

It seems that the system directly attached Li Cunxiao's battle soul to the body of any Tiger Iron Rider soldier!

"Well, from now on, you Li Cunxiao will be the commander of this Tiger Iron Horse, and you will only obey my command

!" "The last general obeys the order!" Everyone

, especially Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin, looked at Li Cunxiao with burning eyes.

They have long yearned for the extremely combat-ready Tiger Iron Rider, and have always wanted to lead them, but they were cut off by this goods.

Especially today's scene, like a dream!

This cargo took all the tigers and iron horses and drove the 200,000 troops here.

At first, the soldiers did not understand, did not understand what this cargo was going to do.

Who knew that after listening to the encouragement of this product, he was actually persuaded by this product.



At this moment, more than a dozen people suddenly fainted to the ground!

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