Li Zhiyun immediately came to the fainting soldier to check on his condition.

"These soldiers are no longer good, hurry to the isolation hospital for treatment!" In

an instant, more than a dozen people who fainted were carried out by the tiger iron horse.

Li Zhiyun frowned, and said righteously to everyone:

"You all hurry up and disperse

!" "I understand your urgent feelings, but the attack on Goguryeo can not be completed overnight, and this smallpox virus is not as easy to deal with as you think!"

"Emperor, Goguryeo and Da Liang Chen Bing are millions on the Yellow River, and they are looking at my Huaxia tiger, and it is difficult for this thief to calm the world!"

"Yes, Emperor, my Shenzhou Empire only has more than 100 warships and 200,000 soldiers, how can I win an opponent with 22,000 warships and a million people?"

"This may be our only chance!

All the soldiers looked firm, righteous, and regarded death as if they were at home.

Li Zhiyun's scarlet eyes looked at everyone, and he said angrily: "

You immediately obey the order, disperse immediately!" But

everyone remained indifferent.

"Can't you resist?!" Li

Zhiyun strongly felt the determination of everyone, and it was difficult to shake.

And just then, the gate of the barracks was pushed open.

Row trucks laden with fruits, vegetables, milk and meatloaf were pulled in.

Wu Shu and Changsun Wuxian in front of the row car walked in front of Li Zhiyun.

"Brother Yun, they didn't resist, and the concubines knew about this.

"It's just that you can't be found at that time, and the concubines took it upon themselves to order the soldiers to come here."

"Please don't blame them!" Wu

Shu took a glass of milk and handed it to Li Zhiyun, blinked his eyes, grabbed Li

Zhiyun, and whispered: "Brother Yun, you must be hungry, it's okay, we haven't had children yet!"

Li Zhiyun:

Qing'er, Poppy, Xiao Meiniang, and Alan behind ???Wushu all nodded, and even Kinderman, who had just arrived, smiled.

The eldest grandson on the side said with great concern:

"Emperor Qiyu, I think what everyone said is good

!" "My Shenzhou Empire and the land of China have reached the moment of life and death! If we wait any longer, we will definitely fall into an extremely passive situation!" "

At that time, not only the lives of all the soldiers present will not be saved, but even all the people in this Luoyang City and even the land of China will be slaughtered in a foreign country!"

Changsun Wuxian paused, and his eyes were like torches:

"Emperor, do you want the soldiers to risk a rebirth, or do you want all my people to be buried together!?"

What Changsun Wuxian said was good!"

... Guanyinwu?" came

a familiar voice.

Changsun Wuxian immediately raised his head and looked ahead.

Two lines of tears ran down her cheeks.

"Li Er?" both

sides shouted each other's nicknames at the same time, and rushed to each other and hugged each other.

As if realizing something again, Li Shimin immediately pulled the mask on Changsun Wuxian's mouth, and then suddenly pushed her away.

"Guanyinwu, you better stay away from us..." Changsun

Wuxian stepped back sensibly:

"Then you have to assist the fifth brother here, no, assist the emperor, to win this big war!"

"Okay, this time it is not appropriate to stay for a long time, you guys put down your things and retreat!" Wu

Shu and the soldiers looked pleased.

"Put things down?" So

, Li Zhiyun agreed to the request of all the soldiers

, and Wu Shu, Changsun Wuxian and other women's troops walked out in three steps and two turns.

Li Zhiyun looked at the expectant expressions of all the soldiers and nodded helplessly.

Everyone immediately closed their eyes and stared, endured the pain, and waited for a new round of lesions of the smallpox vaccine....

Third day of November, 10 a.m.

Today is sunny and cloudless.

With the rising sun and the rising temperature of the surrounding coal, the toxins produced by the smallpox vaccine on the bodies of more than 200,000 soldiers have all been exposed.

On everyone's chest and back, there were scattered bulging pustules.

They also ushered in the most critical moment of breaking pus and scabs.

After holding out for nearly eight hours, everyone was already exhausted.

On the other hand, Li Cunxiao on the side, this product is worthy of being the first fierce general of the Tang Dynasty!

In the next scene, Li Cunxiao's actions directly stunned everyone! Li Cunxiao

pulled out the horizontal knife at his waist and inserted it into the coal.

After the horizontal knife was burned red, it was directly pasted to the pus on the body!


a burnt smell directly into everyone's noses.

Tang Jian, a foodie sitting on the side, touched his stomach and actually felt...

Li Cunxiao did not change his face and his heart did not beat the whole time, and his eyes did not blink.

Seeing this, all the tiger riders in the periphery also pulled out their horizontal knives and walked out.

When they came back, everyone's body was densely branded!

Li Cunxiao can do this, and Tiger Iron Riding can do so.

But what about these ordinary soldiers and soldiers

, how can they compare with Li Cunxiao

, seeing that everyone has reached a critical point, as if they are going to die in the next moment.

Li Zhiyun was anxious and paced back and forth.

"System, is it there?"

Li Zhiyun called out to the system over and over again, hoping that the system could help him at this moment.


Zhiyun's expression froze, and the voice of the system finally sounded in his mind!

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