Li Zhiyun immediately asked:

"May I ask the system, can I advance the next five rounds of rewards in advance?" Li

Zhiyun did not know what the content of each reward in the system was, and he could only look for some medical drugs by luck.

Li Zhiyun was suddenly a little disappointed, the system does not trust his strength very

much! Fuck

! How can this be good?

He can't watch these 200,000 soldiers fall into a desperate situation!

Just when Li Zhiyun had no master, the system prompt sounded again.

[Ding! The system can open the transfer permission of Lv Bu and Xiang Yu's combat power value for the host!]

Transfer permission


Lü Bu Xiangyu's combat power value can be obtained in two ways at present.

The first way is to directly kill the enemy to obtain, and for every two hundred people killed, you can increase it a little.

The second way is that if there is a separatist force to descend, the combat power value can be multiplied.

For example, Du Vowei led an army of 80,000 and a total of nine forces to surrender, and the system directly rewarded 270 combat power points.

If the 270 combat power value is evenly distributed to each soldier, it is not much different from the combat power value obtained by killing the enemy.

It's just that the combat power value obtained by directly killing the enemy is slightly higher.

What if, as the system said, all the 770 combat power points were transferred to the heads of the soldiers?

At the beginning, he was blessed by strong double combat power to quickly complete the whole process of acne breaking.


not only can I carry the outbreak of smallpox vaccine, but I can also enhance my own combat effectiveness!

"System, please distribute all my 770 Lü Bu Xiangyu combat power points to all the soldiers!"

Except for the Tiger Iron Ride. "

Is the host sure to do this?]

Li Zhiyun knew that the system actually wanted to ask himself when he asked this.

Li Zhiyun nodded without hesitation:

"OK!" In

an instant, Li Zhiyun suddenly felt a sharp pain all over his body, as if he had been cramped and peeled off by someone!

Countless yellow-glowing snowflake-like things burst out from his body and flew into the body of every soldier.

It's so fast that it's imperceptible.

Only Li Cunxiao in the crowd smiled at Li Zhiyun and bowed his hand respectfully.

All the soldiers who were enduring extreme pain suddenly trembled,

as if there was a powerful force rushing in their bodies.

Even the limbs felt much stronger

! Boom! Boom!

Everyone roared, exhaling a turbid breath that pressed deep into their abdomen.

The corners of Li Zhiyun's mouth turned up, and he couldn't help but secretly say in his heart.

This time he consumed 770 combat power points, and he returned to the era of running naked.


seems that he has to desperately go into battle to kill the enemy again!

"Huh, Goguryeo?!" Li

Zhiyun smiled strangely, his mind was full of Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill's million-strong army.

The requirements themselves are not high, the million-strong army can kill 200,000, and the rest will be handed over to the soldiers! 200,000

, but a proper 1,000 points of Lü Bu Xiangyu's combat power

! This temptation is simply not too great

! Of course, with the help of the Red Flame Halberd in his hand, it is obviously difficult to achieve!

But with the help of artillery or other means, it may not be!

Li Zhiyun was already confident, and he had thought of various strategies and how to deal with the testicular dog.

The third day of November, eight o'clock in the evening.

More than 200,000 soldiers have completed multiple rounds of smallpox vaccine outbreaks.

The pustules have also broken, and the last step is to scab over.

While they were happy, they also saw with heartache that there were still more than 2,000 soldiers, who did not carry it in the end and died under the hemorrhage of smallpox.

In addition, more than 3,000 soldiers were carried to isolation hospitals for further observation and treatment.

When it came to the scabbing step, everyone calmly drew the horizontal knife and walked out without hesitation

! There were screams one after another outside the tent, and everyone gritted their teeth and stuck the red tip of the knife to their skin!

Li Zhiyun's eyes were red, and his chest rose and fell violently.

With such a soldier, our Shenzhou Empire will surely be invincible and invincible, standing on the top of the world!

After a night of rest, the 200,000-strong army all gathered at the Luoyang Mountain military base.

Here, dense forests and remote locations make it an excellent place to escape the detection of Goguryeo scouts.

Banner hunting, full of fighting spirit.

In the open space on the left and right sides of the base, the women's army led by Wu Shu and the people who were not infected with the smallpox virus in this investigation gathered.

They knew what these soldiers were going to do next.

So in this parting moment, everyone's heart is filled with faint sadness

, perhaps, this will never return.

Perhaps, there are no bones left in this go.

Perhaps, this is a farewell.

Some people carry baskets of corn, pumpkins and watermelons; others hold a goat and half a side of pork.

Others directly took out the most precious family heirlooms, amulets and other jade pendants, bracelets, gossip mirrors, etc. in their homes.

They are waiting for the soldiers, they want to see off the soldiers.

Inside the barracks tent, Li Zhiyun stood on a high platform, with a pair of starry eyes, firm and scorching.

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