"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Li Zhiyun yelled at everyone.

Zong Luoji, Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin and the others who were in the head of Xingxing asked unwillingly while retreating:

"Emperor, now is a good opportunity to take advantage of the victory and pursue, we might as well bring a few thousand shells to let them drink a pot

!" "Yes, Emperor, defeat Goguryeo in one fell swoop, capture Gao Jianwu's grandson and let him dance!"


other party has retreated two nautical miles, which is enough to show that they have developed a sense of vigilance

!" "Moreover, it is already dawn in the morning, the sun will soon rise, and the fog will disperse

!" "If more than a hundred warships of our side are exposed to the enemy's field of vision, even if we have powerful firearms, it will be difficult to repel the encirclement of two thousand warships!"

I observed from my binoculars that above the deck of the enemy army, there were countless large catapulting machines!" Li

Zhiyun suddenly smiled slyly and asked everyone:

"Isn't the power of our shells just now very great?"

Yes, the shells are mixed with shards of glass, so that those high dogs of the dog day are blown up, stabbed to death, burned to death, frozen to death!"

Li Zhiyun suddenly changed his tone and poured cold water on everyone:

"Our shells are not so powerful!"


everyone looked at each other, but if you think about the previous test firing, it seems that the power of the shells is really not so great, so big that as soon as it touches the opponent's warship, the whole ship burns quickly!

Above the opponent's warship, next to the trebuchet, it should be barrels of black oil

!" "If these black oils are smeared on the huge rolling stones and then projected with the trebuchet, think about the consequences!"

The range is long and powerful, but if the range of the opponent's giant trebuchet is also far enough, then its own advantages will not be highlighted

! What's more, the other side has two thousand warships!

Thinking of this, everyone stopped clamoring to turn around and chase after Goguryeo, and their expressions became calm.

At this moment, Zong Luoji, who was on guard outside the ship, ran in and said eagerly:

"Emperor Qiyu, we are followed by a tail

!" "How many warships?" "The

distance is a little far, and the last general can't see it very clearly!" Li

Zhiyun and the others immediately came to the deck, picked up the binoculars and looked back.

In the telescope, only countless fire points can be seen behind, and it is indeed difficult to see with heavy fog.

After Li Zhiyun's analysis just now, now that enemy troops appeared in the rear, everyone persuaded one after another:

"Emperor, while the enemy has not yet caught up, let's retreat quickly

!" "Yes, Emperor, you said before that the fog will last for five nights, and in the early hours of tomorrow morning, we can attack it again!"

These 115 warships were hard-won, and although the other side damaged dozens of warships tonight, compared to two thousand warships, it was simply not a drop in the bucket.

If these 115 warships of his own encounter accidents or suffer heavy losses, defeating the powerful Goguryeo and Daliang navy will be far away!

But Zheng Wenxiu, who was a general of the Admiralty, stroked his beard and said meaningfully:

"Emperor, the last general has a different opinion!"

Zheng Wenxiu's experience in water combat is still stronger than that of dry ducks on land, such as Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin, and his horizons are broader.

Li Zhiyun smiled heartily, his eyes shining:

"What General Zheng said is right, then Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill will definitely not attack

all of them!" "Especially Xiao Mill of that big beam, this person is cowardly and narrow-minded, and I heard before that he actually disbanded an army of 500,000 in order to be in charge of power, and let them all go home to farm!"

What the emperor said is right, then Xiao Mill and Gao Jianwu must not be able to pee in a pot, we have an opportunity!" Li

Zhiyun looked at the vast water of the Yellow River behind him, and said to everyone:

"Since we can't see each other's reality, then why don't we slow down and wait for them?"

"Everyone rest for an hour and let the boat glide freely forward with ???the current and wind speed!"

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