Everyone looked reluctant, but after really lying flat, they found that lying flat was really fragrant.

In a flash.

Of the 115 ships, only the sentry soldiers remained, and the rest of the people, including the power pack under the cabin, immediately stopped.

Everyone used this hour to quickly replenish nutrition, close their eyes, and wait for the next moment of great war.

Li Zhiyun also leaned slightly on the railing, feeling the changes in his body.

Just now, he personally fired dozens of shells and sank no less than 5 building ships together with the first group of soldiers

! In this way, he killed at least

2,000 people! 2,000 people means that the comprehensive points of Lü Bu Xiangyu's double combat power can be increased by 10 points!

He also really felt that his muscles began to slowly change, and the familiar feeling of Lü Bu Xiangyu's double combat power once again embraced into the blood of his whole body.

Moreover, this time the feeling is more obvious.

"Is the system there?" [

Ding! system prompts, congratulations to the host for killing 60,000 people and obtaining 210 points of Lü Bu Xiangyu's double combat power comprehensive points!]

Li Zhiyun was suddenly stunned, 60,000 people?

In addition, how is the system calculated for these 210

comprehensive points?"May I ask the system, why is this?"

[Ding! The host evenly distributes 770 Lü Bu Xiangyu double combat power comprehensive points to 220,000 soldiers, and each of them will get 0.0035 combat power points!][All soldiers with Lü Bu Xiangyu's double combat power points,

the enemies they kill will be associated with the host!]

Li Zhiyun suddenly understood everything.

Roughly calculate in the heart.

This time, all the soldiers killed a total of 60,000 people, 60,000 multiplied by 0.0035, isn't it exactly 210 combat power points?

Li Zhiyun was even more excited to think that if he killed all the one million troops of Goguryeo and Daliang, then he could get a total of 3,500 double combat power!

3500 double combat power, equivalent to the combination of 38 Lü Bu and Xiang Yu

! 38,38!

At that time, will he knock down a thousand-year-old tree with one punch and smash a giant rock with one palm?

Li Zhiyun suddenly laughed geigeigei, and this laugh directly woke up Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, and others who were sleeping on the side.

Everyone looked at Li Zhiyun in unison.

Why is he laughing so badly

, especially in this howling north wind and the gray weather in the fog, it is even more creepy.

Zong Luojun on the deck immediately ran over excitedly

: "Emperor, are you awake

?" "Emperor Qiyu, the enemy has already chased up, less than three hundred meters away from us!"

Li Zhiyun and the others immediately came to the spirit:

"How many warships

?" "Can you see the big flag on the ship?" Zong

Luoji handed the telescope in his hand to Li Zhiyun and said:"

There are no less than 100 large warships in sight

!" "I have already seen the big characters on the flag -- Yuangai!"

Yuangai Suwen not only successfully resisted the Tang Dynasty's attempt to destroy Goguryeo, he also killed a hundred of King Rongliu's ministers, broke into the palace to kill King Rongliu and divided the body!

"Emperor, these more than 100 large ships, each ship should be distributed about fifty troops, then the other side is only more than 5,000 people at most

!" "This battle can be won!"

said Zheng Wenxiu with confidence.

Li Zhiyun looked at the black-pressed cockpit behind him:

"Beat the drum and plant the flag, prepare to meet the enemy!"

The drums of war were beating

, and the morale of all the soldiers was rushing!" "All the soldiers obeyed the order, the guns were out of the warehouse, and the shells were loaded!"

Yuan Gai Suwen, who was standing on the warship of the warship, immediately raised his right hand and signaled that all the warships would stop immediately.

And when he saw clearly that above the big flag on the other party's ship, there was a "Li" character.

Could it be that the other party is Li Zhiyun, the emperor of the Shenzhou Empire?

From the first day of November to today, that is, in just eight days.

He successfully resisted the invasion of the smallpox virus,

and came with an army to take the initiative to sneak attack?

And the anger in his heart for his brother's death was slowly replaced by reason.

In an

instant, the two armies were on the Yellow River, forming a state of confrontation.

The distance between them is only three or four hundred meters

! "You can't advance any further, the area ahead must be the range of the opponent's firepower!"

Yuangai Suwen immediately ordered to send ten empty ships full of black oil to attack Li Zhiyun with the help of the current!

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