Everyone around was suddenly shocked

! Li Cunxiao's easy blow actually knocked Yuangai Suwen back several meters

! Just ask this power, besides Li Zhiyun, who else!

Yuangai Suwen stood on the ground with his legs trembling slightly, relying on an axe to support his body, and the hand holding the battle axe couldn't help trembling.

Previously, he naively thought that his pair of 300-pound giant axes was invincible and invincible!

Yuangai Suwen was unwilling

! "Who are you?" Yuangai Suwen looked at Li Cunxiao and roared, his dignity seemed to be greatly insulted!

"Who am I?"

"You Goguryeo have lost all your conscience and harmed my people, and now

!" "As soon as you report to the end, you know that Skynet has never been neglected

!" "You can report back with Li Cunxiao!"


Zhiyun: ???

Cheng Yanjin: ???

this product really deserves to be an aphrodisiac master!

Yuan Gai Suwen is not convinced, but at this time he is more sober than anyone.

The heavyweight in front of me really can't fight!


Suwen turned around abruptly, hacked to death a tiger rider with an axe, stepped on his horse, and hurried towards the dense forest!

Cheng Yanjin was even more angry and shouted at Li Cunxiao: "Fool, don't hurry up and chase!" Li

Cunxiao looked at Cheng Yanjin's

urgent big face, put his hand in his mouth, and suddenly blew a loud whistle.

Yuangai Suwen stepped off his mount and suddenly seemed to be summoned, and immediately turned his head and ran towards Li Cunxiao.

The corners of Li Cunxiao's mouth turned up slightly.


! Don't look at what General Ben does

! All the tiger horses and shadow war horses here must be under the command of me Li Cunxiao

! I let them go east, and they dare not go west! I let them

raise their front hooves, but they dare not step on their hind legs!

Yuan Gai Suwen, who stands above the peerless shadow, has a fierce ghost in his eyes.

Since there is no way to retreat, then simply kill you

! Yuangai Suwen wrapped the horse's back, holding two large board axes and slapped the horse's butt hard, mobilizing all his strength to smash towards Li Cunxiao!

Who doesn't know, they have led the Tiger Iron Rider to complete many missions well earlier!

But the next moment, it made them happy and sincere!

I saw Li Cunxiao lightly lifting the eight-hundred-pound Yuwang Hammer and colliding with Yuangai Suwen's giant axe.

One of Yuangai Suwen's giant axes was knocked to the ground.

Li Cunxiao once again swung the Yuwang Hammer and smashed it towards Yuangai Suwen.

In an instant, the two sides in the battle almost forgot about the fight, and all looked sideways at

the two! These two people can be said to be the leaders of both sides

! Whoever dies will lose

! Whether to surrender or continue to fight depends on now

! Bang! The

huge sound was deafening, and the eight-hundred-pound Yuwang Gun knocked Yu Gai Suwen's giant axe directly to the ground!

Yu Wang Qi's speed did not decrease, and he smashed towards

Yuangai Suwen's chest! Yuangai Suwen was shocked, this Yuwang Qiao went down, and he was absolutely about to be crippled!

When his life was at stake, Yuangai Suwen on horseback suddenly jumped up, and his whole body retreated.

Li Cunxiao was shocked

! Yuwang Qiao, who was going to hit Yuangai Suwen's body, hit the Peerless War Horse! The Peerless Shadow Battle Horse was split in two by the powerful impact

! The head, forelimbs, and stomach exploded directly!


Suwen fell from the horse, his hands still trembling.

Li Cunxiao looked at the peerless war horse that was killed by his own mistake, and sorrow came from it

! As if he had died his dearest brother, he looked up to the sky and was furious:

"One report for another, why do you want your war horse to die for you!

?" "Don't you know that on the battlefield, the war horse is your closest comrade-in-arms?"

Yuangai Suwen: ???

is not a last resort? Aren't I just a last resort

? They are all dying, and they still care about horses?

Not to mention that this special is not their own war horse!

But all the soldiers looked at Li Cunxiao with great emotion, and there was a bit of admiration in their eyes.

Even those war horses, a pair of horses' eyes sprayed with a thick essence

light! And at this moment, a wave appeared not far above the Yellow River!

"Soldiers, our reinforcements have arrived!" everyone

suddenly looked into the distance.

A warship ...

Two warships ...

Three warships....

Yuangai Suwen and his army instantly boiled, and everyone tightly held the weapons in their hands, secretly exerting their strength!

What is it called sending charcoal in the snow

? What is it to turn the tide?

My King Rongliu of Goguryeo is a cow! My Great Goguryeo is

our strongest backing.

Yuangai Suwen was expecting more warships to appear, but it seemed that something had happened.

After three ships, no new ships appeared.

Just three ships,

Yuan Gai Suwen and everyone's mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

What does this King Rongliu mean

?? Is this going to give them up?

Zhang Xiu, deputy commander of Xiao Mill's Baling Officer Corps, stood on the bow of the ship.

Since regiment commander Dong Jingzhen was expelled from the Baling officer corps, Zhang Xiu became the de facto controller of the officer corps.

"Commander Zhang, look quickly, all of Yuangai Suwen's warships have been destroyed!" "

Shall we go ashore to help them?" Zhang

Xiusheng's tiger back bear's waist is about one meter and nine meters tall, but his eyes are not very big.

Zhang Xiu squinted slightly at the shore and joked:

"We are here to send a message to Yuangai Suwen, don't be nosy."

Zhang Xiu raised his neck, put his hands in the shape of a trumpet to his mouth, much like a long broken chrysanthemum, and shouted at the shore:

"Yuangai Suwen, Gao Jianwu let you go back!" The

sky was already appearing, and the fiery red sun was like a large ball, standing above the horizon, just shining on Zhang Xiu's face on the battleship.

Yuangai Suwen stretched his neck excitedly and listened carefully.

After listening for a long time, Yuangai Suwen roared back excitedly:

"What did you say?!"


Hello beautiful men and women, the author Jun will start two changes from today (put down your knives!), explain to everyone.

The author Jun will go back to his hometown next month to deal with something, and there may not be time to write at that time, but he does not want to break the change, and it is disrespectful to everyone, so I will save the manuscript crazy now, and keep this article updated during this time when I go home, I hope you will forgive me

! In July, the author Jun will try to compensate everyone more, thank you!

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