Although Yuangai Suwen could not hear what Zhang Xiu said, Zhang Xiu "saw" and understood what Yuangai Suwen said.

Just these words can be judged by lip language, it should be -

"You come here!"

It's hilarious!

I had to go

! I didn't expect to hurry up, but I still rushed before you had already landed and been hammered thousands of times by the other party!

But I can't blame me.

Who told you that Yuangai Suwen was overconfident in his own strength and too doting on that waste brother

! Yuangai Suwen, Yuangai Suwen

! Blinded by hatred

! What a fool!

Still can't understand the situation in front

of you? Although Gao Jianwu, the king of Rongliu, said that he wanted to save you, saying that you are the most rare member of the current fierce general.


a large number of reinforcements come to support?

The key is that such an important task was entrusted to outsiders, their soldiers.

You can see that this Rongliu King can't tolerate you."

King Rongliu must know that in front of the generals of the whole army, your majesty is so great that it threatens the throne!


you come back alive, you will be condemned to a mortal sin of disobeying military orders!

If you die outside, give you a title hero and reward you with a pennant.

It's just... Zhang

Xiu chuckled, stood up straight as he worked forward, and yelled again

: "General Yuangai come back soon!" "Yuangai Suwen, you big fool, come back quickly!" After

roaring, Zhang Xiu waved his hand to everyone around him:

"Okay, our task is completed

!" "

Retreat two hundred meters back, watch the play!"

Zhang Xiu didn't think that Yuangai Suwen could retreat with his whole body and come back alive.

Therefore, he did not care about the consequences of directly abandoning Yuangai Suwen.

It is better to observe from a distance and understand Li Zhiyun's true strength.

Yuangai Suwen and everyone saw Zhang Xiu's three warships retreating to the rear and understood everything.

This is to keep them here!

Yuan Gai Suwen naturally knows what kind of mentality Zhang Xiu is.

Today, it may be difficult to escape death, only by fighting with all our strength can there be a glimmer

of hope!" "Soldiers, the dog thief of the big beam refuses to save him, and Li Zhiyun will also be killed if he surrenders, only if we fight to the death to get out of the siege can there be hope of life

!" "Give me, kill!"

Yuangai Suwen brandished his battle axe and rushed up again.

Just looking at the direction, it does not look like a fight, but the northeast corner where the troops are weak.

He... Still want to escape!

A fierce look flashed in Li Cunxiao's eyes.

The divine dragon swung its tail, and Li Cunxiao's Yuwang Gong slammed into Yuangai Suwen, who was fleeing from the road!

Yuangai Suwen tried to block Li Cunxiao's attack, but how could he defeat the first fierce general Li Cunxiao.


Suwen was hit by Yuwang Gong solidly, and 24 ribs were broken all over his body, spitting out blood.

"Goguryeo's first fierce general is this kind of strength?"

"It's just a joke!"

shouted Li Cunxiao in disappointment.

Yuangai Suwen knew that he was weak to return to heaven, and immediately crawled on the ground:

"The criminal minister Yuangai Suwen is willing to surrender General Li, His Royal Highness Emperor Li Zhiyun!"

"We surrender, we surrender

!" "Please spare the emperor's life!" "


the two soldiers

did not retract the horizontal knife in their hands, and by inertia, they let them cut off two heads of Goguryeo soldiers with one sword.

Though... They are already on their knees.

All the soldiers who surrendered looked angrily at the two small soldiers, and Yuangai Suwen shouted even more:

"We all said surrendered, why do you still kill the killer?" "

Is this how you treat prisoners of war in the Shenzhou Empire?" The

two soldiers immediately looked at Li Zhiyun in horror.


the past, as long as the other side surrendered, according to the rules of engagement, they would no longer kill the other side.

Li Zhiyun walked towards the two with his eyes like a torch, and the two did not dare to raise their heads, but they still stood there straight, and the horizontal knife they held in their hands did not put down.

Ask yourself, although they are afraid, they will never regret

it! It is these dog thieves in front of them who have killed how many people of our

Shenzhou Empire! Their parents also died under the smallpox virus! If it were not for Emperor Li Zhiyun's powerful means to turn the tide, then the entire Luoyang City and even the more than 500,000 soldiers and civilians of the Shenzhou Empire would have been killed by the smallpox virus!

Li Zhiyun asked quietly, and a trace of schadenfreude flashed in Yuangai Suwen's eyes.

It seems that although this Li Zhiyun is a little fiercer, he still knows the rules of war.



two soldiers knelt down

: "Emperor Qiyu, we are guilty!" The

two soldiers paused and continued:

"But we will not regret it!"

Emperor, these

two came only last month, please forgive the emperor soon!" "Yes, they surrendered too suddenly, and the raised horizontal knife wanted to put it down, it was really difficult!"

"Don't blame them, if you want to blame these Goguryeo dog thieves, who saw them and didn't want to kill?" Li

Zhiyun waved his hand and asked:

"You two came only last month?"

The two soldiers nodded, not knowing what Li Zhiyun asked these for.

"Even so, you two have committed a great crime

!" "It's useless for anyone to intercede!"

Li Zhiyun said suddenly, shocking all the soldiers.

Why is this emperor a little different from before

? Didn't they just kill two people?

This is what you Li Zhiyun himself said:

"Refuse to surrender, one will not stay!"

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