Zhang Xiu and five or six soldiers walked in together, knelt on the ground, and had an extremely sad expression on their faces:

"King Qiyu Liang, King Qiyu Rongliu, the big thing is not good!"


Jianwu staggered back two steps and muttered,

"How is it possible!?"

The great king, General Yuangai was eager for revenge, and chased the thief army all the way, and by the time we caught up, General Yuangai had already surrendered on his knees

!" "What?"


No way

!" Heijiang Changguang glared at Zhang Xiu angrily:

"You are talking nonsense and insulting my General Yuangai!"

Gao Jianwu interrupted Heitooth Changguang's words.

He was already distrustful of the person of Heiji Changguang, who was born in Baekje and later belonged to him because of his private relationship with Yeongai Suwen.


Jianwu stepped forward and helped

Zhang Xiu up: "General Zhang has worked hard, tell me, how many soldiers and horses did the thief army Li Zhiyun have, how did he defeat Yuangai Suwen?" Zhang Xiu recalled the scene of Li Zhiyun abusing and killing Yuangai Suwen

and all the Goguryeo soldiers just now, and his face was immediately full of horror, repeating the cruelest picture to everyone.

He even added fuel to the scene of how Yuangai Suwen escaped like his grandson, was captured, surrendered in three and four lows, and then was tortured and killed by Li Zhiyun in more detail.

Even if he didn't see the scene of Li Zhiyun killing Yuangai Suwen at all.

"Are you saying that there are many cavalry soldiers ambushed on the shore

?" "Are you saying that one of them is a general, and Yuangai Suwen can't resist him in three moves?" "Are you saying that

Li Zhiyun is branded with red iron seals on everyone's chest and back?"

Everyone asked incredulously, Zhang Xiu nodded repeatedly, and his face once again turned from horror to grief:

"We also want to come forward to help, but we only have three Mengchong warships, even if we go, there will be no return!"

It's just a beast!" Zhang

Xiu did not shy away from meeting the gaze of Hei-toothed Changguang, and said directly: "Hei-toothed Changguang

, I've put up with you for a long time

!" "You

don't want to step forward to rescue General Yuangai, but General Yuangai is not as short-sighted as you!"

"He can clearly distinguish the situation, understand the overall situation, and drink us from a long distance away, so that we can come back and report the news!"

Zhang Xiu said excitedly, squeezing out tears in his eyes:

"General Yuangai died fiercely, died miserably!"

After Zhang Xiu finished speaking, he threw a sly afterglow to Heijiang Changguang.

The black teeth were often broad in the afterglow of Zhang embroidery, capturing the taste of provocation.

Black-toothed Changguang turned to the other Liang soldiers behind Zhang Xiu and asked,

"What he said is true?!"

Fuck, I'm also drunk

! Ask these soldiers of the big beams, what can you ask

? Zhang Xiuxin said, the black tooth Changguang is really a horseman

! Yuangai Suwen is dead

! Do you know what death is without proof?

Besides, the soldiers behind him are their own people!

Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill also stared closely at the few soldiers behind Zhang Xiu, but everyone said in unison:

"What General Zhang said is true!"


Qiyu King, Qiyu Liang King, Great General Yuangai Suwen outside the ship to ask for a meeting!" a

soldier rushed into the turtle ship and said anxiously.


?" "Who?"

Gao Jianwu, Xiao Mill, and Zhang Xiu asked in unison, their faces full of shock.

Heitooth Changguang had long since disappeared his shadow and rushed out directly.

A moment later, Yuangai Suwen was carried in by several people.


looked at Yuangai Suwen, who was covered in blood, hideous, covered in hair, and his eyes were scattered.

Dumbfounded, stunned, shocked, and incredible!

Yuangai Suwen stretched out a pair of hands full of dark brown blood and put his head on the ground:

"The criminal minister Yuangai Suwen, see the great king, see... King Liang

!" Gao Jianwu immediately walked over quickly, holding back the fishy smell, and grabbed Yuangai Suwen's hands, tears rolling in his eyes:

"General Yuangai, you have suffered!" "

We all thought you..."

"It's good to come back, it's good to come back!" Gao

Jianwu snorted and tears, unable to complain about the short and long of the paper, and couldn't say enough to worry about his stomach.

Yuangai Suwen's scattered gaze looked around, and stayed on Zhang Xiu's face on the side.

In an instant, his eyes were full of anger and fierceness, his chest rose and fell violently, and he shouted loudly with his hanging voice:

"My king, the criminal minister fell for Li Zhiyun's treachery, and led his soldiers to fight on the riverbank!" "

The two sides of the enemy and us were originally equal and indistinguishable, but in the end they were defeated!" "

I was originally a dying person, and I struggled to support my return, just to tell everyone why we lost the war!"

Yuangai Suwen stretched out the fingers of his right hand and pointed at Zhang Xiu with one eye closed:

"Being ambushed by the enemy's treachery is one

!" "Zhang Xiu!

"If he can lead three warships to the shore to support, our army will definitely be able to escape from danger!"

"I, Goguryeo, have made a contract with your Daliang, but you have turned a deaf ear to the lives of my Goguryeo

generals?" Gao Jianwu's generals Eulji Wende, Kim Yuxin, Heitooth Changguang and others angrily rebuked Zhang Xiu.

On the other side, the generals of the Great Liang State University, Su Hu'er, Yang Daosheng, and Shen Liusheng, lowered their heads in embarrassment.

In this way, Zhang Xiu's inconsistencies and lies are already an indisputable fact

! Although they very much want to defend

Zhang Xiu, they have no choice but to kill Zhang Xiu himself! Zhang Xiu's eyes wandered around, feeling everyone's strange gazes, and knelt on the ground with a "poof": "

King Qiyu Rongliu, King Liang, Yuangai Suwen surrendered on his knees, we really see

it!" The Shenzhou Empire has a deep hatred with us, why would they let Yuan Gai Suwen go now?" Zhang

Xiu did not answer this question head-on, but pointed his sword and diverted the contradiction point.

Watching the lively Silla , Baekje, the generals of the Wan Kingdom, and others were speechless.

It is difficult to determine which is right and wrong.

Gao Jianwu turned his head to look at Xiao Mill:

"Brother Xiao, what do you think?"

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