Xiao Mill consciously took care of the loss, stepped forward and raised his slap, angrily hit Zhang Xiu, and then raised a kick and kicked Zhang Xiu's stomach, and said angrily:

"You useless dog thing, you actually gave me Da Liang a disgrace!" "Since our Da Liang

and Goguryeo are one, then it is a unified combat whole, and unity is the most important thing at the moment!"

Xiao Mill continued to slap Zhang Xiu while raising his slap, blood oozed from the corner of Zhang Xiu's mouth, and he looked at Su Hu'er and Yang Daosheng on the side with his eyes.

The two immediately understood, and stepped forward to crawl in the tunnel:

"Great King, although Zhang Xiu is wrong, it is by no means the key

to Yuangai Suwen's defeat!" "The strength of the two sides is not comparable to what Yuangai Suwen said, Li Zhiyun should be far above Yuangai Suwen, which led to the current end!" Xiao

Mill stopped the movement in his hand and turned his head to look at Yuangai Suwen suspiciously.

As he

said, if the strength is equal, even without Zhang Xiu's assist, it should not be such a miserable situation!

"What the last general said is true, this embroidery is a rat that hinders the unity of the two armies, and it can't be kept

!" Yuangai Suwen suddenly leaned towards Xiao Mill: "King Da Liang, as the head of a country, you should not favor your subordinates, this will definitely shake the hearts of the two armies!"

Zhang Xiu argued:

"Yuangai Suwen, Hugh has to find an excuse to cover up his incompetence!"

Xiao Mill slapped Zhang Xiu twice angrily again, and said to a few soldiers behind

Zhang Xiu: "I don't listen to Zhang Xiu, nor do I listen to Yuangai Suwen!"

At this moment, they really don't know how to decide.

Xiao Mill stepped forward, pulled out the horizontal knife in his waist, pointed at everyone and pretended to be angry:

"King Ben wants you to tell the truth, if what Zhang Xiu said is good, King Ben should do justice for him!" "If what Zhang Xiu said is

not true, then he will be severely punished!" "

And if you tell lies, the consequences can be clearly thought out!?" The

soldiers kneeling on the ground still had no words, and Su Keer, Yang Daosheng, Shen Liusheng and other soldiers of the Great Liang also sweated in their hearts.


long as these soldiers are psychologically firm enough and understand Xiao Mill well, they can know what should happen next.

As long as you don't talk.

Everyone present looked at several soldiers.

Heiji Changguang, Eulji Wende, Jin Yuxin and others smiled contemptuously.

Now they have some regrets joining forces with a character like Xiao Mill.

Just ask these soldiers what they can ask?

A minute passed....

Two minutes passed....


For about five minutes, the venue was unusually quiet.

Xiao Mill silently let out a breath in his heart, just when he was about to open his mouth to excuse Zhang Xiu.


two soldiers behind Zhang Xiu suddenly raised their heads and said tremblingly

: "Great King! Great King

!" "Don't kill us, let's tell the truth!" Xiao

Mill's brows frowned, and Gao Jianwu's expression was startled

: "Don't hurry up yet!"

The two soldiers immediately said with sincere trepidation:

What General Yuangai said was right, if General Zhang Xiu could lead a thousand soldiers from three Mengchong warships to the shore to support, then it might be Li Zhiyun who died now!"

Xiao Mill was even more angry and said to himself

: "You two can see clearly!?" The two

immediately put their heads on the ground again, and their whole bodies trembled:

"The king spares his life! His subordinates dare not tell lies!" "

In the process of fighting between Yuangai Suwen and Li Zhiyun, it was precisely because General Zhang Xiu led the reinforcements to retreat, which gave Li Zhiyun a great morale boost and dealt a heavy blow to all the soldiers under Yuangai Suwen!"

"They thought... Thought... "

In this way, even if the number of participants in the battle is equal, how can they win the battle under low morale?"

When Zhang Xiu heard this, his eyes erupted with anger.

"What are the names of the two of you?"

The two were trembling and soulless, looking greedy for life and fearing death:

"King Qiyu, my name is Demon God, his name is Hua Yan!"

Xiao Mill only looked at the two carefully at this time, as if these two had never seen each other, but the names these two said must be nicknames.

With this habit of giving himself an imposing nickname, Xiao Mill knew who it was.

"Which general's subordinate are

you two?" "Why has King Ben never seen you?"

the two whispered

, "King Qiyu, the two of us originally belonged... Belongs to..." The

two of them wanted to speak, swallowing as if there were words of suffering.

"Don't say it soon!" "

The two of us belong to... It turned out to belong to... General Dong Jingzhen's subordinates!" Everyone

gasped, including Na Suhu'er, Yang Daosheng, Shen Liusheng, and the dozens of Daliang generals standing behind the hall, all looked at each other.

Even Zhang Xiu's face showed shock.

Dong Jingzhen turned out to be the commander of the Baling Officer Corps, and it was he who single-handedly founded the officer corps.


, Dong Jingzhen learned the news in advance and led some of his soldiers to flee north, but in the end he was killed by Li Zhiyun's subordinates Li Jing and Xin Fang'er!

After all, there are many soldiers in the Baling Legion, there are more than 100,000 people!

The Demon God and Hua Yan lowered their heads, and the corners of their mouths were slightly shallow.

When Dong Jingzhen's name is mentioned, everyone has to leave some affection.

Sure enough

, Xiao Mill pointed angrily at

Zhang Xiu: "Come, beat Zhang Xiu to death row, and ask for beheading at a later date!" Zhang Xiu

was paralyzed on the ground, his eyes were scattered.

And a sinister smile appeared at the corner of Yuangai Suwen's mouth.

General Zhang Xiu, sin will not lead

to death!" "What is right and wrong, you can't listen to the one-sided words of two ordinary soldiers

!" "Yes, big king, we originally guarded Jiangnan, and it was this Goguryeo who took the initiative to invite us to participate in the battle, not our intention!" "

If Zhang Xiu, the deputy regiment commander of the Baling Officer Corps, is sentenced to death, then how should we explain to the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Baling Legion?"

Everyone persuaded Xiao Mill.

How could Xiao Mill not know the significance of this embroidery to the entire Baling Legion! Even

to some extent, he Xiao Mill sometimes needed to rely on Zhang Xiu!

Xiao Mill looked at Gao Jianwu with an embarrassed face.

If Gao Jianwuken opens his mouth, he can save Zhang Xiu.

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