Zhang Xiu came with confidence, pointed to the other

ships, and said: "On those ships, there are still 50,000 spears and arrows!"

One after the other, equivalent to 100,000 sharp arrows!

The face of the black-toothed Changguang is not good-looking, but the good show is far from over.

"General Zhang Xiu has done a great job

!" Xiao Mill excitedly boasted, and Gao Jianwu also gave enough face

: "General Zhang Xiu's victory is gratifying!"

"Come on, prepare wine and food for the soldiers to catch the wind and wash the dust

!" Gao Jianwu said, about to leave, who knows, Zhang Xiu continued:

"King Qiyu, on those two warships, there are still 100,000 loads of grain and grass captured and tens of thousands of taels of gold, and the last general has not counted them!" Xiao

Mill had already blossomed happily, repeating it especially loudly:

"General Zhang, do you mean 100,000 loads of grain and grass?"

Gao Jianwu stopped, a pair of small eyes lit up, he understood the importance of grain and grass too well!

Now a million-strong army stands on this Yellow River, far from Goguryeo in the rear.

Drinking water can be solved by the water of the Yellow River under your feet, but this grain and grass has always been a big problem!

100,000 quintals of grain and grass is enough for the soldiers for a while.


knew that Zhang Xiu had not finished speaking, and pointed to a few boxes on the deck behind him, and said excitedly:

"Please look at the king, these five boxes are all high-quality black powder!" The

expressions of everyone in the black powder ???

suddenly froze, staring intently at the box that had been opened.

Xiao Mill excitedly took the black powder wrapped in sackcloth in his hand:

"Well, it's okay, the quality is not very good, but it is enough to deal with Li Zhiyun." "

General Zhang went this time, I didn't expect to harvest so richly, you have worked hard!" Zhang

Xiuhe had been praised so repeatedly, his face was full of smiles, and the afterlight swept towards the Demon God and Hua Yan brothers, adding to his trust in them.

The Demon God stepped forward

and said, "King Qiyu, these all depend on the great king to make a quick decision and General Zhang carefully arrange and spy on the military situation!" Gao

Jianwu's little heart was already very unbalanced, and he immediately changed the topic and said:

"Speaking of military information, this king wants to ask, how is the distribution of troops in the coastal cities?"

I believe that in less than half a month, every city in this Shenzhou Empire will become a dead city like Cangzhou

!" Gao Jianwu nodded, and Xiao Mill said happily:

"The generals have worked hard, there is no artillery fire on the Yellow River tonight, everyone can drink with confidence and boldly!"

There was a quiet sound from inside the ship.


The hull was shaky.

Not far away, Gao Jianwu, Heitooth Changguang and others fell into deep thought.

Why, since coming to the Yellow River, it was their Goguryeo soldiers and warships that suffered successive blows

? On the other hand, Xiao Mill's Liang army actually gained a lot without suffering much losses

? Is

this bad luck or a problem with his own strategy?

Within the next two days.

Xiao Mill and Gao Jianwu fought their own battles, landing more than ten times, and attacking a city along the coast each time!

In these two days, Li Zhiyun seemed to have disappeared and never appeared above the Yellow River.

According to the scout's report, Li Zhiyun seems to have returned to Luoyang, except for opening the city gate when carrying out thousands of corpses every day, the southeast, southwest, and northwest city gates are all closed.

The Shenzhou Empire has reached the end of the strong crossbow, and it is precarious!

It seems that there is no need to attack, just wait to enjoy the success.

But Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill were blinded by their achievements in the past two days.

How could they possibly sit still.

The two unanimously agreed that now was the best time for the army to attack Luoyang City and kill Li Zhiyun in one fell swoop!

Inside the Turtle Ship Hall.

All the high-ranking generals of Goguryeo and Daryang were on both sides, and the generals of Silla, Baekje, and Yin were listed in the rear.

This kind of position made Xiao Mill more satisfied, much stronger than the last time he let Goguryeo stand in the middle.

"Brother Xiao, during this time, your Daliang generals have worked hard, and the vanguard of attacking Luoyang, let us come!" Xiao

Mill lowered a dead fish eye:

"Brother Gao, after all, my Daliang army is fighting in the mainland, and it is better to be familiar with the land situation, it is better to... Let's be pioneers!" Although

both of them had smiles on their faces, they were full of gunpowder.

In their eyes, this Luoyang City is already in their pockets, and whoever enters the city first will have great benefits

! The world is rumored that Li Zhiyun has a jade seal made of superb jade, and whoever can get it is the lord of the Shenzhou Empire!

Changsun Wuxian is also in Luoyang City!

What is the purpose of fighting Jiangshan

? For the sake of peace in the world, for the sake of Fuze Cangsheng?

It's all bullshit! It's all fart! It's

just for playing! It's just for

playing beauty! It's just to make a few hard tosses and turns

! When I surrender my hand to the rivers and mountains to please you, 10,000 bullets will be fired in a volley and shouting for a thousand chickens! In

the end,

under the joint discussion of the two sides, Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill decided to divide their forces into two ways.


Jianwu led 500 warships and 250,000 men to capture the west side of Luoyang City.

Xiao Mill led more than 500 warships and 250,000 people to the south along the Yellow River, detoured to the south of Luoyang City, and attacked through the south gate.

Ten warships from Silla, Baekje, and the Kingdom of Yin were moored along the coast to replenish supplies.

Both sides had 1,000 warships and 500,000 men in battle.

The remaining 800 warships, 400,000 men, were distributed from Luoyang on the Yellow River to Hanoi County to prevent Li Zhiyun's sneak attack.

After discussing the countermeasures, the two immediately ordered all the soldiers to divide the work and check again the canvases, trebuchets, black powder, weapons and equipment of all ships.

And press the up arrow all the arrows that were captured without arrows on these occasions.

The Demon God and Hua Yan calculated the time in their hearts, it was 9 o'clock in the evening, and there were still 3 hours left before the army started.

According to the unified deployment of Li Zhiyun and Li Cunxiao, it's time to do something!

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