After dinner, the group of people all got busy.

Check the wooden paddle Check the wooden paddle.

Check the trebuchet of the inspection trebuchet.

Installation arrows for installation arrows.

And at this busy time, the Demon God and Hua Yan quietly sneaked into the powder magazine, except for a few packages of gunpowder, which were divided into small bags and put into leather pots.

Other gunpowder, in addition to dozens of packs on the surface, the other two bubbles of urine plus a few buckets of water got wet.

Then, they enthusiastically came to each ship to supervise the work.


Do you know that Bai Fan is a strong guarantee for our army's rapid advance or retreat, but you can't be careless!" The

Demon God and Hua Yan counted at everyone, but they nodded respectfully to the two.

In the past few days, the Demon God and Hua Yan have been their role models and goals!

These two were just like them before, just ordinary warriors, who knew that they would become great generals.

It also planted a seed of struggle in their hearts.

The Demon God stared at the dozens of soldiers who were stunned, and shook his head:

"Forget it, or General Ben personally stepped forward to check it, you guys are optimistic!" The

Demon God quickly climbed onto the mast of the battleship and submerged behind the canvas.

"Look, the ropes under these canvases must be sorted out!" the

demon god demonstrated while quietly tying a small packet of black powder in his arms to the mast.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to the canvas in the air, and Hua Yan, who was behind the crowd, quietly walked to the side of the winch.

Picked up a few arrows on the side, skimmed the arrows, and stuffed them into the winch....

Within more than two hours thereafter.

The two were stunned to get 200 warships!

The army was about to start, and the two looked silently into the distance.

The speedy battle pigeon Xiaoliu should have sent the secret letter to Li Zhiyun a long time ago....

November 11, midnight.

A thousand warships and 500,000 heavily armed armored soldiers marched from the Hanoi section to the Luoyang section.

Because it was going down the river, before four o'clock in the morning, the coalition forces had already arrived at the Luoyang section.

A thousand warships immediately divided into two routes, one led by Eulji Wende and Jin Yuxin, to attack the west gate of Luoyang City.

Along the way, led by Zhang Xiu, Su Hu'er, Yang Daosheng and others, they attacked the south gate of Luoyang City.

In the middle of the Yellow River, nearly a hundred warships were left to guard Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill's turtle boats.

Eulji Wende's warships slowly moved closer to the shore.

Looking around, the west gate of Luoyang City was unusually tall, and you could vaguely see that above the city wall, there were several idle soldiers standing guard and sentry.

Eulji Wende immediately ordered that fifty warships in front of them be lined up, and trebuchet cartridge bags filled with black powder.

In any case, in order to avoid taking the old way of covering up Su Wen, first come to bombard and find out if there are ambushes and Wolong forts along the coast!"

"All the soldiers obeyed the order, trebuchets and thunderbolts were ready, and black powder twisters

were lit!"

A raging fire lit up on the shore, lighting up a sky.

The dozens of Wolong forts on the shore only released a dozen long guns, and they were all blown up!

It can be seen that all the soldiers defending the city suddenly became a mess.


the soldiers obeyed the order, disembarked from the ship, and immediately landed. "

In an instant, the Goguryeo soldiers with fierce eyes, like greedy wolves, rushed towards the west gate of Luoyang City!"


?" "Who's talking?"

Eulji Bendok and Kim Yu-shin looked up at the city.

Wei Chi Jingde came to the front of the city wall, revealing eight white teeth

: "Of course it's your Grandpa Chi Chi

!" Eulji Wende shook his head:

"It turns out that you are a black son talking, if you don't look carefully, you really can't see it, it's like cow dung!"

"Laugh, laugh, this may be the last time

you can laugh!" Eulji Wende and Kim Yuxin looked at each other, and their laughs were even more presumptuous

: "Just by you people

?" "Where is Lee Ji-yun?"

"Don't hurry up and kneel in front of General Ben, General Ben can consider leaving him a whole corpse!"

Jin Yuxin looked around the scattered soldiers in the city with disdain:

General, this Luoyang City people must have died!" Who

knows, as soon as Jin Yuxin's words fell, a thick voice sounded:

"Is it?" A

figure suddenly appeared directly above the west gate of Luoyang City.

I saw that he was as tall as a green pine, and a war halberd in his hand was glowing golden.

With the clear moonlight and transparent torches, the elongated figures on the ground became more and more majestic.

"You are Li Zhiyun?"

Eulji Wende couldn't believe that this young man in front of him turned out to be the emperor of the Shenzhou Empire!"

"You just said, can't you see how many people are in Luoyang City?"

Every ten meters, there is a huge kerosene lamp made of transparent glass, illuminating every corner.

In the originally invisible, countless figures appeared, each wearing heavy armor and a long knife in his hand.

Jin Yuxin looked back at the 200,000 soldiers behind him, looked at the soldiers in the city, and said disdainfully:

"Li Zhiyun, you dare to shout here about this soldier


"That's a lot of nonsense!" Li

Zhiyun shouted, bending his bow and arrows at a very fast speed, and the "biu" sounded

! A powerful arrow seemed to break through the shackles of the air and roared away with the sound of breaking wind

! Bang! The black arrow cut off Jin Yuxin's index finger! Bang! The

speed did not decrease, straight into Jin Yuxin's slightly open mouth!

An arrow sealed his mouth!



Everyone looked at Li Zhiyun angrily:

"You are the king of a country, you actually used such a dirty means of sneak attack

!" "I blah!" Li

Zhiyun waved the hundred stone bow in his hand towards his chest, and everyone immediately covered their mouths vigilantly and retreated back in fear.

They were worried that Li Zhiyun would in their mouths.

Eulji Wende angrily grabbed the sharp arrow on Jin Yuxin's mouth, and while slowly pulling it out, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Just this little ability, just this little trick, can't hurt my soldiers of Great Goguryeo!"

"Don't shout

!" Eulji Wende looked at Li Zhiyun expressionlessly, and swung the sharp arrow in his hand into the air

: "When I break the city, I will seal your throat with a sword!" The

corners of Li Zhiyun's mouth turned up, and the red flame halberd pointed directly at Eulji Wende:

"Then taste the power of my spear first!"

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