
Qiyu King, three hundred warships have been found ahead!" A

signal soldier ran anxiously and knelt in front of the two, his whole body could not stop trembling.

One is because of diarrhea, and the other is because...


Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill immediately put on their pants again and came to the front of the turtle boat.

The weather was nice today, cloudless and scorching sun.

Even if you don't wear pants, you won't feel particularly cold.

But the hearts of the soldiers of Goguryeo and Daliang were extremely cold!

They have seen with their own eyes Li Zhiyun's brutality and ruthlessness! Fighting

the devil, there is only one end, that

is, death! In their eyes, there is also dissatisfaction with Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill

! In the great battle of Luoyang, the allied forces suffered a great defeat

! Why did they stay on the Yellow River

? Why didn't they run?

They had to wait for Li Zhiyun to fight!

It is no wonder that Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill are unwilling to withdraw their troops.

First, because they felt that Li Zhiyun must have exhausted his resources in the Battle of Luoyang, and it was impossible to organize an effective attack in a short period of time

! It was precisely this kind of luck mentality that was at work

! Second, because they were also bewitched by the "war maniac" Eulji Wende!

Under his repeated instigation, Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill were once again full of self-confidence! They

decided to attack the Tang Kingdom! The Tang Kingdom is Li Zhiyun's home country! Fighting the Tang Kingdom is equivalent to beating Li Zhiyun

! Gao Jianwu was also hot-headed, and not only forgave this war maniac, but also continued to use him

! In an instant, more than 300 warships appeared ahead


But in the eyes of Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill, this is a naked shame! "Everyone went up to the deck, thunderbolt chariots were ready, trebuchets were prepared, archers were ready!"

Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill

commanded the soldiers on a thousand warships at the same time.

One order after another, orders were given.

The flag in the hands of the flag bearer cannot be waved.

Although most of the soldiers still had unbearable stomach pain, they forced themselves to walk up the deck.


Jianwu and Xiao Mill stared intently ahead, but unexpectedly, Li Zhiyun stopped far away from them.


Look, look, look at the shore!"

shouted Ulji Wende suddenly pointing to the other side.

Gao Jianwu looked in the direction of Eulji Wende's finger, and was surprised to find that directly opposite the Yellow River, a dazzling light appeared!

Gao Jianwu seemed to understand Li Zhiyun's layout, but became less nervous.

"Brother Xiao don't need to be nervous, this is what Zhao Qi called the 'silver mirror', what we see in front of us is a kind of silver mirror - convex lens!" Xiao

Mill and the great generals Eulji Wende, Heiji Changguang, Su Hu'er and others were very puzzled.

"That's right, Li Zhiyun placed many convex lenses along the coast, which is nothing more than wanting to burn our warship and then attack us!" Gao

Jianwu pointed to Li Zhiyun in the distance and continued:

"They must have chosen the most appropriate time to attack!"

"This is the convex lens, which Zhao Qi took from Li Zhiyun!" Everyone

immediately looked closely around this small convex lens.

"The convex lens has the function of concentrating light, simply put, it reflects all the sun's light in a concentrated manner, forming an extremely high temperature that makes our wooden ship burn!" Xiao

Mill said nervously

: "We might as well quickly retreat, as long as our warship keeps moving, the convex lens can't hurt us!"

Gao Jianwu shook his head:

"No matter how fast our warship is, is it fast with their mirror?"

Gao Jianwu picked up the convex lens in front of him

and looked at the distant warship: "You guys look at the speed, is it fast!" "

Brother Gao, seeing that you are so calm, do you have a good plan?" Gao

Jianwu smiled strangely and said to the soldiers:


out the things!" The soldiers took out rolls of cyan things that looked like cloth from the cabin. Quickly cover the entire hull.


is a sea pine, it can't withstand Li Zhiyun's artillery fire, but it can prevent fire

!" "Yes

, this is what I ordered people to take at a great cost, from the northeast Changbaishan District, the wood is very hard and can withstand high temperatures

!" "Let's just say that our turtle ship, the whole hull is made

of sea pine!" Gao Jianwu said correctly, the fire resistance of sea pine is very strong, and the "pipe" used in later generations

Xiao Mill's burning gaze looked at

Gao Jianwu, and Gao Jianwu waved his big hand: "All the warships for Da Liang are also used!"


Jianwu originally prepared the amount of a thousand warships, but now he and Xiao Mill combined are only a thousand warships, so the materials are sufficient.


Changguang whispered on the side: "Such a good thing, why didn't you use it in the first place?"

"Otherwise, Yuangai Suwen wouldn't be so miserable

!" Gao Jianwu heard Blacktooth Changguang's complaints, and his face was displeased:

"King Ben said, this sea pine can only prevent fire, not shells, in addition, how do I know that Li Zhiyun will have shells?!"

Xiao Mill saw that the situation was wrong, and immediately interrupted

Gao Jianwu: "In this case, then thank you Brother

Gao!" Gao Jianwu patted Xiao Mill's shoulder:

"Now, we must unite and jointly ward off the enemy!"

Xiao Mill nodded

and said, "The convex lens is so lethal, you still need to put away all the canvas!" Gao

Jianwu suddenly slapped the fence:

"What Xiao Mill said is extreme, immediately take back the canvas!" All

the soldiers dragged their collapsed bodies and began to collect the canvas.

"Sell some strength, why don't those canvases

put away!" Gao Jianwu asked the flag soldiers to inform the distant warships, move quickly!

The soldiers in the distance: "Great King, it's not that we don't want to put it away, this... At

this moment, Liu Min, Ma Zhou, Yuan Tiangang and others above the shore led 20,000 soldiers and hundreds of people to erect hundreds of large convex lenses three meters high and two meters wide.

In addition, countless ordinary people have a convex lens, and some even brought ordinary mirrors from home to join the battle.

They have only one purpose, that is, to drive these dog thieves who invaded their homes out of the Yellow River and out of China as soon as possible!

Liu Min looked at the warships on the Yellow River with burning eyes.

"Look, those ships that have not lowered their sails are our target!" In

an instant, all the convex lenses were aimed at these warships!

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