Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill shouted into the distance:

"What are you doing

?" "Why don't you hurry down the white sails!!?"

The flag soldier commanded in a panic, conveying the meaning of the two great kings.

But the soldiers in the distance were panicked

! Fuck, it's not that he doesn't want to lower the white sails

, but this winch can't be pulled!

It's just that one or even several warships have encountered this situation, but hundreds of warships have encountered this situation, that is, there are ghosts!" "Damn, it's that

damn demon god and huayan again!" Gao

Jianwu and Xiao Mill immediately understood what the problem was!


Don't think about the winch, quickly cut the rope and lower the white sail!" But

by the time the flag soldiers conveyed Gao Jianwu's meaning, it was too late

! I saw the white sails on several warships and began to burn!

"Forget it, isn't it just some broken canvas, burn it!" And

the next moment, Gao Jianwu realized that things were not as simple as he thought

! Bang

bang! Bang bang! Several loud bangs hit

! The mast actually exploded strangely!

and then affected the entire warship


The huge penetrating force struck, causing the warship to tilt suddenly, throwing the soldiers on board out, and falling into the icy river

! The slender mast that Gao Jianwu did not pay attention to turned out to be the target

of the convex lens! "Wow, we succeeded, great!" The

common people on the shore cheered, and excitedly pointed the convex lens at the other warships!

The masts of dozens of warships immediately exploded

! A huge penetrating force struck

, and the entire sea surface was full of fire; the black powder of the explosion was like brilliant fireworks, igniting the entire

sky! Suddenly, the clear sky turned into dark clouds and the sun was eclipsed! The

demon god and Hua Yan on the shore looked at their masterpiece in front of them with great interest and clashed their fists to celebrate!

The convex lens exerted great power, and with the cooperation of black powder, blew up nearly a hundred warships of Goguryeo and Daliang!

"Damn it, damn

it!" "Damn Li Zhiyun!" "King Ben will definitely cut off your dog's head and feed it

!" As soon as Gao Jianwu's words fell, a pair of angry eyes suddenly found that the Li Zhiyun fleet in the distance actually moved! "Hurry

up!" "

Don't care about those broken canvases anymore!" "

Thunderbolt chariots, trebuchets are ready, keep an eye on the target in front - Li Zhiyun's


Gao Jianwu quickly ran to the Turtle Ship Thunderbolt Chariot Phalanx and personally beat the drum to direct the battle!

Xiao Mill also jumped onto his main battle ship, staring at Li Zhiyun in front of him with burning eyes.

More than three hundred warships led by Li Zhiyun roared murderously.

At this moment, Xiao Mill was filled with regret and sorrow.

Why did you have to follow

Gao Jianwu on this trip to muddy waters

? Is it not good to run the girder with peace of mind in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River

? Why do you have to follow Gao

Jianwu to attack Li Zhiyun? Not only did he not gain the slightest benefit, but he also damaged the foundation he had accumulated for decades

! This war is really not cost-effective!

Gao Jianwu visually measured the distance between him and Li Zhiyun.

"Close, close..." "

Everyone steady, steady!"

muttered Gao Jianwu, a little closer... A little closer....

"All of them, shoot me!" Gao

Jianwu waved his big hand, and hundreds of thunderbolt chariots shot out countless black powder, mud bombs, and fireballs together, whistling towards Li Zhiyun's fleet with the sound of the wind.

Bang bang!

"All of them, hold me steady!" Li

Zhiyun roared, and all the soldiers stood firmly on the deck and drove forward with full strength.

Bang bang!

Bang bang! Countless black powder, mud bombs, and fireballs struck again

! They smashed dozens of warships in front of the phalanx of Li Zhiyun's warships

! These warships were immediately stopped and broken, turned into scrap ships and sunk into the water

! "Hit, hit!" "

Great King, we have hit!" The

soldiers of Goguryeo and Daliang cheered and were extremely excited!

Since the beginning of the war, they have been pressed to the ground by Li Zhiyun and rubbed, without any power to fight back

! Today, this is the first time that Li Zhiyun's arrogance has been severely hit! How can people not be excited

! Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill looked at the warship that was constantly being sunk, and their eyes were bright! It

seems that this Li Zhiyun is not the invincible as the legend



Li Zhiyun had just faced off head-on, how could Li Zhiyun's 300 warships be opponents of a thousand warships?

Xiao Mill had many doubts in his eyes.

Obviously knowing that there were countless thunderbolt chariots and trebuchets ahead, why did this Li Zhiyun fleet not slow down,

scrambling to send them to death?!"

"Brother Gao, please see, we have sunk hundreds of enemy ships, why is there not a single corpse in the water?!" Gao

Jianwu immediately shifted his gaze to the surface of the water.

Gao Jianwu gasped

! Sure enough, not a single corpse surfaced!

This is wrong!

Could it be... Li

Zhiyun's fleet was still unabated, rushing towards the front of the coalition forces.

Gao Jianwu, who didn't have time to think about it, gave an order, and thousands of black powder and fireballs once again struck fiercely at Li Zhiyun's army.


! I don't believe it, it doesn't matter if there are empty ships

in front of you! High-density full-coverage shooting, see if you can dodge

! Bang bang! Bang bang! The shells hit dozens of warships in front of Li Zhiyun again!

These hit warships fell obliquely into the Yellow River, and after many huge bubbles, they disappeared in front of everyone.

Li Zhiyun, who was located behind the fleet, roared:

"It's now!" "Fire

a cannon for me!" Fire a cannon

! Bang bang! Hidden behind more than 200 warships, the real Li Zhiyun fleet fired thousands of artillery pieces in an instant!

Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill looked at the countless shells rushing in the air, shocked and distraught! In

an instant, they also understood that the ships that had taken the lead were all to cover the attack of the hundred warships behind.


it was too late, and a thousand shells smashed into more than 200 warships in front

! Flames filled the sky, limbs flew wildly, blood

stained the deck, and stained the river red! The extremely panicked coalition soldiers were shocked to the ground by the shells, and they could no longer control themselves, and chrysanthemums sprayed out, pouring into a thousand miles!

Pulled thin.

Gao Jianwu immediately realized.

He is no longer Li Zhiyun's opponent, if he insists on staying here, he will definitely die! Only

by rushing to the mouth of the sea and entering the sea, then Li Zhiyun will be helpless to himself!

It's time to run!

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