"Withdraw, retreat!"

Gao Jianwu immediately ordered, and all the troops withdrew towards the mouth of the Yellow River.

"Want to run?" The

tiger iron horse on the ship threw out countless anchor hooks, firmly hung the opponent's warship, erected countless cloud ladders, and straddled the two ships.

Li Cunxiao, who was standing at the forefront, raised the huge Yuwang Gun and roared:

"Quick, board the ship and fight!"


Cunxiao led tens of thousands of tiger horsemen and soldiers, with the help of ladders and ropes, towards Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill's combined army!

But how can these allied forces, who have been suffering from diarrhea and exhausted by croton for many days, be opponents of the Tiger Iron Rider

! Li Cunxiao is more like a killing god, and the Yuwang Hammer in his hand sweeps everything!

Gao Jianwu pointed at Li Cunxiao, who was fighting hard in the crowd, and said angrily to Eulji Wende, Heiji Changguang, Jin Yuxin, Su Huer, Xu Daosheng and others:

You guys go together and solve that problem for me!" They

also discovered Li Cunxiao's fierceness, and everyone clenched their weapons and rushed towards Li Cunxiao.

Li Cunxiao did not retreat, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Li Cunxiao suddenly raised the 800-pound Yu Wang Gun in his hand and smashed it fiercely towards the first black-toothed Changguang who rushed up!

With a loud bang, the black-toothed Tsunehiro suddenly disappeared from the deck!


everyone looked at each other.

On the deck where the black-toothed Changguang was standing just now, a big hole suddenly appeared!

Everyone looked at Li Cunxiao in horror.

What kind of power is

this? Is this still a person?

With one shot, he smashed the black tooth Changguang under the cabin!

Li Cunxiao raised the Yuwang Gun in his hand again and smashed it towards the four people.

It's time for a minute.

"Li Cunxiao get out of the way, I'll come too!" A

figure jumped up, and the red flame halberd in his hand emitted a dazzling light, as if tearing through the void

! The speed was so fast that Li Cunxiao couldn't see who was coming

! Bang bang! Four loud sounds sounded one after another, and Eulji Wende, Jin Yuxin, Su Hu'er, and Xu Daosheng disappeared from the deck together!

The speed did not decrease, and this mysterious figure disappeared from the deck like a ghost!

Li Zhiyun jumped up from below and returned to the deck.


Li Cunxiao looked at Li Zhiyun in shock, it seemed that Li Zhiyun in front of him had changed a lot compared to some time ago!


Cunxiao looked down the deck with slanted eyes and saw five corpses that had been chopped into minced meat...

Li Zhiyun smiled heartily and threw Li Cunxiao two pamphlets.

Li Cunxiao immediately took over

: "Ah Wei Eighteen

"?", "Pinhua Baojian

"?", "Yulou Spring"?", Li

Zhiyun: ???

"This is "Gun Art and Archery 108 Grand Completion"!" "This is "Six Tao Art of War Essence Edition"!" Li


"Type 108?"

Li Cunxiao's eyes suddenly blinked

: "Oh, I see, this gun is not another gun

!" Li Zhiyun quickly covered Li Cunxiao's mouth:


!" "Don't let Lao Luo hear it

!" "You teach these to the Tiger Iron Rider and all the soldiers!" Li

Cunxiao nodded excitedly and took the two pamphlets into his arms.

The two chatted pleasantly, but Gao Jianwu and Xiao Mill were sweating anxiously

! "Withdraw! Quickly evacuate me!" Gao

Jianwu directly abandoned the warship behind him, which was hooked by Li Zhiyun, and led the remaining more than 300 warships, desperately fleeing towards the mouth of the Yellow River.

All the soldiers couldn't care about their stomachs that were making a tantrum, and even though the yellow thing was pulled all over the deck, they still paddled with all their strength.

They knew that if they relaxed a little, they would be caught by

Li Zhiyun! There was only one result of being caught, that is, death

!"Emperor, Gao Jianwu wants to run

!" Li Cunxiao was about to chase him, but was stopped by Li Zhiyun:

"Don't worry about them, now concentrate your firepower against Xiao Mill!" Xiao Mill

looked at the back of the distant Goguryeo army, and was dumbfounded!

If you

want to return to your hometown, you must follow Gao Jianwu's army, first to the mouth of the Yellow River to join the sea, and then sail from the sea to the mouth of the Yangtze River!

But now, he has been abandoned?

But Li Zhiyun suddenly ordered everyone to stop attacking, pointed at Xiao Mill and shouted:

"Xiao Thief, do you see who they are?"

Suddenly, more than two hundred people appeared on the deck.

They were tied up strong, old and young, male and female.

Xiao Mill's expression suddenly froze, and he was stunned in place.

These people in front of him, he is all familiar with, all of them are his own family!

Among them are their own old fathers, old mothers, sons, daughters, and many concubines....

"Li Zhiyun, why should the two armies involve their families in the war

!" "You are simply despicable and

shameless!" "Am I despicable

and shameless

?" The corners of Li Zhiyun's mouth turned up, and he said disdainfully:

"Why didn't you think of this when you colluded with that Gao Jianwu to release the smallpox virus on the people of my Shenzhou Empire?"

At present, Li Zhiyun only has 100 warships and more than 50,000 men, while he still has more than 300 warships and nearly 150,000 troops left!

The black hole gun port above the opponent's warship and the countless shells placed next to it made them extremely frightened and helpless.



a crisp sound interrupted Xiao Mill's thoughts.

Many soldiers were frightened, and the weapons in their hands suddenly fell to the ground!

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