"What are you doing? pick up the knife for me!" Xiao

Mill roared angrily:

"Don't you know the consequences of surrender?" When

everyone listened, they remembered the tragic scene of that night, and all the soldiers who surrendered were brutally killed by Li Zhiyun...

They clenched their weapons again.

Liu Min looked at Li Zhiyun, and after asking his meaning, he said loudly:

"All the soldiers of Daliang, I Liu Min promise you that those who surrender will not be killed!"

Liu Min hit the railway while it was hot:

"Do you want to follow such a ruthless and unrighteous person to fight the world

?" "He doesn't even care about the lives of his family, let alone you?"

No matter how Xiao Mill blocked and roared, no one paid attention.

They also came to this Yellow River to learn about the smallpox virus, so much so that they became Xiao Mill's accomplices and killed tens of thousands of ordinary people!

Xiao Mill watched as more and more soldiers gave up their resistance and knelt trembling on the ground, knowing that his general trend was gone.

Hate can only hate your own short-sightedness and Gao Jianwu's ruthlessness!

"The criminal minister, Xiao Mill, the lord of the Great Liang Kingdom, surrendered with all the soldiers to the emperor of the Shenzhou Empire, His Royal Highness

Li Zhiyun!" "I only hope that the emperor can spare my family, even if the criminal minister dies, there is nothing to complain!" Li

Zhiyun played with a box of aspirin in his hand and looked at all the soldiers who were kneeling on the ground:

"Get up!" Everyone

stood up, unable to believe that this was true, Li Zhiyun didn't even kill them!

"The emperor doesn't seem

to have let you get up!" Zong

Luoji pointed at Xiao Mill, who stood up, and said angrily

: "These soldiers did not surrender because you surrendered, and they have nothing to do with you

!" Zong Luoxi suddenly drew his horizontal knife:

"You must die to be worthy of the tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians who died in my Shenzhou Empire!"

Luo Shixin on the side looked at Xiao Mill's flower-like concubine, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Xiao Mill looked at Zong Luo angrily:

"Who are you?"

"I'm sorry, he has the final say here,"

Li Zhiyun pointed at Zong Luoji.

Xiao Mill felt like a clown, being tricked around by

Li Zhiyun: "Li Zhiyun, you actually backtracked!" "

I have already condescended to surrender to you, why should you kill them all... "


! Xiao Mill's words stopped abruptly, and a person's head flew out

! Zong Luo Xiao rode at the

tiger iron horse: "What are you waiting for?" In

an instant, the tiger iron horse killed all of Xiao Mill's male dependents!

"Don't kill us, don't kill us!" Sun

Simiao said angrily:

"Don't move

!" "I'm giving you a pulse!" "

Don't you want to cure dysentery?!" "


they stretched out their right hand tremblingly, and their terrified eyes slowly returned to normal....

Li Cunxiao was a little anxious.


Emperor, don't we go after Gao Jianwu?"

"In less than two days, they will be able to escape from the Yellow River and go straight to the sea

!" "At that time, it will be difficult for us to capture Goguryeo in one fell swoop!" Zong

Luoji, Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, and Wei Chi Jingde also stepped forward and echoed:

Emperor, it would be a pity to miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to destroy Goguryeo in one fell swoop!" Li

Zhiyun looked at everyone's anxious appearance, and calmly and calmly

: "Don't worry, let's rest here for a day first, and then leave tomorrow

!" Everyone: ???

"Emperor, when is this, still rest!" "

Yes, the last will not sleep!"

Li Zhiyun looked around at everyone:

"Have you forgotten Li Shimin, the general of the Heavenly Strategy?" "

He has already led 100,000 soldiers to the mouth of the Yellow River, and the 100,000 Tang troops of Changsun Wuji and Fang Xuanling have already been deployed in Bohai County!"

But they suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Emperor, it doesn't seem right

!" "Then General Li Shimin went with cavalry and infantry, they don't have warships!" "

Although the Tang Kingdom has dozens of warships, do they have artillery for Fang Xuanling

?" "Do they know how to operate?" "

How do they stop Gao Jianwu above the Yellow River?"

Faced with everyone's many questions, Li Zhiyun pointed to Zheng

Wenxiu: "I'm a little tired, let Wenxiu explain it to everyone!" Zheng Wenxiu stepped forward, a pair of eyes flashed with golden light:

"Let me popularize it to everyone, the Yellow River is the most important birthplace of our Chinese civilization, and we also call it the 'Mother River'!"

Every year, the Yellow River carries a huge amount of sediment to the lower reaches of the Yellow River, forming alluvial plains, which is very conducive to the cultivation of crops..."

Cheng Yanjin waved his hand

: "We all know this, what do you say these things for? Is it related to the attack on Goguryeo?"

Zheng Wenxiu smiled and continued:

"The Yellow River flows into the sea in Bohai County, but the narrowest part of the estuary is less than 300 meters, and the water depth is generally only about 3 meters. Everyone

frowned, looking at Zheng Wenxiu with incomprehensible meaning.

If this is the case, with such a narrow road and such shallow water, how did the big ship of Goguryeo come over?

"This year's continuous heavy rains have caused the water level of the Yellow River to soar, but according to my speculation, at this time, the widest is at most 1,000 meters, and the deepest point is only about 15 meters!"

Zheng Wenxiu saw everyone's suspicions, and said with conviction

: "During the heavy rainstorm, I personally detected

it!" Li Zhiyun nodded to everyone:

"Wen Xiu is right, it is true!"

Li Zhiyun waved his hand:

"Everyone go to rest quickly, and I will also go to rest when I am tired."

Li Zhiyun said, striding towards the largest building ship.

Li Cunxiao, Zong Luoji, Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin and others followed Li Zhiyun and went to the building boat to make a scene.

Others fish, brag, drink and enjoy this rare afternoon.

Li Zhiyun and everyone looked up, the ship was divided into four floors, in addition to basic combat capabilities, the entire ship was built into a mobile palace.

In particular, an oversized soft bed that was nearly 20 meters long and 10 meters wide immediately attracted Li Zhiyun's attention.

This bed looks like a modern tatami mat from a distance.

"Such a big bed?"

"It's really a drunken gold fan who doesn't do his job!!"

quipped Li Zhiyun.

Everyone laughed.

But the speaker has no intention, the listener has a heart.

Luo Shixin said to everyone:

"Everyone go out, let the emperor have a good rest!" Everyone

immediately dispersed, Luo Shixin turned around and raised an eyebrow at Li Zhiyun as he walked, and his eyes blinked quickly.

Li Zhiyun: ???

What does this old Luo mean

? How does it feel strange?

The warm sunlight shines in, and the wide bed is extremely comfortable.

Just as Li Zhiyun was in a daze, there was a knock on the door.

Luo Shixin walked over with a smile, and behind him, there were many people.

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