Li Zhiyun looked at Luo Shixin, and then at the many people behind him.

"Old Luo, which one are you doing?"

Luo Shixin clapped his hands:

"Don't you hurry up and introduce yourself to the emperor!" Many

beauties hurriedly introduced themselves, after all, this person in front of him decided his life and death!"

"Emperor Qiyu, the concubine is called Cherry, I..." "

Everyone doesn't need to be nervous, tell the truth!"

"Emperor Qiyu, the concubine is called Cherry, and because there is really no food at home, she was sent here by her parents..." Cherry said, and two lines of tears rolled down.

"Emperor Qiyu, the concubine is called Sanfeng, the third oldest in the family, and there are two sisters on it, no one has cared about me since my parents starved to death, woo-woo..."

Everyone else introduced it.

Everyone has a sad past, which makes Li Zhiyun and Luo Shixin a little uncomfortable.


are all pitiful people!"

"Where did these people come from?" asked Li Zhiyun.

Luo Shixin spread out his hands

: "Emperor, these people were all captured or deceived by Xiao Mill, now think about it, that Xiao Mill is indeed hateful!" Li

Zhiyun waved his hand:

"They are also bitter people, everyone will pay for the journey home, tomorrow morning they will go back to their respective homes

!" "If there are no people at home, you can also find an errand in the logistics office of the army and cook for the soldiers!"

When Li Zhiyun finished speaking, everyone was stunned and did not react at all! Go

home? Go home!

Where is their home in the world?

However, when they heard the

word "go home", they still felt extremely close.

They originally thought that they would fall into another wolf's den

! They did not expect that this young and handsome man in front of them was so kind to them

! Although they had no home, they finally escaped from bad luck!

Everyone immediately knelt down:

"Thank you emperor, concubine... No, we will vigorously preach the virtue of the emperor

!" "Thank you Emperor, your kindness will be remembered for a lifetime!" "

Emperor, I don't have a home anymore, I beg to stay in the army and cook for the soldiers

!" "Emperor, I am too, although I am a weak woman, but laundry and cooking are no problem!"

The whole building and ship were clean again, and those who should go home went back to pack their things, and those who voluntarily stayed in the army had other arrangements.

Although Luo Shixin felt empty in his heart, it was somewhat different from his original plan.

But there was a sense of pride in my heart.

He admired the young man in front of him even more! How

big is

this? Not only does he have terrifying combat effectiveness, brilliant planning power, but also a benevolent heart!

Isn't this the standard of the world's clear lord?

He also had to go back and ponder how he could increase his strength value, and at the same time train his head to be bright

! For example, to make his own contribution to the emperor's rivers and mountains!

Only Li Zhiyun was left in the entire shipbuilding, and he hurriedly calculated one thing.

The latest index of Lü Bu Xiang Yu's combat power! Xiao

Mill has been killed today, and the big beam no longer exists.

The reward of the system should be coming soon, right

? I don't know how much index the combat power of Lü Bu Xiangyu will have this time

? Will the system be generous once?

If you want to sleep, someone will hand over a pillow, and when Li Zhiyun thinks of this, a crisp voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully destroying the beam and obtaining the blue dot treasure box, can you open it?]


Li Zhiyun instantly felt that the red light on the avenue in his mind disappeared again

! A blue light appeared, and the road suddenly extended a lot forward!

Faintly, Li Zhiyun saw a big tree in front of the road, and the tree was full of red fruits.

But there was also a red light flashing in front of the tree.

Could it be that this is equivalent to the traffic light of the later life

? After changing the red light in front of you to the green light, you can pick those fruits?

Probably, the ancient people did not like the word "green";

unlike those young people in later generations, some people liked to be green slaves

! "System, can the fruit on this tree be eaten?"[

Ding! The host can get the fruit by obtaining another blue light.

Li Zhiyun: ???

this is the end of the explanation?

It is equivalent to saying nothing, but this tree is definitely not ordinary, maybe the fruit on the tree will be of great use!

I can only capture Goguryeo as soon as possible and get another blue lantern

! However, the time should not be too long

! [Ding! Congratulations to the host for increasing the cooldown of the Physical Rushing Skill to infinity!][Ding!Congratulations to the host Wushuang Rushing Cooldown increased to 1 infinity!][Ding!Congratulations

to the host Lü Bu Xiangyu's double combat power increased to 1800 points!]1800 points


Li Zhiyun calculated in his heart, and the system still rewarded according to the ratio of 0.0035.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of those 100,000 soldiers who are associated with themselves is also gradually increasing! This is good news

! [Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 100 sets of deep-sea giant fishing nets and 10,000 life jackets!] Deep-sea giant fishing nets? Life jackets? [Ding! Congratulations to the host

for obtaining diesel engine production technology, The propeller production technology, the relevant manuals have been transmitted to the host brain, and 1,000 finished products, 1,000 tons of diesel fuel and 1,000 tons of heavy oil have been obtained

!] Li Zhiyun: ??? [System: You just say that I can't lie

in the groove!]"Lying groove! This is really good

!" "What more technology, what more bicycle!" Li

Zhiyun was instantly full of confidence in the endless sea!

The diesel engine can be used as the power of the ship, urging the propellers, so that these bulky ships can speed up! Completely crush the opponent

! If these equipment are mass-produced, equipping a powerful navy is just around the corner

! Controlling the sea is equivalent to controlling half of the world, you know, in this era, there is only an army and a navy, no air force!

It is also possible to develop some "land combat vehicles" to kill southwest China with lightning speed and destroy Daliang and Tubo in one fell swoop

! The army and navy are the first in the world, who is contending with the front?

! Now, it depends on whether Li Shimin, who is at the mouth of the Yellow River, can stop Gao Jianwu!

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