Three days later, the mouth of the Yellow River, Bohai County.

Under Li Shimin's all-out mobilization, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians along the coast united as one and removed all the door panels in their homes! Li Shimin

finally realized the saying: "The king is a boat, the people are water, and water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn a boat!" but

he very much disagreed with Li Zhiyun's other


"This sentence is said by fools!"

On the pontoon, everyone was nervously busy, rubbing together countless ropes as thick as an arm, forming dozens of huge ropes as thick as one person.

These ropes are pulled through pontoon bridges from the east bank of the Yellow River to the west bank of the Yellow River.

Li Jing and Fang Xuanling, two good friends, finally met after many days!

"You and King Qin, no, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, don't you still talk?"

asked Fang Xuanling, taking Li Jing's hand.

"Hmph, what King Qin, what His Royal Highness the Crown Prince

!" "He is now just a small general under the Emperor's Sect!" Li

Jing and Su Dingfang had arrogant faces on their faces, waiting for the surprise on their faces.

But Fang Xuanling, Qin Qiong, Liu Wenjing and others were very calm, it seemed that all this was expected by them.

At present, only with the concerted efforts of the whole land of China can we accomplish the great cause of unification as soon as possible! Lead

all the people to a peaceful and prosperous era, and lead them to prosperity! If

Li Shimin and Li Zhiyun can join forces, then this dream of a peaceful and prosperous era will soon come.

Everything is ready, just wait for the east wind.

About half a day later.

The army led by Gao Jianwu hurriedly arrived.

"Great king, look quickly

!" "Ahead is the mouth of the sea!"

Suddenly, Gao Jianwu's army boiled!

"Wow, finally arrived in Bohai County, you can finally go home!"

Everyone cheered, their eyes burning.

"What is that?" Gao

Jianwu looked at it from afar, and saw that two pontoon bridges appeared in the center of the river two miles ahead!

The first pontoon bridge was empty, but it seemed to be full of things, and the second pontoon bridge was black pressing a group of people!

After the explosion of black powder, the people on the second pontoon will attack them.


Jianwu really couldn't think of anyone else who would be his enemy

! But it must not be Li Zhiyun!

"Great King, the world is rumoring that Li Shimin of the Tang Kingdom has served Li Zhiyun, and Li Shimin has not been found in the great battle!" "

Could the troops in front be Li Shimin's soldiers?" Gao

Jianwu squinted slightly and looked at the two pontoon bridges directly in front of him.

Although this Li Shimin and Li Zhiyun were born of a father, they were not born of a mother after all, and even this IQ was half a cut

!" "All the soldiers obeyed the order, the thunderbolt chariot threw black powder, blew up the two pontoon bridges in front, and the whole army quickly advanced and quickly broke through the obstacles!"

Countless black powder was stuffed into the ammunition bag of the thunderbolt chariot, and a huge balance rod was heavily pressed down by the soldiers, only waiting for Gao Jianwu's order!

Ahead is your own country, as long as you break through the last barrier and join the sea.

Gao Jianwu looked vigilantly on both sides of the bank, and there seemed to be some wind and grass in the dense forest.

If this obstacle cannot be broken, there is only one way to die

! Not to mention that he is in the water and the enemy is on the shore, how can he help himself!

Gao Jianwu commanded the fleet to frantically flee forward, and the thunderbolt chariot kept shooting black powder and smashing into the first pontoon bridge.

At this moment

, drums on both sides of the Yellow River were beating loudly, and banners were hunting! Countless

figures and countless war horses appeared from the dense forest.

Li Shimin shouted a loud trumpet:

"All of them, give me a hard pull!" Fang

Xuanling and others on the other side immediately responded, leading hundreds of thousands of Tang soldiers and the black-pressed people behind them to pull the thick rope together.

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of people on both sides of the strait played a game of tug-of-war.

The huge rope that was submerged in the river was suddenly lifted out of

the water! Gao Jianwu and all the soldiers focused their attention on the front and sides, and did not immediately see the rope that was slowly rising one or two meters above the water!

A warship rushing to the front seemed to be blocked by a foreign object, and the bow of the ship jumped and flipped backwards 180 degrees

! An entire boat of soldiers all fell into the water

! The warship "Duang" soaring above covered their bodies with a loud sound

! Hundreds of people were shot to death on the spot!


!" "Stop quickly!" Gao

Jianwu noticed that something was wrong and danced in panic.

But due to inertia, it is impossible for the warship to stop at once.

What's more, the oarsmen on both sides of the ship's railing glided forward with all their strength, and no one heard Gao Jianwu's order!

"Bang bang—

" "Daung!"



Countless warships turned backwards one after another.

After everyone on the boat was beaten into the icy water, they were smashed to death and stunned by the boat!

"Hold on!" "

Hold on!"

Li Shimin and Fang Xuanling on both sides of the Yellow River shouted loudly.

There are many soldiers and ordinary people at the end of the rope, who have been pulled into the Yellow River by the huge impact.

But their hands were clinging to the rope, and even though their sleeves had been worn and their arms were peeled off a layer of skin, they never let go of the rope in their arms.

Gao Jianwu's more than 300 warships, except for dozens of tall building ships, the rest of the ships were stopped by ropes and overturned.

Gao Jianwu looked at the second pontoon bridge with a pair of bright red eyes, and he had only one thought in his heart, that is, escape!

On the second pontoon bridge, countless grenade canisters were arranged in three columns, ejecting bamboo barrel grenades.

The surface of the water suddenly splashed and chopped.

Gao Jianwu's turtle boat is like a flat boat in the sea, crumbling.

"This hard break can't be broken in..." Gao

Jianwu personally stepped forward to take the helm, suddenly turned the direction of the turtle boat, and fled behind him.

Dozens of steamers behind him followed.

And when the turtle ship driven by Gao Jianwu frantically fled to the rear, hundreds of warships appeared in front.

Li Zhiyun stood on the deck of the first ship, looking at Gao Jianwu who was roaring ahead, and gave an order! The black hole aimed at Gao

Jianwu's turtle ship!

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