"System, what kind of

tree is this tree?" [Ding, answer the host, this tree is a prophecy tree, the fruit is a prophetic fruit, the host will get a fruit for each country he conquers in the future!]

Lie down!

The prophecy tree?

This is awesome

! Li Zhiyun directly burst out with excitement.


The system predicts, how long will I live?"

Li Zhiyun has always wanted to ask.


this life, I traveled to the Great Tang Dynasty, I was sixteen years old

, and after this year, I was 17 years old! Rainy season at the age of 17!

We have common expectations

and once hugged each other tightly

, and recalled the bits and pieces of childhood

during the rainy season of the year when we were seventeen years old


didn't want to hang up early like in his previous life

! Therefore, he was particularly concerned about this problem, especially he wanted to know! [

Ding! This prophecy can only predict things within a month!]

Li Zhiyun: ???

lying groove!

Such a pit?

Forget about giving a fruit to the stingy Bala, but I didn't expect that I could only predict within a month

! [Ding! Please respect the host! The prophecy tree is an additional reward for the system to wish the host good things soon, if the host does not like it, the system has the right to take it back!]

Li Zhiyun was dumbfounded all of a sudden, and for the first time he knew about this cold system, and he was a little tempered!

"Sorry, I accepted this gift!" Li

Zhiyun immediately bowed three times to the system in his mind:

"In other words, good things are coming, what good things are there?" Li

Zhiyun thought for a while, and it seemed that there were no good things recently.

Is it possible that the New Year is almost over, and the system gives itself a New Year greeting?

[Ding! If the host wants to know what happy events in advance, he can take the prophecy fruit!] Li

Zhiyun picked a fruit and put it in his mouth to taste it.

Don't say that the flesh is fragrant and moisture, similar to the dragon fruit you ate in your previous life.

But Li Zhiyun did not want to waste this cherished opportunity on predicting his own good deeds.

Since the system says it's a good thing, then good things will definitely come.

"System, please predict how the war situation will be in the southwest?" Li

Zhiyun could not let go of the soldiers and people in the southwest.

Li Zhuo joined forces with Tubo and Tuyuhun, and a million-strong army attacked the southwest, which was what he was most worried about at the moment.

[Ding! Answer the host, Li Rail has captured 20 cities including Western Qin County, Yan'an County, and Shuofang County, killing more than 30,000 soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire and more than 500 casualties; in the next month, if the host does not stop it, Li Rail will soon kill more than 100,000 Shenzhou soldiers, and ordinary people are not involved in this battle, only more than 1,000 casualties!] More than 30,000 people? More than 100,000 people? More than 500


More than 1,000 people?

Li Zhiyun's expression tightened:

"May I ask the system, how many soldiers and people of the Shenzhou Empire will be damaged in the end in this great war?"


system no longer makes a sound, but Li Zhiyun is not calm.

In just over a month, Li Rail actually captured 20 large and small cities;

in the next month, he would have to connect 30 cities?

Li Zhiyun regretted a little, and blamed himself only for not arranging a large number of troops in these areas, but instead made the soldiers concentrate on assisting the people to restore production, but instead ignored Li Rail's evil scheme! Another point caught Li Zhiyun's


Li Zhiyun seems to have "taken great care of the common people";

this is enough to show that he is by no means simply capturing the city this time, but winning the hearts of the whole world

! Li Zhiyun is a little relieved, as long as the people are not harmed, it is a great good thing!

But the lives of 30,000 soldiers made him extremely sad.

This number will certainly continue to increase.

Today is the twenty-eighth lunar month, and it is only two days before Chinese New Year's Eve.

Li Zhiyun didn't want to waste time, so he decided to launch a fierce attack on Li Rail after a little preparation, eradicating the forces behind him in one fell swoop.


present, on the land of China, all the separatist forces have perished or surrendered.

If Li Rail is defeated, the entire land of China will be in Li Zhiyun's hands, and Huaxia will also end this chaotic era and usher in unification

! Therefore, this war must not be sloppy

! If we want to fight, we must completely crush Li Rail and foreign forces!

Li Zhiyun immediately summoned hundreds of civil and military officials to gather in the main hall of the Ming Hall.

At this time, Luoyang City was already full of lights and red.

People are looking forward to the arrival of the first Spring Festival of the Shenzhou Empire.

Ming Tang Hall.

Wen Wu Bai Guan had just experienced the joy of destroying the four countries in a row, and there was a knowing smile on his face.

But only Li Zhiyun was worried.

"Gentlemen, I have been thinking about it day and night in recent days, and I am very relieved about the war in the southwest

!" "Although Li Cunxiao has been sent to lead the tiger and iron to ride the starry night, according to the latest information that Shu has learned, Li Zhuo has joined forces with Tubo and Tuyuhun to take down more than 50 cities and kill more than 130,000 of our army's officers and men!"


everyone did not know how Li Zhiyun learned the news, they did.

Li Zhiyun generally refers to himself as "I" and rarely calls himself "Shu".

Whenever he said the word "朕", it meant that this matter was very serious and important!

Li Zhiyun looked at everyone and did not say the real casualty data, but directly quoted the data a month later.

Immediately, the joy on everyone's faces also turned into incomparable anger!

"Emperor Qiyu, at the beginning of the establishment of our Shenzhou Empire and when we attacked Xiao Mill and Gao Jianwu, Li Rail took advantage of the void to enter the void, which can be called vicious!" "

Li Rail and Xiao Mill are the same, colluding with foreign forces with the intention of subverting my Chinese orthodoxy, which is really shameless

!" "Emperor, I am willing to go to war to destroy Li Rail and complete the great cause of my Chinese reunification!"

At that time, the emperor will become the co-lord of this Chinese land, and the people will also usher in a peaceful and prosperous era!" Zong

Luoxi, Li Jing, Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, Wei Chi Jingde and others all asked to fight.

They don't plan to spend this year in Luoyang City.

Li Zhiyun got up and waved his hand, interrupting everyone's discussion:

"Your thoughts are clear, but I don't know if you have heard about it?"

Li Zhiyun's expression was extremely serious, and everyone immediately fell silent.

"Then Li Rail is not Xiao Mill, his people are resourceful and jackal-ambitious

!" "It is said that he has mastered the use of black powder and invented advanced weapons such as artillery and bamboo barrel grenades!"

This cannon and grenade were created by Li Zhiyun and everyone.


Zhiyun's eyes swept towards everyone, not angry with himself.

All the ministers immediately crawled to the ground, trembling and majestic:

"Emperor Qiyu, we are faithful and have no two hearts

!" Li Zhiyun looked at the sincere eyes, and the coldness on his face swept away:

"You Ai Qing have thought about it a lot

!" "This black powder has long been available, and it is not a secret!" "

What's more, how many Li Rail's eyeliners do we have in Luoyang City?"

The hearts of all the civil and military officials hung up and down:

"Emperor, Li Rail is also equipped with artillery and grenades, and there is an army of millions, how should we deal with it?"

When counterattacking Xiao Mill and Goguryeo, artillery and grenades played a huge role.

But now the advantages are lost, and the difficulties are many.

Li Zhiyun smiled mysteriously:

"The key to winning a war is not only weapons, but also people

!" "And everyone present, you are the biggest advantage of my Shenzhou Empire!" Li

Zhiyun's words moved everyone to tears.


knows, Li Zhiyun suddenly took out a revolver from his arms and said mysteriously:

"Of course, this thing is also very important!"

————PS Special thanks to the following friends for their gifts, love you ————

Fried Heavenly Gang - Rough Elder, Stunning 555, Chinese New Year's Eve Night, Fried Heavenly Gang - Immortal Emperor, ~: Good and Evil: ~, Single Dog Association - President. Mi Sun and Stars, obscurity, true love fans, don't ask, ask is the God of War, Jiujiu's Xiaojiu, Du Shiyi with clear eyebrows. A fan of the royal warriors, Qianqiu loves orange, smoke, fried heavenly gang, sword sect master. Exploding the Sky Gang Phantom ☞ God Killer, Tengyun of Sang Town, Exploding the Sky Gang ☞ [Love Saint Laozu], Tomb Robbery Notes # Zhang Qiling. Wang Ruizhi, Ye Chenyi of Yadi Ancient City, Xiaocao, Ji Gao, Cao Cao, Fried Heavenly Gang - Immortal Emperor, Fried Heavenly Gang... Eating spicy strips is not a hand, dragging the law?, stars like a dream, super like super like Di Youyou, Yasi Ah Lie, idiot, [Lonely] Chaos, Jiu Yu, who snatched Li's lollipop, confused, fried heavenly gang - Jade Face Xiaolangjun, Ziyuan and Yan Xin, phone calls, two-dimensional level spit masters, love to eat Salle egg cake Gao fierce. Brother Ling who loves to eat pork ribs, Mo Yan, Demon Shihuang, Fried Heavenly Gang-Chaos Ancestor, Peng Yuyan who can't think of a name, will she still remember you, Fried Heavenly Gang - big food god, call me Boss Cao, you and I are both Cao thieves, Ye Liangchen, Mobi who loves wildfire rice, I love my little fart child, Tang Yifenglin, Ziyuan and Yanxin, Nangong~.

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