Li Zhiyun quickly pulled the trigger and shot at the spear in the hand of a guard standing at the entrance of the hall.



The guard at the entrance of the temple jumped up at once, feeling a burst of tinnitus in his ears! The

spear is still there, where has

the spearhead gone? The guard looked ahead, and more than ten meters ahead, there were some debris lying impressively!

Isn't this the spearhead just now?

Everyone was shocked by this gunshot, looked at the revolver in Li Zhiyun's hand, and then looked at the spearhead fragments on the ground in front of the door.

What hit the spearhead

? From the dragon chair to the entrance of the hall, nearly 200 meters!

Such a great power?

All the ministers looked at the things in Li Zhiyun's hands with golden eyes, and stepped forward unconsciously.

"Emperor, what is this in your hand?" Li

Zhiyun: Look at it!

"This is called a revolver, I was just playing a handgun!" The

anxious Zong Luo walked forward, but felt inappropriate, and stopped immediately.

The steps cannot be climbed, and above them is the king.

Li Zhiyun walked down from the dragon chair and put the revolver in

Zong Luo Monkey's hand: "Why, General Zong also wants to give it a try?" Zong

Luo's eyes lit up, and a pair of thick big hands were trembling.


gathered around Zong Luoxi and Li Zhiyun, looking at this new weapon curiously and freshly.

"Emperor, please teach the last general to beat the handjob!" Zong

Luo watched everyone gather around, and directly held the pistol tightly in his arms.

Li Zhiyun smiled wickedly.


Zhiyun suddenly took out another handful from his arms and broke open the round magazine:

"Look, this is the place to put bullets, you can put ten bullets at once, ten consecutive shots!"

"Yes, that's right, hold the handle of the gun, aim at the target, pull the trigger, and that's it!" said

Li Zhiyun, and directly began to demonstrate, and the black muzzle was once again aimed at the guard at the entrance of the hall.

The guard's ears were already ringing from the bullet just now, and his ears were still bleeding at the moment.

When he saw that Li Zhiyun aimed at him again, he was so frightened that he knelt directly on the ground, and his whole body trembled.

Why is it

always directed at me

?" "Emperor, is that so?" Zong

Luo pouted his butt, holding a revolver in his hand, and aimed it outside the hall together.

"Yes, yes, that's it, the body should be relaxed, don't be too nervous, otherwise it's easy to get sidetracked!" Zong

Luo adjusted his breathing, and his body slowly relaxed, but he suddenly thought of a painful question:

"Emperor, you said that this gun is in your pocket, will it go off and hit yourself?"

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

Don't kill the enemy at that time, destroy yourself first

!" "Here is the safety buckle, break this over to shoot!"

said Li Zhiyun, pointing to a small button.

Everyone nodded thoughtfully, their eyes full of envy

: "General Zong, don't hold it, you try to shoot it

!" "That's it, shoot a shot for us to see!" Zong

Luoji looked around, and did not find a good target, but found that Li Zhiyun pointed to the guard at the door:

"Don't look for a target, just hit him




also noticed that something was wrong, just now Li Zhiyun had already shot off the spear in his hand, and now he wanted to hit someone

? Could it be that this guard offended the emperor?

While thinking, Zong Luoji had already "banged" and shot!

The guard at the gate heard the gunshots and collapsed to the ground.

"Wow, did you hit it?"

Zong Luo was excited.

"You didn't hit, you hit the wall!" Well


Zong Luo squinted his eyes and looked over

, shouldn't it! Just now aimed quite accurately, how could it be missed

? This shouldn't be

! A big living person in front of him, his gun is not allowed?

When he saw that a piece of cement had been dried off on the wall next to the entrance of the hall, Zong Luo really realized that he had indeed missed the shot!

"That... Emperor, I'll do it again!"

Zong Luoji raised the revolver in his hand again and aimed it at the guard who was paralyzed on the ground.

Guard: ......

Can you let me die?

I'm scared to pee!

Some ministers started talking about it.

What happened to this goods, and why did the emperor target him?

As if knowing something in advance.


!" Zong Luoji shot

out again! "Ah!" A bullet shot through the guard's cheek, and then flew out!


Well, good, there is progress

!" Li Zhiyun pointed at the guard again:

"However, you are still not allowed to shoot, let's shoot again!"


ministers couldn't stand it:

"Emperor, why don't we go out and shoot a bird?" "

Yes, if it really doesn't work, you can also put a few watermelons to fight!"

"Stop it!"

Li Zhiyun roared, and Long Yan was furious!

"Birds are also life, why fight birds

?" "Watermelon for the common people to eat, isn't it good?" Everyone

stopped talking and looked at Li Zhiyun in bewilderment.

Could it be that after his emperor won the battle, his temperament changed greatly

, and he wanted to be a comatose monarch?"

"Zong Luoji, aim at his head and shoot me!" Li

Zhiyun gave instructions to Zong Luoxi again.

Zong Luo raised his gun without hesitation.

And at this time, a terrified voice came.

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