At this time, a terrified voice came.

"Emperor !!

" "I explain

!" "Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

the guard immediately shouted with horror on his face.

Now it was the turn of the ministers to be confused.

"I confess?"

He is...

Some ministers know it, and their faces are like ashes.

Sure enough, the guard knelt on the ground and slapped himself continuously:

"Blame me for seeing the wealth and giving the design drawings of the Li rail cannon and grenade


..."Liu Min shouted angrily, and the guard's whole body crawled forward tremblingly, each step seemed to be infinitely closer to the Grim Reaper.

"Name your accomplices, spare your family's lives, or destroy the Nine Races!"

The guard looked stunned for a moment, and then seemed to make up his mind and shook his fist:

"I explain, I explain..." The

guard immediately said the names of the participants.

There were hundreds of people

, including many ministers of the imperial court

, and Zong Luo looked at the guards at the door, and the guards immediately dragged these ministers outside the palace.

"My Zong Luo Xiao hates the betrayer the most in his life, you don't cherish your great future, you actually do such a thing!"

"Give them what?"

Liu Min took out more than ten letters in his arms and continued

, "These are the letters I collected earlier in their palace!" "

They think that my Shenzhou Empire is not Xiao Mill and Gao Jianwu's opponent, and this battle will be lost!

Li Zhiyun picked up the revolver and shot it at the head of one of the ministers.

"Bang!" The

brain plasma scattered, blood splattered all over

the ground, one of the guard's eyes was still on the ground, dripping and spinning around a few times before stopping.

Zong Luoxi immediately opened fire in a similar way, firing all eight bullets, killing three people!

"It's called a headshot, has everyone learned it?"

asked Li Zhiyun.

Everyone saw that their hands itched:

"If the study is wasted, the emperor will

also give me a pistol!" "I also want

me, give me one!" "I think I shot farther than Zong Luo, I don't believe you gave me the gun

!" "You shoot accurately, but I shoot a lot! I can shoot a hundred!"

Everyone attacked Li Zhiyun with all their mouths, all wanting a pistol.

"I'm sorry, but this revolver is only... As

soon as Li Zhiyun returned to Luoyang yesterday, he gave seven revolvers to his mother, Wu Shu and others.

The current situation is not optimistic, maybe there are more Li Rail eyeliners sneaking into the Imperial City and wanting to do something wrong.

Maybe they will be kidnapped.


everyone's eyes darkened.

Of the three pistols, Li Zhiyun already has one in his hand, and there are two left.

Zong Luoji immediately vigilantly pinned the pistol into his waist:

"I don't care if it's classic or not, I only like this one!"

"Pharmacist, you can help Xu take it.

Li Jing snatched it over

: "Okay, okay, no problem!" Everyone

: ♡o o(╥_╥)♥♡

finished the calf!

There were three pistols in total, one for Li Zhiyun, one for Li Jing, and one for Zong Luo.

Now there is not even hair left.

Li Jing and Zong Luoji held the pistol in their arms tightly, vigilantly looking at the hot eyes of Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, Zheng Wenxiu, Wei Chi Jingde, Su Dingfang and others, with a mean smile on their faces.

"Emperor, Weichen thinks that these martial generals themselves have a high value of force, and now they have the blessing of revolvers, which is even more foolproof!"

"But how can we defend ourselves?" "

First, we have no force value, second, we don't have pistols, just rely on the big blade in our waist?"


everyone was stunned, and some couldn't believe it.

In private, everyone respectfully called Liu Min "the chief manager."

Liu Min was at the top of the Shenzhou Empire's civil servants, but he was not proud of his achievements and was selfless, but he was open-minded and selfless

! Everything he did was for the sake of Emperor Li Zhiyun and the Shenzhou Empire!

Now jumping out for a revolver?

Haha -

you can see the charm of this pistol.

"I said Master Liu, with your small body, I'm afraid a handgun is not suitable, right?"

"No, we Wen Chen need such a pistol for self-defense

!" "Don't worry about whether we will play a pistol, I will start practicing handguns every day today

!" "A man is a teenager to death! You don't care if I shoot accurately!" Li

Zhiyun looked at the quarreling group of ministers and smiled heartily, and directly took out the last revolver from his arms and handed it to Liu Min.

"Master Liu, this pistol is for you.

"You have to practice more in the future and master the mystery of handguns."

Liu Min was overjoyed, and just wanted to take it excitedly, but retreated again.

"Emperor Qiyu, you can't look at this pistol Wei Chen, Wei Chen likes the one in Zong Luo's hand!" "

Lord Liu, do you think that Xu needs it for self-defense?"

Liu Min thought about it too.

Liu Min happily took the pistol and said to all the ministers:

"What are you arguing

about!" "This is above the main hall, please pay attention to your speech and behavior!"

° ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·° pierced the old iron

TMD, but I didn't expect that Lord Liu turned his face faster than a book!

Li Zhiyun looked at the group of popular samples above the hall, and couldn't help laughing:

"Bring it up!" In

an instant, hundreds of large boxes were carried to the top of the hall.

Everyone was immediately attracted to these more than a hundred boxes.

Is there gold and silver jewelry here

? The emperor wants to be rewarded for meritorious deeds?

Everyone stares at these boxes with anticipation.


bang bang - bang bang -

the box was pried open with a spear by the guards.

Everyone immediately gasped.

The pupils rapidly increase from small to dilated, and the breathing in the chest rises rapidly.

"Dear Emperor, this is?"

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