The ship immediately returned home, and Luo Shixin was the first to run to the large distillation machine.

I saw that the ground was full of various barrels.

The first barrel is gasoline, the second barrel of kerosene, the third barrel of diesel ....

There is also some residue oil on the side.

Li Zhiyun asked the residue oil to be put back into the distillation equipment and began to slowly reduce the pressure.

After a while, a black liquid flowed out.


"This is...?"

Why does it look so sticky!?

What is this thing?"

This is called asphalt.


Asphalt?" "Not bad, our current roads are all cement, but still not strong and beautiful, especially after making various vehicles in the future, the hardness requirements for the road are relatively high!" Li

Zhiyun calculated that a barrel of crude oil is about 150 jin, which can produce about 1 liter of

asphalt! "Laying these asphalt on cement can ensure that the road is not bad for twenty years!"


Emperor, what is the use of this

gasoline and kerosene?" Everyone already knows the role of diesel and asphalt, but they don't know about gasoline and kerosene.

"Kerosene can be used directly for lighting, which is very convenient

!" "And the role of gasoline is the same as diesel, and it can be used as a mechanical engine

!" "For example, our ships, or the chariots we manufacture in the future, can use gasoline!" Li

Zhiyun asked people to take some paper and began to draw the structural drawings of various combat vehicles.

Of course, he can't draw Toyota domineering and Dongfeng heavy trucks.

However, he still has no problem with the four-wheeled car, Li

Zhiyun even directly drew the shape of a simple motorcycle.

Li Zhiyun handed several drawings into the hands of Li Jing and Zong Luoji: "You two commanders must continue to work hard and build these according to the drawings!"

Li Jing and Zong Luoji solemnly took it, as if it was not a few fluttering pieces of paper in their hands, but

the future of the entire Shenzhou Empire! But Li Zhiyun

is very clear that when it comes to the future of the Shenzhou Empire, in fact, it does not depend only on these things, the most important thing is to rely on people!

This is also the reason why he popularized the "five-child" policy to the whole

country! Only when there are more people can the country rely on it!

"Emperor, emperor!" A

signal soldier came on horseback and rushed down:

"The big thing is not good, the big thing is not good!" Everyone

looked nervous, what major thing is bad

? Could it be that Li Zhuo and Ertu's million-strong army attacked it?

The signal soldier was so nervous that he couldn't speak clearly:

"That... The eldest princess fell ill...

"Li Zhiyun's expression tightened: "What's wrong with her?"

She... "


thinking of the more than 100 Li Rail's eyeliners executed this morning, Li Zhiyun was suddenly very worried!

Will there be new eyeliner

? Will they be drugged?

"Did you inform Sun Simiao to hurry over?" "

Emperor Qiyu, Daoist Sun Simiao is already on his way to the palace

!" "Wuchi War Horse!"

He didn't know exactly what had happened and only hoped that she would be safe and sound.

After all, from the moment she became the Grand Princess of the Shenzhou Empire, she had the responsibility to protect her thoroughly

! Stepping into Shenzhou City, Li Zhiyun found that at the entrance of the main road, the black pressure pressed a group of people!

A thin figure was surrounded in the middle, as if arguing about something.

Li Zhiyun galloped and glanced at the moment.


Woo hoo -

Li Zhiyun immediately stopped.

The person who was surrounded in the middle turned out to be Wu Shu, who

was holding a crying little girl and was constantly comforting her.

"Little sister, don't cry, don't cry, we don't have to be afraid of them.

Opposite her, there was a young woman with heavy makeup and a charming appearance.

On either side of the woman, there are two large hunting dogs.

Behind the woman, stood five hundred heavily armored soldiers.

While helping the little girl wipe her tears, Wu Shu said angrily to the Miaoling

woman: "Why don't you walk the dog on a leash

?" "Do you know that you scared my good sister just now, and this little girl

!" "These two dogs almost bit them!" The

Miaoling woman immediately crossed her waist without showing weakness, and scolded like a shrew:

"What if you are the empress?"

The old lady is the princess of the Jieyi Empire, don't you inquire about the national strength of my Jieyi Empire?" "

Crush you in minutes

!" Wu Shu also immediately crossed his waist and stood on tiptoe

: "Your dog almost bit this little girl, you still don't kneel down to apologize, you shrew!" The

Miaoling woman thought that Wu Shu was going to move her dog, and her eyebrows were cold:

"Dare to get my dog, I will kill this girl, you try?"

"Your Shenzhou Empire is poor, don't you want money? Laozi has money!" "

The old lady has done a few national banquets, tens of millions of taels of gold can afford to lose, your life is not worth as much as my dog." "


Wu Shuqi's chest ached sharply, constantly rising and falling.

Human life is not worth as much as a dog

? Listen!

Is this a human talk?

The ordinary people around me also point fingers.

Day fuck, Ji Sun Empire

? Just so arrogant?

Fuck him!

Li Zhiyun finally understood.

However, he also had questions in his mind.

How did the Empire of Jieyi in India come and

a princess came to remind

Li Zhiyun of an interesting story he had seen in the history books.

In 647 AD, because of the death of King Jingri, his subordinate Alonashun usurped the throne.

It happened that Wang Xuance took the Tang Dynasty mission to India at this time, and as a result, Alonashun detained the entire Tang Dynasty mission!

When Tubo Zampu Songtsam Gampo heard the news, he immediately sent 1,200 Tubo troops and 8,000 mud Borneo troops to lend to Wang Xuance.

As a result, Wang Xuance led an army of less than 10,000, broke through the Tianzhu army, captured Alonashun, and sacrificed Chang'an

! The Jieyi Empire immediately collapsed, North India was re-divided, and the northern states became vassals of Tubo!

When Wu Shu saw Li Zhiyun coming, he seemed to have found a reliance and explained the matter in detail.

It turned out that this princess came from Qunu City of the Ring Sun Empire, and was the princess of the Ring Sun King Shiroyita, named Serodonna!

He believed that this was the best time to attack Huaxia.

But at this moment, Master Xuanzang was seeking Buddha in the Jieyi Empire.

When he heard the news, he tried to explain the land of Huaxia in detail, hoping that the King of Jingri would give up the idea of attacking Huaxia.

But the King of the Ring Sun was unimpressed, but in a different way.

He sent Princess Serorona to China.

The first is to congratulate the Chinese New Year's Eve of the land of China, so as to bring them closer together.

Second, I hope that the marriage between the two countries will make the land of China exist as a subsidiary land of the Jieyi

Empire! In this way, I can become the largest empire in the world without a single soldier

! Who knew that the princess of the Jieyi Empire, Herodonna, was arrogant and domineering, and no one in her eyes

! Just came to this Shenzhou City, and she angered everyone!

Shirodona did not know Li Zhiyun's identity, and thought it was Wu Shu's guard, and then pointed at Li Zhiyun and began to spray feces with his mouth.

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