Serodona arrogantly pointed her index finger at Li Zhiyun and said,

"Why, this is your guard, it looks like a dog

!" "You shit Shenzhou Empire, if it weren't for that stupid monk Xuanzang telling my father this, who would know about your small country!" Wu

Shu took a step forward angrily, and Serona subconsciously took two steps back.

I have to admit that the aura of this little lady in front of me is really powerful, but she is the princess of the Ring Sun Empire

! The momentum cannot be lost

! It must be hardened!

"Why, do you think the old lady has no guards?"

The onlookers stepped forward angrily, some even brought sticks and hoes from their homes, and some had already gone to the guards of Yingtianmen to move the rescuers.

Li Zhiyun waved his hand, signaling that the people were not allowed to step forward and should pay attention to their personal safety.

At this moment, Li Jing, Zong Luoji, Cheng Yanjin, Luo Shixin, and others rushed over with hundreds of soldiers from the "Shenji Battalion".

After Li Zhiyun left, they were very worried, so they simply ordered the troops to follow.

According to Li Zhiyun's previous arrangement, they set up the army's "Shenji Battalion", which was temporarily in charge of Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin.

Li Zhiyun said to Li Jing and the others: "Immediately fly the pigeon and pass on the book, tell Master Xuanzang that this Indian Buddhist scripture can be learned without learning

!" "Let him not be embarrassed, after the entire Jiedi Empire is defeated, then all the Buddhist scriptures can not be moved and read casually

!" Li Zhiyun

pointed to Serodonna:

"In addition, this woman seems to like to be with dogs, so it is better to drag her out and feed the dogs!"

Who are you, you actually want to feed the old lady to the dog

?" Serona angrily pointed at Li Zhiyun again

: "Do you believe it or not, my Jieyi Empire will destroy your Shenzhou Empire immediately!" Li

Jing pulled out the horizontal knife at his waist and pointed it at Serodona:

"Who is he?" "

He is the emperor of our Shenzhou Empire and the overlord who is about to dominate the world!"

He is Li Zhiyun!?" Cheng

Yanjin picked up the big axe and smiled

: "Bold and stupid girls

!" "The name of the emperor is also what you can call a slut!" Luo

Shixin laughed Geigheigei:

"The Ring Day Empire?

After Li Zhiyun dropped a sentence, "Give me all the waste, torture and force them to question!" and then picked up Wu Shu and rushed towards the palace.

"Okay, the emperor is gone, we should play!" Li

Jing smiled and said

to the surrounding people: "Big guys go to some distant places to watch a play, don't let the blood splash!" All

the people retreated knowingly, smiling and sipping melon seeds, and began to watch the play with interest.

"What are you going to do?!"

Seronia looked at Li Jing and the others approaching maliciously, and immediately retreated behind the heavily armored soldiers:

"Don't you emperors still don't know the power of my Ring Sun Empire?"

One of the ruler-like people stood up

: "Daring! You dare to offend the Princess of the Ring Day, do you want to die

?" "I advise you to evacuate quickly, we can't stay here!" The

commander waved his

hand: "Let's go, go back!" Cheng

Yanjin's face walked over without changing color, stretched out his hand to stop them, pointed at the commander and asked: "What's

your name?"

"Old Cheng sees that

you can't leave today!" Luo Shixin put one hand on Cheng Yanjin's shoulder: "Haha, it's good when you come, you can't go back when you leave!" The

commander looked angrily at Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin: "I don't change my name or sit down, my surname is Lin Mingshengbin!" Cheng

Yanjin and Luo Shixin were suddenly stunned


"You...?" You...!"

"Hehe, what, my Chinese name is okay, right?" Lin

Shengbin thought that they were afraid, and looked like he was on his toes.

"You scumbag, you're

dead!" "Yes, you're fucking dead!" Lin

Shengbin looked at the only one hundred soldiers behind Li Jing and Zong Luo, with a disdainful expression on his face.

"Just by you?" Although

these soldiers looked like flesh, they did not carry any weapons

! They didn't even have heavy armor and shields on their bodies

! Hehe!

Aren't they underestimating the strength of my Jieyi Empire?

Li Jing and Zong Luoxin waved at Cheng Yanjin and Luo Shixin:

"Just as the so-called knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent, a hundred battles will not be lost!"

Don't kill them, break their legs, arrest them and torture them to force confessions, and explore the strength of the Jieyi Empire!"

Lin Shengbin "hehe" smiled: "Break our legs?" Cheng

Yanjin's pair of large board axes violently collided together:

"Yes, except for you Lin Shengbin!

"Here's your chance to practice your marksmanship, live fire!" A

hundred soldiers of the Shenji Battalion immediately retreated back.


: ??? Lin Shengbin: ??? you are still afraid after all

! One moment you are so aggressive, the next moment it has become a compelling

! It's ridiculous!

But the next moment, Lin Shengbin

will know right away.

One hundred soldiers of the Shenji Battalion were divided into five rows, each with twenty people, each raising a flintlock gun and aiming at Lin Shengbin's escort regiment.

Sirodona and Lin Shengbin were suddenly stunned, what kind of weapon was this?

It was like a short burning stick

in their hands! It was very funny!

The soldiers in the first row of the Shenji Battalion raised their flintlock guns and aimed at the soldiers holding spears in the front row.

"Don't panic, three o'clock line, aim and shoot again!" Bang

bang bang - bang

bang -

twenty rounds of ammunition, rushed out from the barrel of the gun, with a whistling sound, swept away the smoke in the air, and roared towards Lin Shengbin!

The soldiers of the Jieyi Empire, who were dismissive a moment ago, had their legs pierced and fell to their knees at once.

Cheng Yanjin immediately roared:

"Second row ready, shoot me!"

Lin Shengbin was shocked by this sudden crushing power, and his expression froze!

What the fuck is this weapon

? In an instant, he actually knocked down ten soldiers?


Good evening, readers!

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