Lin Shengbin was stunned, the musketeers in the second row had already fired twenty

bullets! After the first row of bullets were fired, they quickly came to the back of the team and began to reload

! The second row pressed up

! Cycle in turn! Su

Dingfang was a little puzzled, turned his head and asked Cheng Yanjin:

"General Cheng, can't this flintlock gun fire three bullets in a row?"

Cheng Yanjin's face darkened:

"Isn't this time tight, don't you still have it?" Su

Dingfang smiled heartily, one shot, one shot, the back and forth cycle is enough!

Su Dingfang and Cheng Yanjin were talking and laughing, but Lin Shengbin's face was extremely painful

! Fuck, more than a dozen people were shot to death!

What is this burning stick?

!" "Protect the princess with a shield, and the rest of the people will scatter immediately

!" "They are slow to reload, let me rush over and kill them!"

The heavily armored soldiers of the Jieyi Empire took up their shields and immediately scattered, raising their spears to kill Su Dingfang and Cheng Yanjin! But

they underestimated the power of the flintlock gun and underestimated the speed of learning by the soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire

! I saw that the brothers of the Shenji Battalion, the speed of reloading bullets was getting faster and faster, and the shooting was getting more and more accurate

! Lin Shengbin was not allowed to advance half a step

! And Serodonna, who was living in the shield at the end, had already lost her face with fright!

These people really dare to shoot the old lady with a gun

! No! Quickly dodge

! What if they don't take aim?

In a moment, all of Lin Shengbin's 500 heavily armored soldiers have been shot to

the ground! The ground is full of stumped limbs and blood

! Cold weapons meet fire weapons, just like Xiucai meets soldiers, it is unreasonable

! The heavy armor on their bodies is simply a joke in the face of bullets!

"Hahaha, it's still our Shenzhou Empire that gives strength!"

"That's it, you see these foreign goods are arrogant

, isn't this all dead?" "Dare to insult our handsome emperor and beautiful empress, isn't this looking for death?" The

onlookers in the distance shook their fists vigorously, and a sense of pride was born

! "Run, run!"

Lin Shengbin grabbed Sirodona's hand and was about to run!


Dingfang blew a mouthful of blue smoke from the muzzle of the gun and said angrily

: "Arrest all these people for me and send them to prison

!" "We must ask clearly about the troop arrangement, weapons and equipment, and combat intentions of the Jieyi Empire!"

Li Jing added:

"At present, our main opponent is Li Rail, Tubo and Tuyuhun, don't provoke the Ring Sun Empire at this juncture

!" "So be sure to block the news, and don't let that King of the Ring Sun know what is happening here

!" "Hurry up and imitate Sironina's handwriting to reply to the letter, telling them that everything is okay and winning precious time for my Shenzhou Empire!" The

soldiers nodded, and briefly bandaged the person lying on the ground, lest he die before interrogation and send him to prison.

Sirodona was half-kneeling on the ground, holding two dogs in her arms.

Li Jing threw up the horsewhip and directly whipped it on the two dogs, and the two dogs immediately broke free from Sirodonna's embrace and ran out to the side.

"I caught these two hounds for me and put them in the barracks to watch over the nursing home!"

"In the future, you can also serve as a guide to attack the Jieyi Empire!" Li

Jing kicked the paralyzed Silonia with his foot:

"As for you?

Before Li Jing finished speaking, Luo Shixin pushed

Li Jing away: "General Li, she will leave it to me!" Li

Jing waved his hand:

"Don't fool around, the emperor's order is to feed this goods to dogs!"

"Wangwang——" "Wangwang——

" "

Don't you know that I am a dog?"

Luo Shixin picked up Sirodonna and ran away with a cigarette, the speed was comparable to flying arrows!

Everyone: ???

can it still be like this

? When did this dog day become a dog?

"Hey, old Luo, don't forget to imitate her handwriting and write a letter!"

Li Jing yelled behind him, but Luo Shixin had already run to a remote corner.

............ Li

Jing and the others did not delay, and immediately sent these people from the Jieyi Empire to a prison and began interrogation!

On the other side, Cuixing Palace in Shenzhou City.

Wan Xuanyu, Changsun Wuxiang, and Xiao Meiniang also came.

Sun Simiao had already arrived, had already finished his diagnosis, and stood on one side.

Li Zhiyun first saw the haggard-looking Qing'er who was half lying on the bed.

This girl has followed him the longest, and in his heart, if Wu Shu is the first, then Qing'er will be the second.


Qing'er, what's wrong with you, where do you feel uncomfortable?"

asked Li Zhiyun anxiously.

Who knew that Wan Xuanyu and Sun Simiao and the others had doubtful smiles on their faces.

Li Zhiyun: ??? "Actually, I don't have any illness, it's

just that Xiao'er said I missed you...!" "Because, because Xiao'er is pregnant!" "


?" "Why didn't you say that Xiao'er just now?" Li


quickly looked at Sun Simiao.

Sun Simiao nodded solemnly and said,

"Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor!" "

The emperor and empress have been happy for more than two months!"

The incomparable worry of the previous moment turned into the current extreme excitement, and the mood fluctuations in my heart were so large that my chest rose and fell violently.

"I'm going to... I'm going to...

"I'm going to be a father!"

"Hahaha-" Wan

Xuanyu patted Li Zhiyun's shoulder:

"Silly child, why are you still stunned?

Wu Shu stroked Li Zhiyun's forehead and said gently:

"Emperor, we have a child!"

"Don't call Emperor, or call Brother

Yun!" "Brother Yun, do you hear our child's heartbeat?" Li

Zhiyun took Qing'er's Qianqianyu hand again and pressed his ear to his pulse.

In that strong and weak pulse, Li Zhiyun's face was full of joy:

"Hear it, our children seem to be talking to us!"

Think about my previous life, I was almost thirty years old and still a single dog.

Not to mention the child, he doesn't even know which kindergarten to spread joy into

! But traveling to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, he became the father of the child at a young age!

How can people not be happy? How can people not be emotional?

Thinking of this, he seems to have thought of what the system said.

The system once said that it was a prophetic fruit that was rewarded in order to congratulate itself on the imminent good deed.

Qing'er was both happy and complained on the side:

"Gongzi, there are personal slaves arranged by the Queen Mother and me, and experienced nurses to take care of, you can rest assured!" "

Sun DaoChang said that she needs to rest, why don't we go somewhere else to play?"

Yes, at present, the mothers are less than two months pregnant, and they are still in a period of fetal instability and need to rest a lot. The

crowd left.

Li Zhiyun was taken to another dormitory by Wu Shu.

"Brother Yun, the concubine heard that you held a feast on the ship, right?"

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