Li Zhiyun pretended not to know anything, and said to Li Shimin:

"I see that Li Chenggan, this little guy has good physical fitness, tomorrow I will find Sun Simiao Daoist to recuperate, I believe it will heal soon!"

An hour later.

The 200,000-strong army was all divided into two camps.

Li Jing, Su Dingfang, Cheng Yanjin, and Luo Shixin led the 100,000-strong army to rest on the spot and began high-intensity training on the spot.

They must not only hurry up to produce a batch of flintlock guns and bullets to come out, but also strengthen the Shenji Battalion.

It is also necessary to be proficient in the use of firearms such as black powder, artillery, grenades, and grenade canisters.

Zheng Wenxiu, Wei Chi Jingde, Qin Qiong, and Zhang Guangan set off with a hundred thousand navy to the Luoyang Lake Water Division Training Base.

They not only have to install large diesel engines and propellers in place, step up refining more diesel, but also cooperate with the army to study armored vehicles, refine gum to make tires, and master various naval formations.

Every team is full of tasks.

Liu Min and Fang Xuanling received another task -- paving roads with asphalt;

comprehensively transforming road facilities throughout the country so that armored vehicles and ground platoon vehicles could drive quickly

! and improving maneuvering efficiency!

It was busy until it was all dark before Li Zhiyun had time to return to Shenzhou City.

Li Shimin also took Li Chenggan into the city with him.

Along the way, Li Zhiyun was full of things.

There is a news that he did not disclose to everyone, for fear that everyone will lose confidence.

More than 10,000 tigers and iron horsemen led by Li Cunxiao waged guerrilla warfare against Li Rail in the northwest area of China.

Take a shot and run, change places and come again.

Although Li Cunxiao circumvented between various cities and pools, he effectively dealt a blow to the arrogance of the enemy.

However, in the face of a million-strong army with artillery and grenades, more than 10,000 tiger and iron horses still could not cause substantial damage to them.

Moreover, Li Rail has already taken countermeasures against Li Cunxiao, and the encirclement is shrinking step by step....

Li Shimin followed Li Zhiyun to the palace.

Li Shimin first took Li Chenggan to ask Empress Dowager Wan Xuanyu for peace.

Wan Xuanyu liked Li Chenggan, the little guy, very much, and Li Shimin simply left Li Chenggan in Kunning Palace.

Subsequently, Li Shimin and Changsun Wuxian left together and went to the general's mansion in the city.

This mansion was still purchased for Li Shimin by Wu Shu for the sake of Changsun Wujian's face.

Wu Shu took Li Zhiyun's hand and watched Changsun Wuxian and Li Shimin leave.

"Sister Changsun needs

to come on, go back and take care of yourself!" "Brother Li Shimin, you also have to come on, remember to take care of your sister-in-law!" Li


What the hell

are ??? you learn? Who did you learn from

? How to take care of it? Why come on?

Feel in the clouds!"

"I know, you are pregnant now, and you have to take care of

yourself." "


After Li Zhiyun finished dinner, Wan Xuanyu left Li Zhiyun, Wu Shu and Xiao Meiniang behind.

Wan Xuanyu's face was full of sorrow.

Tomorrow night is Chinese New Year's Eve night.

A lot of big things happened this year.

Chinese New Year's Eve last year, he and Yun'er were driven out of Chang'an City by Li Yuan.

Along the way, he was chased and killed by Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji, and almost died in the wild.


It seems like a dream, his own Yun'er rose overnight

! Not only did he kill Liang Shidu to prove his innocence, but he also attacked Western Qin, Dazheng, and Xia Guo in one go


Killed Dou Jiande, Liu Wuzhou, Liu Heiyuan, and Luo Yi!

Under the leadership of Yun'er, the Shenzhou Empire solved the problem of food and clothing, improved the quality of life, and became the most powerful power on the land of China!

In this era, the greatest spiritual wealth is loyalty and filial piety, family and prosperity!

But now Li Yuan is still in prison, Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji are no longer people, ghosts are not ghosts.

Of course, Wan Xuanyu does not want to be a virgin, her requirements are not high, and she will definitely not ask to let Li Yuan, Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji and others go.

She just wanted to invite them to Chinese New Year's Eve luncheon.

In this era of filial piety.

If you don't do anything superficially....

However, after attending the luncheon, whether Ding was Ding or Ding, or Li Zhiyun had the final say!

When Wan Xuanyu

tentatively told Li Zhiyun his thoughts, Wan Xuanyu was full of endless anxiety.


all, Li Yuan did not bring his father's warmth, Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji did not fulfill their obligations as brothers, but wanted to murder him everywhere.

How could he agree to his request, Wu

Shu on the side also looked at Li Zhiyun longingly.

Wu Shu had no feelings for Li Yuan, but when she thought of her father, Samurai, she felt distressed.

As Li Yuan's former courtier and friend, his father wanted to visit Li Yuan, but he didn't dare to go!

Xiao Meiniang is no better.

His younger brother Xiao Yu is also a friend of Li Yuan.

Originally, Xiao Meiniang had long wanted to intercede for Li Yuan.

But because of Xiao Mill, he couldn't open this mouth for a long time.

That Xiao Mill is ambitious, colluding with foreign forces to try to subvert the Shenzhou Empire!


Li Zhiyun did not include himself in the "Nine Tribes of Zhulian", even if he did not include himself, how can he speak now? Li Zhiyun's

face became more and more gloomy.

Just when Wan Xuanyu, Wu Shu and Xiao Meiniang thought that Li Zhiyun was already angry.

Who knows, Li Zhiyun actually nodded and said.

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