"Queen Mother, you understand what you mean, I'll give it a try!"

"But whether you can please that Li Yuan is another matter."

Wan Xuanyu was ecstatic, and kept nodding:

"Okay, okay

!" "Yun'er doesn't care if you can be moved or not, as long as the people in the world know that you have this heart!" Wan

Xuanyu knew very well in her heart, even if Li Yuan made an unforgivable mistake, he was always Li Zhiyun's father.

In this era of great importance to filial piety, if even one's own father is not recognized, it will be difficult to win the hearts of everyone in the world.

After all, not everyone really understands the contradiction between Li Zhiyun and Li Yuan.

There are even many ordinary people in the world who are prejudiced against Li Zhiyun.

If a person does not even have a father in his eyes, how can he let go of the common people?

Now, Li Zhiyun has gained a firm foothold on the land of China.

Li Shimin, the real controller of the Tang Kingdom, had also submitted to Li Zhiyun.

Although at present, the emperor of the Tang Kingdom is still Li Yuan, but Li Yuan has already died in name!

After reviewing all the recent recitals, Li Zhiyun's eyes swelled, but there was no trace of sleep.

He was thinking about the Queen Mother's words.

Tomorrow will be Chinese New Year's Eve.

And at this moment last year, he must have been targeted by Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji.

But just when he was wronged, Li Yuan did not stand up for justice, but tried to sacrifice himself to protect the interests of others!

Deep down, he was very reluctant to come tomorrow Chinese New Year's Eve.

But when the whole country is happy and enjoying the festival together, if Li Yuan still spends Chinese New Year's Eve night

in the prison, what will the people of the whole country think? He is no longer the idle-doing king of Chu before

, but the king of a country! He no longer represents the dignity and face of a single person, but

the dignity and face of the entire Shenzhou Empire! If this dignity and face are lost, then there will be many people on the land of China, poking the backbone of the common people of the Shenzhou Empire in the back!

After pondering for a moment, Li Zhiyun sent someone to call Li Shimin overnight to see him.

Li Shimin also thought that something big had happened, so he immediately pulled it out and set off towards Shenzhou City in a fiery manner.

When Li Shimin knew Li Zhiyun's intentions, a thousand surprises appeared on his face, and then this surprise was forcibly suppressed by him.

Too surprised, I am afraid that Li Zhiyun will think more.

"Emperor Qiyu, His Royal Highness the Emperor of the Tang Kingdom has offended the majesty of the emperor five times, and must not be easily forgiven!"

Li Shimin really didn't know what to call Li Yuan.

Directly calling Li Yuan's name is obviously inappropriate.


can only call it "His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Kingdom"!

The submission of his subordinates does not mean that the entire Tang Kingdom is obedient.

Li Yuan did not abdicate and was still the nominal ruler of the Tang State.

Li Zhiyun waved his hand

: "Just do as I say, invite Li Yuan to come to this Mingtang hall at noon tomorrow and have dinner with the civil and military officials

!" "Tomorrow night, there will be fireworks and song and dance performances, all of which are spontaneously held by the people, you can also invite Li Yuan to take a look together

!" Li Shimin said calmly:

"The last general will obey the order!" Li

Shimin slowly retreated, turned to leave.

The moment he walked out of the hall, he suddenly jumped and jumped, as happy as a child.

Although his father and Li Zhiyun are incompatible, after all, blood is thicker than water.

If Li Zhiyun and Li Yuan could laugh and have a grudge, what a wonderful thing it would be

! Especially in this chaotic world, when the world is cold and family affection is indifferent

! Everyone is desperate and unconscionable for power!


of this, Li Shimin rushed towards the Luoyang prison with excitement.

An hour later.

Li Shimin hurriedly came to regain his life.

Li Zhiyun leaned on the bench, waiting for news.

Hearing a noise outside the hall, Li Zhiyun pretended to sleep, seemingly not caring about this matter.

Li Shimin lightly knocked on the door of the palace, and a lazy voice came:

"Come in!" Li

Shimin walked in lightly.


Li Shimin shook his head and sighed.

There was a red handprint on the right side of his face

, obviously he was beaten by

Li Yuan!"His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Kingdom said, he is a sinner, and he has no face to attend our Chinese New Year's Eve luncheon! The

corners of Li Zhiyun's mouth turned up slightly, this old man is giving himself a dismount

! Li Shimin looked embarrassed, but he could see that Li Zhiyun really wanted to invite Li Yuan to attend.

"Emperor Qiyu, how about letting the two adults of Samurai Yan and Xiao Yu try it?"

Li Zhiyun's eyes lit up, he was really busy with the correction of the recital!

How did you forget these two old people of Li Yuan?


the chamberlain trotted in.

The chamberlain took the order, but still hesitated.

It's eleven o'clock at night, and it's early in the morning!

"Why don't you go yet?" Li

Zhiyun was a little displeased.

"Your Highness, isn't it a little... It's too late..."

Samurai Yan and Xiao Yu, these two are not ordinary ministers, they are still royal relatives and state relatives!

"Don't worry, these two adults will not only not blame you, but also reward you heavily!" the

internal attendant ran away with some doubt.

Samurai Shrine.

"Who, it's so late, don't let the old man sleep!" When

he was older, Samurai had a poor sleep, and he was woken up when he finally fell asleep.

The samurai came to the main hall angrily.


?" "What did you say

?" "You say it again?"

the samurai roared three times, directly scaring the chamberlain into the stunned.

"Hahaha, go back and tell the emperor that Weichen will immediately go to Luoyang Prison!"

As he ran, a sentence floated in:

"Butler, reward! Give me a heavy reward!" The

internal attendant was suddenly overjoyed, took the heavy silver taels, and ran to Xiao Yu's mansion....

The next day at 8 a.m.

Li Zhiyun was rapidly reviewing the recitals and drawing various drawings.

The samurai and Xiao Yu came to Li Zhiyun with slow steps and lazy eyes.

Li Zhiyun swept towards the two, their faces were not good-looking, obviously they had eaten a closed-door soup.

"Emperor Qiyu, the two of us accompanied His Royal Highness Li Yuan to drink wine all night

..." "But he just refused to go with us..." Li

Zhiyun smiled bitterly:

"Okay, you guys go back to rest, remember to attend the luncheon at noon." The

two struggled to stand up straight:


"It's already ..." The


glanced at the water clock in front of him: "It's eight o'clock now, and it's only four hours before the luncheon

!" "Moreover, His Highness Li Yuan's attitude is extremely firm, no one can listen to him, he said that he will die in this prison!" Li

Zhiyun waved his hand again:

"Okay, you don't have to care, I have my own way!"

The two went down in doubt.

The emperor has a way

? What can he do

? Is it possible to personally invite him


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