Ming Tang Hall.

Hundreds of chamberlains were nervously preparing for the banquet.

In order to make the first Chinese New Year's Eve of the Shenzhou Empire look like and taste, Wan Xuanyu, Wu Shu, Xiao Meiniang, Changsun Wuxian and others participated in the whole process and did it themselves.

It was close to eleven a.m., and the final opening was only an hour away.

It was already faintly visible that many ministers of culture and martial arts had brought their families to the main hall.

The cabaret performance outside the hall has also been prepared.

The entire Luoyang City Street was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

All the common people are happy and lively.

Their hearts were full of deep gratitude to Li Zhiyun.

In these turbulent times.

Think of a year ago, when they didn't have enough to eat, didn't wear warm clothes, and worried about tomorrow every day.

On the other hand, now, they are well fed and warm, they live comfortably, their children go to school, and the elderly have subsistence allowances.

It is inside the side hall of the main hall of the Ming Hall, the Bunmu Hall.

Li Zhiyun was having a good conversation with someone.


Zhiyun helped Li Xuanba up: "You and my brothers don't have to be so outrageous, you can call me the fifth brother, you can also call me

Zhiyun!" Li Xuanba took a step back:

"The last general does not dare!"

Li Zhiyun looked Li Xuanba up

and down, for this "third brother", they only have one year to get along.

Li Xuanba was fifteen years old when he died, that is, four years ago.

At that time, I had just crossed over for a year, so I didn't spend much time with him.

This year or so left a deep impression on Li Zhiyun's heart.

This third brother doesn't look young, but at the age of fifteen, he can already use a pair of iron hammers, each about four hundred catties!

But after all, Li Xuanba in front of him was summoned by the "hero summoning card" that the system rewarded him.

He is not the same person as his dead third brother.

After Li Zhiyun briefly explained the task, Li Xuanba left quickly.

When he walked out through the main hall of the Ming Hall, Wan Xuanyu, who was busy, suddenly shook his eyes and looked at Li Xuanba's figure stunned.


Xuanyu wiped his eyes, and Li Xuanba had disappeared into the hall.

Wan Xuanyu smirked.

When people get old, their vision becomes blurred, and they even begin to hallucinate

! This Li Xuanba has been dead for four years, how can he appear here?

From the outside to the inside, the first cell was held by Li Jiancheng.

Thirty meters apart, Li Yuanji was held in the second cell.

The innermost suite is Li Yuan's cell.

The place where the three were held was isolated from the other prisoners.

Here, three meals a day are served on time, and snacks and snacks and fruits continue every day.

Here, you can see the rising sun in the morning, you can enjoy the sunset on the edge of the sky, you can feel the cold wind, and you can see the rolling clouds.

During this period of detention, Li Yuan was heartbroken and hated Li Zhiyun and Li Shimin in his heart.

In his eyes, these two men had no king, no father, and no impermanence;

they violated ethics and morality, and they usurped power and lost the country!

Li Xuanba put down his 800-pound double hammer, dressed in a sleeve robe, and respectfully went to the top cell.

Li Jiancheng was drawing circles on the ground, and suddenly a figure floated by, and Li Jiancheng immediately looked over.

People don't come here very often, and people can attract his attention.

Who knew that it was this unintentional glance, Li Jiancheng's face was full of shock! What

did you see just now?! From that side, this person was almost exactly the same as his third brother Li Xuanba!

Li Jiancheng shouted to Li Yuanji in the cell in front:

"Li Yuanji, who do you see that?

Li Yuanji opened his eyes, just as Li Xuanba was about to pass in front of Li Yuanji, leaving a side face.

"Big brother, I don't see clearly!"

"What's wrong with this person

?" "Is there anything special

?" Li Jiancheng held the fence of the cell with both hands and said loudly:

"Don't you think he looks exactly like the third brother?"

Although this person can't see his true face, his every move, even the small habits of heavier when his left foot is heavier and his right foot is lighter, is the same as his dead third brother!

Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji have no hope for their political future, and only hope to spend their lives safely in this prison.

Since this time, Li Jiancheng has been trying to suppress his inner desires.


When I have time, I meditate on life, practice calligraphy, look at the scenery, and find out if there is a woman.

What "grasped the two points" and what "plugged the loophole", what he used to do every day, he found no interest.

Isn't it just those two points?

Isn't it a loophole?

It's not interesting to catch it or not

, and it doesn't matter if it can be blocked or not.

Traditional crafts can be self-sufficient

!" "Big brother, although the temperament of that person just now is quite similar to the third brother, it is definitely not him!"

Li Jiancheng also regained his senses and shook his head with a sigh.

Li Yuanji is right, the third brother Li Xuanba has been dead for four years, how can it be him, unless heck.

Li Yuanji looked at the sunlight outside the window, and suddenly curled up in the corner with fear.

I must have encountered a ghost, and I am still a ghost who is not afraid of the sun.

"Li Yuanji, anyway, he will come out in a while, we must take a closer look

!" Li Yuanji nodded

: "Do you say he will invite his father and emperor out

?" Li Jiancheng shook his head firmly:

"How is it possible!" "

Last night, Li Shimin came to invite his father to the banquet, didn't you see that Li Shimin's face was full of palm prints?"

"Hahaha, I saw Li Shimin's right face, swollen old and high!" Li

Jiancheng suddenly gossiped:

"Yes, think about the samurai and Xiao Yu this morning!"

Just when Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji chatted non-stop.

Li Xuanba had already arrived at Li Yuan's cell.

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