Inside the cell.

Li Yuan turned his back on his hand, his eyes looked at the distant mountains outside the window silently, and his mouth was full of words and curses:

"Hmph, rebel son

!" "One established the Shenzhou Empire without authorization, above the Tang Kingdom, what a rebel!"

"The other is a rebel son who ignores the good rivers and mountains, and is willing to be someone else's courtier

!" And

just then, the door was pushed open.

The guard walked in with Li Xuanba, and said respectfully:

"Your Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, someone is asking for a meeting. "

No, hurry up!" Li

Yuan still turned his back and did not turn his head.

From yesterday evening and today, Li Shimin, Samurai, Xiao Yu and others came to see him one after another.

They all revolved

around one purpose -- to attend the Chinese New Year's Eve banquet in Shenzhou City at noon today!

To put it bluntly, if this Li Zhiyun is sincere, why not personally invite

him? Just look for these cats and dogs?

Although Li Xuanba is a heroic figure summoned by Li Zhiyun through the system, he is not the same person as Li Xuanba, who died before.

But even so, Li Xuanba, summoned by the system, still preserves the habitual memories of his brain and even muscles.

It's like the tomato dog author suddenly has amnesia, and can't even remember that the book was written by himself.

But when he saw that someone gave a "five-star praise" or a "great god certification", he could still touch the memory in the depths of his soul, and habitually said:

"Lao Tie, you are a handsome!"

Li Xuanba, who was standing behind Li Yuan, had nothing to do with Li Xuanba before, but he was connected in a certain situation.

It's like, now.

"Li Yuan, are you really not going to attend the Chinese New Year's Eve luncheon at noon?"

said Li Xuanba.

Li Yuan was angry, and immediately habitually threw out a sentence:

"If you don't participate, you won't participate..."

Before the word "plus" could be spoken, Li Yuan suddenly stopped!

A pair of eyes with scattered eyes burst out with a trace of essence, and his shrugged ears directly pricked up.

Why is this voice so familiar??

Li Yuan adjusted his complicated mood and asked again.

"Did Li Zhiyun let you come

?" "Which one are you?"

Li Xuanba, who was behind Li Yuan, spoke again

, "Yes, it was the emperor who asked me to invite you to the luncheon!"

If I come, you will definitely agree!" "


- plop

- bang -

bang -

Li Yuan's chest rose and fell violently, his heart beat rapidly, and he suddenly looked back at Li Xuanba.

In an instant

, the two looked at each other, and

Li Yuan's eyes were full of tears.

Li Xuanba didn't seem to have any expression ups and downs.

Just for a moment, I felt that the person in front of me seemed familiar.

"Great... "

Are you Dade, the child of Xuan?"

Li Yuan suddenly stretched out his hands and tightly grabbed Li Xuanba's shoulders.

Old tears, crying and crying.

A pair of eyes carefully looked Li Xuanba up and down.

"Dade, you are the Dade of Xuan!"

Li Yuan suddenly hugged Li Xuanba into his arms, tearfully wetting his clothes.

"Son, I thought you were dead a long time ago!" "

What is going on here?"

Li Xuanba remembered the words that Li Zhiyun had explained to himself.

If you want to cry, cry decently, and you can't let Li Yuan see any clues.

Li Xuanba wiped his tears:

"You are what Li Zhiyun said, my father Emperor Li Yuan?"

Through Li Xuanba's empty wooden eyes, Li Yuan seemed to understand something.

This kid... "

Dade, can't you remember?" Li

Xuanba nodded:

"I think that I was ordered by Emperor Sui to go to fight against the eighteen-way anti-king, and I was beaten under the cliff by the enemy!"

Li Yuan patted Li Xuanba's shoulder with pity

: "Dade, it doesn't matter if you

can't remember, the father emperor will accompany you to think slowly, one day you will remember!" "If you can't think of it, the father emperor can also tell you

the previous story every day!" Li Xuanba bowed his hand respectfully to Li Yuanbi:

"If the father emperor wants to accompany me to recall the previous story, the premise should be to get out of this dark prison first!"

Li Yuan nodded, then shook his head again, and said with a displeased face

: "Did Li Zhiyun let you be a lobbyist?"

"If that's the case, Father Emperor can't promise

you!" Li Yuan paused, patted Li Xuanba's shoulder, and continued:

"Father Emperor also hopes that you won't mess around with this house!"

Li Xuanba knelt in front of Li Yuan and said sincerely:

"Father Emperor, the sons and daughters remember that you once taught me that to be a man, you must know the Entu report, and to be a person, you must lecture on morality

!" "The children have been wandering alone for so many years, if it weren't for Li Zhiyun accidentally discovering me on a seaside when he was fighting in Goryeo, I might not be able to come back to this day, and I am afraid that I will never be able to see my father and emperor again in this life!"

The reason why Erchen became Li Zhiyun's lobbyist was nothing more than wanting to return Li Zhiyun's favor!" Li

Yuan's eyes shone with golden light.

"It must be returned, his favor must be returned

!" "After returning this favor, we will have nothing to do with him

!" Li Yuan hurriedly sorted out his clothes:

"Let's go to the banquet with you, let's go!" Li

Yuan seemed to feel that something was wrong, and he always felt that he couldn't say it.

This Li Xuanba didn't remember what he said just now, how could he remember what he had taught him?

Looking at Li Yuan's doubtful eyes, Li Xuanba's palms were full of sweat.

Don't... And

the next moment, Li Yuan's nose was sour, and he almost cried.

Even if his son has amnesia, he can still flash in his mind the picture of what he taught him!

"Come out, come out, look!" Li

Jiancheng shouted to the next door.

Li Yuanji immediately ran from the corner to the front, his eyes looking at the passage without blinking.

A familiar figure appeared in front, followed by a person.

"Did you see clearly, Li Yuanji

?" asked Li Jiancheng anxiously.

Li Yuanji did not respond.

Li Jiancheng asked aloud again.

Li Yuanji still did not respond.

Li Jiancheng: ???

At this moment, Li Yuanji does not want to respond, but he is already stupid there.

A pair of eyes were full of horror.

This person in front of him is not Li Xuanba, who else will it be?

Unless there are two people in this world who look exactly the same

! Today, even if the king of heaven comes, he is also Li Xuanba!

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