For this question raised by Li Yuan, everyone did not know how to answer.

Li Shimin was even more dumbfounded there.

Thinking about it now, he is just the former King of Qin, the prince of the Great Tang.

He may be able to bring his subordinates back to Li Zhiyun.


now, all the subjects and people in the country still regard Li Yuan as the emperor.

After all, Li Yuan did not abdicate the throne.

This seemingly simple question is indeed tricky now.

Li Zhiyun lightly took out a prepared holy decree from his arms and handed it to Liu Min.

Liu Min carefully opened the holy decree, and his whole hand trembled.

And when he saw clearly what was written in the decree, the embarrassment in his eyes turned to gold.

It seems that Li Zhiyun has long guessed everything and wrote down the future of Tang Guo in advance.

"Heavenly Policy Admiral Li Shimin takes the order!" Li Shimin

instantly knelt down, and all the civil and military officials knelt on the ground together.

Of course, Li Yuan was still standing, but he pricked up his ears.

Although he couldn't look at this Li Shimin, for now, Li Shimin represented the interests of the entire Great Tang.

"Emperor Fengtian carries on the emperor, edict

: In view of the repeated battle merits of Li Shimin, the admiral of Heavenly Strategy, he has specially given the title

of 'King of the Great Tang'! Leading a country alone to help rule the world!

The title of 'King of the Great Tang' has been passed down from generation to generation, and the title of the Kingdom of Tang has continued from generation to generation

!" Liu Min paused and continued:

"Du Fuwei takes orders!" Du Fuwei

in the crowd was suddenly stunned.

Devowe hasn't been appointed to a new position since the last time he went straight to Xiao Mill's lair.

He thought that Li Zhiyun couldn't look at him as a person.

I didn't expect to wait here.

"In view of Du Fuwei's great merit in destroying Da Liang, he is specially named the 'Duke of the Great Tang Kingdom' to assist Li Shimin in jointly governing the Tang Kingdom!"

Li Shimin knelt on the ground trembling, not daring to accept the order.

Du Fuwei looked at Li Zhiyun, Li Shimin and Li Yuan, and did not dare to trespass.

Li Yuan's pricked ears heard everything, and the wrinkled expression on his face stretched slightly.

In this way, the national name of the Tang Kingdom is preserved, which is equivalent to leaving the last face for himself.

It's just that the Tang Kingdom is no longer an independent kingdom, but exists as a vassal state of the Shenzhou Empire.

The key is that Du Fuwei was arranged to spy on Li Shimin!

Li Zhiyun's synthesis of the independent state and the dependent state is also acceptable.

After all, whoever has the biggest fist is the boss.

"You two take the order!" Li

Shimin took the holy decree and looked at Li Yuan with a pair of small eyes.

Finding that Li Yuan was not angry, he felt a little relieved.

"Father, let's sit down and eat, you see the children are hungry!" Li

Shimin cleverly called Li Yuan 'Father King' instead of 'Father Emperor'.

It not only satisfies Li Yuan's dignity, but also conforms to etiquette.

Li Yuangang wanted to scare Li Shimin and scold him for being spineless.

But at this moment, he saw a cute little head looking at him blankly.

Li Chenggan shouted at Li Yuan in a milky voice:

"Grandpa, I'm hungry."


Yuan's pupils dilated rapidly, and his face changed from shock at the beginning to confusion, and from confusion to excitement.

"Are you... Li Chenggan?" "

When Changsheng Wuxian was three months pregnant, the name was already made, and the person who gave the name was Li Yuan.

Changsun Wuxian nodded:

"Father Qiyu, he is your grandson, Li Chenggan.

Unexpectedly, Li Chenggan was stronger than ever, and he actually stretched out his hands and begged Li Yuan to hug.

Li Yuan immediately stretched out his hands in response and took Li Chenggan into his arms.

"Xun'er, don't hurry up to meet your grandfather..." A

gentle female voice sounded, and Li Yuan looked up.

Li Yuan's eyes brightened even more!

"Li Chengxun?" At

this time, Li Jiancheng's "crown princess" Zheng Guanyin brought Li Chengxun to Li Yuan's side.

Zheng Guanyin was also followed by a woman, Li Yuanji's original partner Yang.

"Grandpa, I'm hungry too, you feed us."

Li Chengxun milkily hugged Li Yuan's thigh and pasted it.

"Good boy, good boy, grandpa feeds you. Li

Yuan's anger towards Li Zhiyun disappeared by more than half.

It seems that the last change in Xuanwumen, Li Zhiyun and Li Shimin did not harm Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji's wives and children.

At this point, he had to admit that Li Zhiyun was even more generous than himself.

The samurai hurriedly filled the wine and handed it to Li Yuan.

Like an old friend, he said:

"Your Highness, this wine is called Niulan Mountain, it is even better than the previous Malan Mountain, you can taste it quickly!" "Why is this wine called Niulan Mountain

?" Li

Yuan sat down and sniffed with interest.

In an instant, the sweetness and aroma of the wine came to the face.

Li Yuan had drunk Malan Mountain before, but this was the first time he had seen Niulan Mountain.

"Back to Your Highness, this was specially developed by the emperor to commemorate those scalpers who died in the battle of the smallpox virus, so the word 'cow' was added.

Samurai explained.

Regarding Li Zhiyun's series of textbook practices in the smallpox virus, Li Yuan has also heard about it.

At the beginning, some people came to the prison to plant themselves with pox.

During Li Yuan's political career, he attached great importance to the role of cattle farming, so he also ordered a national ban on beef consumption.

Unexpectedly, Li Zhiyun named this wine Niulan Mountain in order to commemorate the role of the cow!

Li Yuan also looked at the various meats on the table and found that there was no beef.

I feel a little better.

Li Yuan raised his glass and took a sip.

In an instant, a strong fragrance and burning heat hit the taste buds, and sitting at this warm table in this cold winter is a special taste.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, I'm going to eat that corn.

"Grandpa. Grandpa, I'm going to eat that greens. Li

Chengxun and Li Chenggan, two little guys, danced and pointed to the food on the table and said.

"Good, good, grandpa will serve you dishes.

Li Yuan smiled and picked up the chopsticks, sandwiched greens and corn, and put them in the hot pot after learning from others.

Li Zhiyun took a few pieces of mutton and put them in Wan Xuanyu's bowl.

Wan Xuanyu dipped the mutton in the seasoning and quietly put it into Li Yuan's bowl.

The samurai immediately said:

"Your Highness, please taste this mutton, this mutton was specially transported from Turks by Princess Yicheng, and it tastes delicious!" Li

Yuan picked up the chopsticks and paused for a few seconds, then picked up a few pieces of mutton and put them in his mouth.

Li Yuan's face was expressionless, but his heart was extremely refreshing

! Each piece of mutton was extremely silky, completely devoid of smell, just one word - cool!

More than 40 tables of civil and military officials and family members in the hall were also eating hot pot, drinking fine wine, and chatting about homely things.

The atmosphere in the main hall is becoming more and more harmonious, and the temperature is getting higher and higher.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

An old man in the audience came up with a wine glass.

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