"Brother Li Yuan, younger brother toast you!" Li Yuan

looked up, and the expression on his face was very rich.

There was shock, there was doubt, and more was puzzlement.

The person who came to toast was none other than Li Yuan's former nemesis, Wang Shichong.

Samurai immediately gave up his seat and let Wang Shichong sit down, while he came to the audience with a glass of wine to discuss the new way to eat hot pot with foodie Tang Jian.

Li Yuan was stunned and picked up the wine glass.

Wang Shichong took the initiative to run into it.

The mellow liquor in the transparent glass stirred up a slight fluctuation with a "bang".

The two looked at each other and smiled, and toasted and drank.

"Brother, look how dashing I am living now.

"After I helped the emperor and ministers straighten out their government affairs in Luoyang City, I retired and went home.

Hearing this, Li Yuan became interested

: "What is Brother Wang doing at home?

Wang Shichong immediately shook his head:

"I, after waiting for my grandson Pei Xingjian in the morning, I will take him to Luoyang Lake for a walk, skate, and when it's hot, fishing, catching birds, and catching clams!"

"At noon, we slept beautifully on rattan chairs and slept until the afternoon, flying kites and building snowmen.

"In the evening, when Luo Shixin is finished, we will sit down as a family to drink wine and look at the stars!"

Wang Shichong was talking endlessly, and the happiness on his face made Li Yuan fall into deep thought.

Every word he said formed a happy and peaceful picture in Li Yuan's mind.

There are too many difficulties and dangers along the way, too many people love the world, and what exactly are you pursuing?


Yuan took the initiative to pour a glass of Niulan Mountain for Wang Shichong

: "Brother Wang, I didn't expect you to live so happily!" Wang

Shichong raised his glass:

"Actually, Brother Li can do the same!"


Shichong looked at the two children in Li Yuan's arms and asked with a smile:

"Grandpa asked you, do you want your grandfather to accompany you to skate?"

Because of his nature, two pairs of eyes lit up, tightly grasped Li Yuan's sleeves, and said in a milky voice:

"Grandpa, grandpa, we are also going to skate!"

"Is it good, is it good, grandpa?"

Li Chengxun and Li Chenggan looked at Li Yuan expectantly, and even tugged at Li Yuan's beard.

Wan Xuanyu, Changsun Wuqian, Zheng Guanyin, and Yang Shi also looked at Li Yuan expectantly.

Li Shimin even clenched his hands, secretly straining.

How he hoped that his father Li Yuan could be like Wang Shichong, let go of all the grudges in the world, be a happy old man, and be a happy grandfather!

Li Xuanba hurriedly got up and said to Li Yuan

: "Father, the four years that the children have been wandering outside, lonely and without relatives, this kind of uncomfortable feeling, the children do not want to have it again in their lives

!" "The children also finally understand that the most precious thing in this world is not power, nor the world, but the companionship and happiness in front of them!" Li

Zhiyun: ???

the lines of this goods are very 666!

At the corner of Li Yuan's eyes, there was an imperceptible tear, swirling in his eyes.

Li Yuan raised his cup and touched it at Wang Shicong, and drank it down.

"Brother, to be honest, brother, I really can't skate." "

I wonder if you have time tomorrow, the old brother with these two grandsons wants to go skating with you?" Wang

Shichong hurriedly poured a glass of wine for Li Yuan again, and said with a smile:

"No problem, then we will make an appointment tomorrow morning, skating in the small pond by Luoyang Lake!"

Wan Xuanyu, Changsun Wuqian, Zheng Guanyin, Yang Shi and others were moved by the scene in front of them with tears rippled.

For such a long time, facing her husband, Wan Xuanyu had no way to start.

He always tried to resolve this paragraph of right and wrong, but there was no way.

And just today, from the relieved smile on Li Yuan's face, it can be seen that he is trying to let go of everything!

Thinking that Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji committed a lot of crimes, they thought that Li Zhiyun and Li Shimin would cut the grass and remove the roots!

The two even looked forward to the near future, Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji may also be released.

This Chinese New Year's Eve luncheon was quite enjoyable.

After lunch, Li Yuan, accompanied by Wang Shichong, and all the families of civil and military officials visited the Shendu Luoyang together.

Walk the streets and have fun with the people, and there is a bonfire performance in the evening.

The tables, chairs and benches in the main hall of the Ming Hall were quickly emptied, and Li Zhiyun sat on the dragon chair, his face no longer the joy he had just now.

Just now, Li Zhiyun received Li Cunxiao's front-line war report.

The combined forces of the three countries of Daliang, Tubo and Tuyuhun went north without stopping.

According to Li Cunxiao's analysis, their target is Chang'an City! Chang'an,

a big city, is strategically located in the eyes of everyone.


to Li Zhiyun's recollections, Chang'an was the capital city with the most, longest and most influential dynasties in ancient times.

Later generations called it the "ancient capital of the thirteen dynasties".

But there is one phenomenon that is more interesting.

After the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty, none of the dynasties chose to be in Chang'an Dingdu!

Why did the Southern Song Dynasty build its capital in Hangzhou?

Why did the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties establish their capital

in Beiping? Because Beiping is surrounded by mountains on three sides and has the Great Wall

! But what is there in Chang'an? Chang'an is

surrounded by a horse and a flat river! There

are no mountains or big rivers at all!

Now, Daliang and other million-strong coalition forces of the three countries have set the next big target in Chang'an, and their starting point is to see these!

According to the speed of Li Rail's army, it will be possible to reach Chang'an in less than three days.


the ministers listened to this news and frowned.

If Li Rail captures Chang'an, then it will only be a few hundred miles away from Luoyang, and he will be able to reach Luoyang City in an instant!

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