Li Rail's two "fathers" are none other than Tubo's Zanlangbao and Tuyuhun's Fuyun.


they first sent troops, the two promised themselves that they would only send troops and would not participate in battles.

Who knows, in the course of the coalition army's continuous northward journey, they repented.

It was decided to personally come to the battle and take command.

Li Rail didn't understand their careful thinking.

Looking at Chang'an, the center of political civilization that was about to be conquered in China, his eyes were red! "The stolen goods are unevenly divided!"

If this laughter was heard by Li Zhiyun, Li Zhiyun would also laugh.

Are you so fucking confident

, Chang'an will definitely be able to take it?"

"King Qiyu, the 150,000 Tang troops under Chang'an City are training, and it seems to be a formation from afar

!" Li Zhuo laughed disdainfully:


?" "This Li Zhiyun really still looks down on us!"


scout immediately replied

: "Qiyu Zampu, the subordinates dare not be careless, they have observed for a day and a night to see clearly

, and there are no reinforcements!" Fu Yun sucked a pair of snow-white golden bells in his hand, and smiled evilly:

"Why not have reinforcements?" "

Our artillery and grenades are comparable to that Li Zhiyun, but we have millions!"

Fu Yun flicked the meat ball in his hand:

"I'm afraid he will be a ball!"

He and Li Zhiyun have fought each other.


Shimin, who was originally an enemy of Li Zhiyun, was fooled by Li Zhiyun into an "oolong" and inexplicably fought with himself

! He didn't even see Li Zhiyun's ghost shadow, so he was beaten and fled!

Li Zhuo looked at the dark dense forest in front of him, and then remembered Li Zhiyun's sinisterness, and goosebumps rose all over his body.

Gong Zan Nongbao and Fu Yun followed Li Rail's line of sight, and said disdainfully:

"Brother Li, are you afraid that there will be ambush soldiers in this dense forest?"

"This is simple

!" "Let's go all the way, bomb all the way, just let his mother's artillery bombard indiscriminately!"

When Li Rail heard this, this was also a method! On

the way to Chang'an, a few shells were randomly fired at these dense forests that were easy to set up ambushes.


three unanimously agreed that the coalition forces would launch a general attack tomorrow evening! At

present, Li Rail has calculated that the coalition forces can still support them for

three months.

In three months, we must capture the entire territory of the Tang Kingdom, and then conquer Luoyang in one fell swoop!

According to the original plan, the Li Rail coalition army is marching rapidly towards Chang'an City, and it is expected that the troops will arrive in Chang'an in the evening.

"Emperor Qiyu, Li Rail's coalition army is already approaching Xianyang County

!" "Good

!" Li Zhiyun stood on top of Chang'an City, stroking the dark artillery, and his eyes shone:

"Next, it's up to Li Jing and Li Xuanba!"

Li Rail's army leaned in.

"All the soldiers obeyed the order, quickly attacked the city, and did not leave a piece of armor!"

"Wait a minute

!" Li Zhuo looked warily at the dense forest on both sides of Xianyang County, and said to the artillerymen in front of him:

"Ten shells in a row at the dense forest on both sides!"

I have to admit that Li Rail's technique is more sophisticated.


! Bang bang - bang bang -

ten shells with the sound of breaking wind, bombarded into the depths

of the dense forest! In an instant, the

fire was shining, and the big tree bent at the waist! The

birds perched in the depths of the dense forest flew into the sky with their flapping wings.

Li Jing and Zong Luo, who were in the dense forest, tightened the leather ring on the mouth of the Wuchi War Horse under their crotches, and whispered:

"Everyone give me patience!" Each

soldier had a resolute face and a firm gaze.

Since they experienced the baptism of smallpox virus, they have become indestructible

, especially by Li Zhiyun's Lü Bu Xiangyu double combat power, and their physical fitness has been continuously enhanced.

But the shells were eyeless;

more than 10 soldiers were hit by the shells

! some had their arms blown off, some had their legs blown off!

It flows to the ground and immediately condenses into a dark brown.

But these more than ten people clenched their teeth and kept silent, their faces bruised because of the pain.

The clothes on Li Xuanba's back were also shattered by cannonballs, revealing bright red flesh and blood.

Li Jing's expression tightened, and his eyes signaled the medical soldiers to bandage immediately.

As the medics cautiously tried to get close to them.

I saw these more than ten people hugging their fists towards Li Jing, Zong Luoju, and Li Xuanba, and their eyes showed extreme reluctance.

The next moment.

More than a dozen people took out the sharp daggers in their arms and stabbed them sharply into their throats!

They did not make any noise until they died

! The faces of all the soldiers were full of regret and anger! These

comrades-in-arms, in order not to affect the whole army, went so far as to die to make a clear intention.

Seeing that the dense forest did not react, Li Zhuo put down his heart, waved his big hand, and the coalition army advanced towards Xianyang County.

Li Jing suddenly raised his horse

and said to Li Xuan: "General Li, it's time

!" "Remember to delay until nightfall in the evening to lead the thief army into formation

!" Li Jing was still not at ease

: "Remember, don't fall in love with war!" Li

Xuanba nodded, suddenly raised the golden hammer, and said to everyone:

"Listen to my orders, grenades ready, archers prepare!"

Looking at Li Rail's army slowly approaching ahead, Li Xuanba suddenly slammed the twin hammers together

! With a loud "bang", sparks splashed everywhere, and the heavens and the earth changed color with it

! Countless grenades and arrows poured out towards

Li Rail's army with full anger! "Where did the sound come from?" Li

Rail immediately waved his hand, causing the whole army to stop immediately!

But everything was too late, and the dense grenades and arrows in the air came into everyone's eyes.

Tweet - bang

bang -


Under Li Xuanba's order, the cavalry charged suddenly, and the infantry pushed back, coming fiercely towards Li Rail's army.

Li Rail's artillery had no time to adjust its direction, and even the hands that loaded the ammunition began to tremble!

Li Xuanba took the lead, holding a golden hammer and killing everyone.

With a hammer, a large area was knocked down

! Other soldiers, with extreme anger, brandished strange knives, horizontal knives, and other weapons, and killed the enemy group! In

an instant, the two sides were entangled, and the artillery and grenades of the coalition forces lost their effect

! This sudden attack caused Li Rail's forward army to be in chaos in an instant! Li Rail

, who was in the rear, immediately stood anxiously on the footsteps and personally commanded the army to fight with the banner!

Zanlongbao and Fu Yun immediately retreated their steps and observed Li Rail's command ability.

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