Under Li Xuanba's charge, all the soldiers were like wild horses out of control, and they were like indifferent and ruthless killing machines, turning the vanguard of the Li Rail coalition army upside down!

This manpower is infinite, a pair of golden hammers and tigers are angry, and no one can stop them!

How does it feel like you've seen this product

? Can't tell? It won't


"Where is the great general Liang Shuo?" "

The end will be general!" A

stout man about two meters tall, more than three hundred pounds, and his eyes were full of fierce light, came to Li Rail.

Li Zhuo pointed to Li Xuanba in the crowd: "

Quickly behead this person!"

Zanlongbao squinted at Li Xuanba in the crowd:

"Brother Li, I see that this person is extremely heroic and extremely vicious, you General Liang is feasible?"

The two immediately came out and looked at Liang Shuo with disdain, eager to try.

Li Shuo stroked his beard and was full of confidence in

Liang Shuo: "The two don't know something, General Liang Shuo is a fierce general under the king's account, and he has never been defeated so far!" Liang

Shuo suddenly raised a pair of large golden hammers, and "bang" collided together.

The huge sound shook Niang Zang Gu and Nong Zhao Bo with ringing in their ears.

Liang Shuo

lifted the hammer and walked towards Li Xuanba, secretly saying in his heart, this house even uses a big golden

hammer! Who doesn't know that in the hammer industry

, Li Xuanba is the first! When Li Xuanba fought against the eighteen-way anti-king, he had the honor of fighting Li Xuanba once.

To be precise, after scolding Li Xuanba from afar, he took the road and fled.

It was this short meeting that made him full of great admiration for Li Xuanba!

Those eighteen anti-kings were not Li Xuanba's opponents, and everyone who smashed the pair of golden hammers collapsed!

Since Li Xuanba died, he has copied a pair of Li Xuanba's pair of big golden hammers.

Although it weighs only 200 pounds, it is also golden

! Since then, he has squeezed

Li Xuanba's position and become the new "first brother of the golden hammer"! Liang Shuo brandished the golden hammer and pushed all the way over and came behind Li Xuanba.

"You guys, take your life!" Liang

Shuo suddenly clamped the horse's belly and rushed towards Li Xuanba.

Li Xuanba, who was fighting hard, heard a sound behind him, and a pair of tiger eyes looked back.

In an instant, the four eyes were facing each other.



Liang Shuo's pupils contracted rapidly, and the whole person was dumbfounded there like a ghost, and a pair of golden hammers hung in the air.

Li Xuanba

? The person in front of him turned out to be his idol Li Xuanba?

"Drive!" Liang

Shuo turned his horse's head and ran without hesitation

, "Quick, quick, quick!" "

Stop him for me!" Liang

Shuo roared quickly as he fled.

The black-pressed soldiers rushed up and blocked Li Xuanba's path.

Li Rail:

What happened to ??? Zhuo,

why did this Liang Shuo just have a face to face with the other party and flee so madly?

On Zang Lang Nang, he even said to the two generals Niang Zang Gu and Nong Zhao Bo beside him: "

You go and cut that house for me, and teach General Liang the fighting skills!"

Li Xuanba smashed it with a hammer.

Niang Zang Gu raised the silver spear with both hands to block it, her face was full of ridicule, and she did not forget to throw a wink at Nong Zhaobo.

"Bang!" A

silver spear split in two, and a figure with blurred flesh and blood flew out

! Nong Zhaobo frowned and looked at it, Niang Zanggu had turned into a pool of flesh and blood

! The dead can no longer die

! Nong Zhaobo gasped!

The rear of the coalition army also opened their eyes wide, looking at everything in front of them incredulously.

It turned out that it was not that Liang Shuo was afraid of death, but that there would be no bones!

Li Xuanba raised the golden hammer again and smashed it at Nong Zhabo.

Li Jing, who was not far away, looked nervous, and immediately rushed over, and when he passed by Li Xuanba, he said quietly:

"General Li, suppress your strength!"

In addition, if Li Xuanba

does not hide his edge at this time, how can he pave the way for the next feigned rout?

Suddenly, with a "bang", Li Xuanba fell off his horse, and the golden hammer also fell to the ground.

Li Xuanba struggled to pick up the golden hammer and step on the horse again, but the whole person looked shaky and exhausted!

"Look, this is definitely a lack of physical strength, and anger is attacking the heart!"

Li Jing

in the crowd saw that "the situation is not right" and shouted at Li Xuanba:

"General Li, quickly retreat! The whole army quickly retreats!"

Li Xuanba is still "fighting hard" and completely deaf to Li Jing's military orders!

At this time, Liang Shuo finally returned to Li Rail's side and suddenly knelt on the ground:

"Great King... King... The other party is... The other party was..." Without

waiting for Liang Shuo to finish speaking, Li Zhuo slapped him up

: "Waste, you waste! What use do you want?"

"Escaping from battle is a capital crime, pull me

down and cut it!" Li Jing, who was stunned, was immediately pulled down, and the military law dealt with it!

Li Jing in the crowd shouted at Li

Xuanba again: "Withdraw, quickly withdraw me!"

In order to make Li Rail clearly aware of his intention to rout, Li Jing personally waved the banner of retreat.

Zong Luoji directly slammed Li Xuanba's crotch Wuchi war horse, and the whole army retreated towards Chang'an City at great speed.

"Hurry up and chase me!"

"Li Jing?"

Fu Yun finally recognized the commander of the other party, who was actually a famous generation of war gods!

If he could kill Li Jing, he would definitely become famous all over the world.

Fu Yun directly personally led the troops to rush up.

Li Rail thought about it, and finally had to press it.

Whoever captures Chang'an City first will have the right to speak!

The large amount of grain and grass, gold, silver jewelry, and beauty in Chang'an is the greatest temptation!

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