Li Jing, Zong Luoji, Li Xuanba and others led an army of nearly 100,000 to frantically "escape" to Chang'an.

Xianyang County was only fifty miles away from Chang'an, and Li Rail's coalition forces pursued it relentlessly.

However, because of its heavy artillery, grain and grass, it had to make the 500,000 vanguard troops chase forward.

In the judgment of Li Rail, Zanlangbao and Fu Yun, it was not necessary to take this Chang'an City without any artillery and grenades!

As long as the 500,000-strong army closely followed Li Jing to break through the city gates, they could take Chang'an City in one fell swoop.

Li Jing deliberately maintained a relative speed with the coalition forces, making them feel that they could catch up with him, and always maintaining a safe distance.

Li Xuanba held the golden hammer and stood on top of the carriage.

Li Jing is also familiar with Li Xuanba.

He could feel that since Li Xuanba's return, his strength had not decreased but increased.

It is no wonder, after all, Li Xuanba was only fifteen years old before, and although the strength he showed was huge, he was not sophisticated enough.

Li Jing didn't know what Li Zhiyun had done to Li Xuanba, making the original general who only cared about fighting to become a meditative and restrained general.

Just because of the acting skills just now, Li Jing wanted to give Li Xuanba a thumbs up in his heart.

An hour later, it was close to 6 p.m.

In the depths of winter, the sky has completely darkened.

Chang'an City was crowded with all kinds of black powder, artillery shells, boulders, wood, black oil and other equipment for defending the city.

Li Zhuo slowed down and said to the Rongnang and Fuyun beside him:

"Ahead is Chang'an City, and King Ben thinks that he should set up camp nearby, and he can fight the thief army to the death tomorrow!"

Following Li Jing's army into Chang'an City and killing Li Zhiyun and Li Shimin in one go is the best policy!

A normal person would think like this, Li Rail's head will not be squeezed by the door, right?

If Li Zhiyun did not open the city gate for Li Jing, then the coalition forces would have slaughtered Li Jing's 100,000-strong army under Chang'an City!

Suddenly, at this time, the ground began to shake violently, listening to the sound of fighting in the distance, it must be Li Rail's million-strong coalition army has arrived.

Li Zhiyun immediately ordered all the soldiers to enter the combat state, and

at the same time ordered everyone to place all the artillery in the most conspicuous position on the city gate.

In addition, countless half-finished cannons, even just a cannon barrel, were densely displayed in the city!

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxian on the side were a little puzzled when they looked at Li Zhiyun's operation.

"Emperor, how can you use these half-finished artillery to smash the enemy army!" Li

Zhiyun stared into the distance with a pair of starry eyes, and said quietly:

"This is a suspicious and expedient measure. "


Fang Xuanling and Du Ruxian didn't understand the meaning of Li Zhiyun's words.

Li Zhiyun lowered his head and smiled, and he understood after a while!

Li Jing rushed forward, and Li Rail's coalition army followed closely behind.

"Look, the king is looking ahead, there is Chang'an City ahead!" Ronzan

and Fu Yun stopped and picked up the binoculars they were carrying and looked forward.

I saw that Chang'an City was brightly lit, and what caught their eyes was countless artillery pieces, as well as shells piled up throughout the city.

Ronzan and Fu Yun looked tense and handed the telescope to Li Rail:

"Brother Li, take a look for yourself."

Li Rail saw the same picture through the telescope and was shocked.

Looking at the shock on Li Rail's face, Fu Yun put down the binoculars in his hand and analyzed:

"Brother Li, we can only avoid the attack of the other party's artillery if we are entangled with Li Jing!"


Whoever kills Li Zhiyun will be rewarded with 100,000 taels of gold; whoever kills Li Shimin will be rewarded with 1,000 taels of gold!" In an instant, Li Zhiyun

and Li Shimin in the city turned into glowing pieces of gold in the eyes of everyone!

Li Jing, who kept fleeing, shouted at

Chang'an City: "Quickly open the city gate, quickly open the city gate!" At

this moment, the city gate of Chang'an City "creaked" and the gate opened.

Li Rail, Nongzanlang, and Fu Yun looked at each other and smiled

: "All the soldiers, press me all!" And

the next moment, a shocking scene happened

! 100,000 soldiers rushed out from Chang'an City

! Li Jing and Li Xuanba immediately turned their horses' heads, and the 200,000 soldiers instantly merged into one!

Tang Jian, the formation commander standing on the city, shouted:

"Frontal Formation, up!"


Xuanba, Zong Luoji, Cheng Yanjin, Li Jing, Luo Shixin, and hundreds of other generals formed an arrow, and the soldiers behind him formed an arrow!

A pair of golden hammers were in his hands, pushing a path out for the formation army

! As the "arrow-bodyed" soldiers, with the cooperation of shields, spears, flintlock guns, grenades, and so on, they quickly harvested people's heads!

Li Zhiyun, who was watching the battle in the city, couldn't help but blurt out

: "Awesome, it's really cool!" Tang

Jian waved the banner and gave the order:

"Assault formation, insert me deep!"

In an instant, the formation army suddenly increased its speed

, and the arrow was like a sharp arrow, and the momentum was like a broken bamboo, and it was unstoppable! At one point, the rear position where Li Rail, Zanlangbao and Fu Yun were located was less than 500

meters! The coalition army was even more like a weak chicken, chased by the formation army and penetrated deeply

! Blood stained the earth hundreds of meters red!

500,000 coalition troops were inserted by this "arrow" that was as hard as steel, without the slightest temper!

Li Zhuo was shocked, what kind of formation was this

? It seemed so simple, but it was so powerful? Seeing

that the situation was not good, Zanlangbao and Fu Yun immediately ordered:

"Withdraw, retreat quickly!"

Tang Jian waved his banner again and gave an order, and the 200,000-strong formation army immediately returned to the city! If

the other party came back and organized artillery to suppress it, the formation would be self-defeating.

Li Zhiyun patted Tang Jian's shoulder and ordered everyone to rest immediately, there were many things ahead.

Not long after, the scouts who went to inquire about the military situation of the coalition forces brought two news.

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