The general guarding the city crawled to the ground in trepidation, and bowed his head to the king of the war.

After listening to the description of the general defending the city, he finally attracted the attention of the King of Jieyi.

After estimating the time, the King of Jieyi ordered the envoys of the Shenzhou Empire to meet him.

Moreover, the messengers were asked to pull the tribute directly to the main hall.

He wanted to see what charm these tributes had, so that the people of the whole city could stop and watch, and

by the way, kill the spirit of the messenger group.

Liu Min's envoy group was finally able to enter the city.

And on the way, a figure appeared in front of Liu Min.

Liu Min could see that this person should be from Huaxia.

"You are... Master Xuanzang?"

asked Liu Min tentatively.

Xuanzang was extremely excited:

"You are Master Liu, but you can be regarded as waiting for you."

Liu Min: "Master, have you received our flying pigeon handbook?"

Liu Min: "Then why didn't the master leave to go home

?" Xuanzang shook his head in embarrassment, and under his thin body was a firm heart:

"The poor monk can't go back

!" "Why?" "

The King of Jingri has always been eyeing me Huaxia Tiger, and the poor monk is not at ease!" "

His Royal Highness the Emperor has great favors for me, I can still maneuver a little here, and... The King of Jieri won't let the poor monks leave Qunu City!" Liu

Min bowed his hand respectfully to Xuanzang: "Thank you Master for your feelings for the country, Master doesn't

have to worry!" "Since the King of Jingri refuses to let the master go back, then we have to destroy the Jingri Dynasty

!" "At that time, the master can go home with peace of mind to spread all sentient beings!"

Xuanzang: ??? looking at Xuanzang's

confused face, Liu Min smiled heartily:

"Master wait patiently, and there will be a moment in the next day of this dog day king!"

Xuanzang nodded, his heart magnificent.

This Jieyi Dynasty is the largest dynasty in the world today, and the Jieyi Empire is also a premier power

! The Jieyi Dynasty has cultivated millions of brave and good soldiers through years of conquests!

Although he is full of confidence in Li Zhiyun, the egg is in front of the stone, and he cannot resist!"

"Lord Liu, the King of the Jieyi has three points of respect and seven points of threat to the poor monk, and the poor monk should accompany you into the palace."

Liu Min nodded.

That's fine.

Along the way, you can also ask Xuanzang about the situation of the Jingri Dynasty, so that you can know in your heart and know that the other party can fight a hundred battles.

Qunu City, Royal Palace.

Liu Min and Xuanzang walked in under the leadership of the internal attendant.

Liu Min Yuguang scanned the palace and couldn't help but secretly say in his heart.

This royal palace of the Jieyi Dynasty looks just like

this! It is not a grade different from its own Shenzhou City, but a heaven and an underground

! Especially the design of this palace, it can be called low-grade taste!

The pillars are full of some little ghosts, monsters, elephants and old cows.

What a mess, just a bunch of shit.

Liu Min stood above the main hall, showing no sign of paying homage to the King of the Ringing Sun.

Xuanzang was a little anxious, pulled Liu Min's collar, and whispered:

"Lord Liu, right in front of you is the King of the Ring Sun."

Liu Min straightened his clothes and took a step forward and said

, "Foreign minister, Liu Min, head of the Shenzhou Empire Mission,

see the King of Jingri!" Liu Min bent down ninety degrees and gave a mourning gift to the King of Jingri.

The King of Jieyi did not open his mouth to let Liu Min get up.

Instead, he smiled strangely at all the ministers and looked at Liu Min like a monkey.

This person is skinny, but he exudes a unique temperament.

If you don't kill him, I don't know whose territory this is!

The disdainful eyes of everyone and the mocking smile on their faces were presented in Liu Min's afterlight.

Liu Min clenched his fists, suddenly stood up straight, and said without humility or arrogance

: "King Qiyu Ji Day, in Xia Nai Shenzhou Empire Envoy Group, with the sincerity of Shenzhou Empire Emperor Li Zhiyun, came to Qunu City

!" "The original intention was to build a bridge of communication between the two countries and join forces to dominate the world!"

Liu Min's face changed, and his painting style changed:"

But I never thought that the King of the Ring Sun was so hospitable that my Shenzhou Empire delegation waited outside the city for three hours without saying anything, and now it was humiliated in public!" "

Is this the hospitality of the Ring Sun Dynasty?"

Anyone who accuses has already died and the country has perished!"

said the chief minister standing on the side of the hall angrily pointing at Liu Min.

Liu Min observed the person.

Short stature, dark skin, thick lips and flat nose, typical of Ah San shape.

But the costume on this person made Liu Min understand his identity.

From the most noble caste of the three Ahs, the Brahmins!

Just as he was walking down the street, Liu Min discovered a very interesting phenomenon.

Some of those with light brown skin, medium stature, black curly hair and thin lips were people of the Ring Sun Empire.

Some of those with very white skin, tall figures, high noses and deeply sunken eyes are also people of the Ring Sun Empire.

Some of those who are short in stature, dark skin, thick lips and flat noses are still people from the Ring Sun Empire.

This is the deformed social system peculiar to the Jieyi Empire - the "caste system"!

Asaye looked grim and not angry, and continued to scold:

"Your little Shenzhou Empire is so arrogant!"

Master Guoshi is angry, we are all monks, and we should not plant evil consequences.

Xuanzang clasped his hands together in front of the King of the Ring Sun again:

"Great King, please stop being angry, my delegation of the Shenzhou Empire has traveled all the way, and it is really not easy to come to this great Qunu City from the land of China!"

"Please forgive everything for the sake of the Buddha's face!" Hearing

the word "Buddha", the face of the king of the ring softened a little, but he still looked at Liu Min angrily.

I hope that Liu Min can take the initiative to soften down and apologize.

Xuanzang also immediately pulled Liu Min's shirt, and whispered

: "Lord Liu, don't forget the purpose of your trip..."

Liu Min gave Xuanzang a "everything under control" look, and said to the king of the ringing sun still without humility:

"Great King, the foreign minister has brought a personal letter from Princess Seronina. At

the mention of Princess Schrodona, King Jieyi's heart softened.

Although Sirodona is her own daughter.

Xuanzang looked at the tense atmosphere above the court, and no one would bow his head, and immediately took the letter from Liu Min and handed it to the internal attendant.

When the king of the ring saw the handwriting on the letter and confirmed that it belonged to Sironina, he was in a much better mood and looked at it seriously.

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