In her letter, Sirodona said a lot about the true situation of the Shenzhou Empire.

The Shenzhou Empire was not as weak as they thought.

With thousands of miles of fertile fields and high yields of crops, the entire population has long been freed from hunger and cold and has a good life.

There are many advanced weapons and new equipment, and the combat effectiveness of the whole army is very strong.

It is hoped that the Jingri Dynasty will re-examine its relationship with the Shenzhou Empire and not blindly force it to become a vassal state.

Instead, under the grand plan of the world, join forces with the strong to dominate the huge world.

Sirodona also showed that Li Zhiyun, the emperor of the Shenzhou Empire, seemed to be very satisfied with himself.

The two have made a marriage contract and have had several close contacts.


Luo Shixin: It's true~)

Li Zhiyun arranged Liu Min to send an envoy to the Ring Day Empire this time, that is, let Liu Min bring tribute and dowry, and strive to put the wedding date of the two on the agenda as soon as possible.

Is it so quick to ???


and are the young people now honest with each other when they meet each other?

The prime minister of the Jieyi Empire, Alonashun from the political aristocracy of Kshatriya, the person who would later subvert the Jieyi Empire, took the letter.

He carefully looked at the letter, and after repeatedly confirming that it was from the princess's hand, he said to Liu Min: "

Lord Liu, let your envoy group of the Shenzhou Empire wait outside Qunu City for a long time, it was my poor hospitality as the prime minister!"

Alonashun looked at Liu Min with a pair of eagle eyes, and his eyes were full of greed.

If you want to marry the princess of my Ring Sun Empire, you must at least show sincerity, right?

A million gold

, a million loads of grain and grass

, or a hundred cities!

Liu Min smiled heartily:

"Lord Hui, according to your orders, the dowry is outside the palace.

"Then hurry up and take it!" I

saw Liu Min clapping his hands!

In an instant

, hundreds of scantily dressed women, with coquettish steps, flicked two pieces of meat, and walked towards the main hall.

Everyone held a pink silk scarf in their hands.

The south and north of the house are spring water, but see the gulls coming day by day.

The flower path has not been swept by guests, and the door is now open for Jun.


whole hall could only hear the sound of swallowing saliva.

Countless pairs of soul-hooking eyes shot towards the King of the Ringing Sun.

Sometimes secretly sending autumn waves, sometimes eyebrows.

The King of the Ring Sun suddenly felt a heat all over his body.

Prime Minister Alonashun kept smacking his tongue.

This... "

Go, let you feel your abilities!" The

women immediately divided into three groups.

The first group consisted of ten women who danced in the hall.


King of the Ring Sun and the ministers also forgot to drink, and just watched like that.


charm from a foreign country is full of curiosity.

No one can refuse.


Liu Min's first "dowry" made everyone feel crazy.

However, the king of the ringing sun and the heavy ministers of Brahmins and Kshatriya who stood in front of the main hall could not let go of their hands and feet, and still sat in front of each other, vigorously maintaining the dignity of the royal family.

In fact, they are itching inside.

These are much stronger than those in their own courtyards.

The King of Jingri secretly said that he had been fighting for many years, and he had also recruited a large number of beautiful women from all over the world to enrich his harem.

But people have to die compared to people, and goods have to be thrown away!

Xuanzang on the side lowered his head and asked in a low voice

: "Master Liu Min, what are you doing

?" "Is it possible that you want to seduce the king of the sun?"

"This is the prevailing place of Buddhism, sin and sin!" Liu Min

smiled heartily: "Shut up"!

This Xuanzang also has another name - Tang Sanzang.

He not only has great wisdom, but also has a broken mouth

! Singing "only you" all day, annoyed to death!

In the end, Prime Minister Alonashun broke the embarrassment.

As an old fox of the empire, how could he not understand the careful thinking of the King of Jieyi?"

Lord Liu, where do these beauties come from?"

asked Alonashun.

"Lord Hui, they are from the distant Yin Kingdom. "

The Kingdom of the Wakoku?"

the King of the Ring Sun moved, hugging his thighs silently.

"Yes, it is indeed the Kingdom of Yin, and there are more than five hundred people in total when they came. The

King of the Ring Sun and Alonashun looked tense.

The expression on Liu Min's face turned to anger and pain, and he said, "

The Great King didn't know something, and when he led countless beauties and treasures through Li Rail's Great Liang, he was blocked by the Great Liang Army!"


Liu Min stopped talking.

"How else?"

the King of the Ring Sun finally couldn't help but ask.

Liu Min whispered

, "Li Zhuo also said, what is that Jieyi King

?" "What is that Jieyi Dynasty?"

"In time, he will unite with Tubo and Tuyuhun to fiercely beat the Jieyi Dynasty on Dog Day!"

Liu Min finished in one breath.


Bang -

the king of the ring directly picked up the bronze wine bottle on the desk and smashed it to the ground.

In an instant, all the ministers were crawling on the ground

: "The Great King is angry!" "The Great King is angry

!" "The King of Jieyi is angry!" The

eyes of the King of Jieyi flashed viciously

: "This Li Li is afraid that he wants to die!?" Seeing that

the King of Jieyi was enraged, the national master Asaye, who was watching coldly on the sidelines, immediately asked:

"Liu Min, Hugh has to open his mouth to disturb the audio-visual!"

Let's discuss the matter of Li Rail, let's continue to talk about your dowry!"

Asaya directly changed the topic.

Liu Min knew that this matter could not be reckless, and he would find an opportunity to mention it again.

Then, Li Rail continued to clapped his hands.

Hundreds of boxes of jewelry and gold were brought in.

The Ring King's eyes were as wide as a camel bell.

Looking at these golds, the true color of greed immediately appeared on the face.

Which man doesn't love beauty? Which man doesn't love gold?

Liu Min clapped his hands again.

More than ten

Wolong forts were carried in, but the eyes of the King of Jieyi and all the ministers did not turn to these Wolong forts, but continued to stare at the beauty and gold silently.

Liu Min raised his voice:

"Great King, this is the most advanced weapon offered by my Shenzhou Empire - Wolong Fort


"Can fire a thousand volleys, ten thousand arrows in unison

!" "Can shoot directly into the enemy's face and insert the other party to death!"


looked at these black things and said with a smile:

"This name is quite bluffing, but is it really so powerful?" The

Jieyi Empire is a first-class empire, and it is far ahead of all kinds of siege weapons!

"If you don't believe me, dare to move to your barracks and try to find out?"

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