Liu Min continued:

"Second, the most crucial purpose of my Shenzhou Empire's visit this time is to reveal a crucial good news to the Great King!" "

This news is related to the rise of the Jieyi Empire


What news will be so precious that it can make the Ring Day Empire rise further?

The King of the Ring Sun made a unique and very rare move of two chairs.

He sat on one hand, while the other signaled that Liu Min could sit down and talk.

The two face the sea, and spring blossoms.

Xuanzang on the side had infinite admiration for Liu Min rising in his heart.

Sure enough, the phrase "everything is in your own control" was not said by Liu Min nonsense.

Liu Min, who was admiring the blue waves, realized that this king of the ring had begun to move, and it was time to throw out his intentions.

"Great King, the neighboring Tubo Division, the Great Liang Kingdom, and Tuyuhun in the north of the Jieyi Empire, the domestic forces of

the Three Kingdoms are empty!" "The Great King can take the opportunity to send troops to these three countries

!" "I believe that it will not take too much energy and time to capture the Three Kingdoms in one fell swoop!"


together, the three countries are not small in area and rich in strategic resources.

If it is included, the territory of the Jieyi Empire will stretch from the Indian Ocean in the south to Daliang in the north!

If it can be tied up with Li Zhiyun again with the strategy of marriage, and find the right time to slowly encroach on China.

Then, half of Asia and most of the entire Indian Ocean will be the world of the Ring Sun Empire! At that time, both the Arab Empire and the Byzantine Empire will submit to the obscenity of the Ring Sun Empire!

"Lord Liu, where did you get this news?"

Liu Min knew that such a major news, the King of Jieyi would definitely be suspicious.

At this point, it's time to tell the truth.

"Great King, don't hide it

!" Liu Min paused, his expression was extremely sincere, and his eyes were full of determination:


million-strong coalition army of these three countries is now under my Chang'an City

!" "They intend to subvert my Huaxia and invade my Shenzhou Empire!"

Liu Min, whose face was full of anger, was calculating the possibility of this in his heart.

For Liu Min's peace and out, although the King of Jingri did not believe in his heart, this matter must be further verified, but his face still showed incomparable sincerity:

"Lord Liu

, this situation you said, King Ben will definitely find out!" "If the situation is true, King Ben will definitely send heavy troops to suppress the realm and help your Shenzhou Empire clean up this damn Tubo, Daliang and Tuyuhun!"

Liu Min secretly said, this Dog Day King of Jingri, his acting skills are no worse than his own!

"Thank you to the king, if the king can investigate it immediately, when the king sends troops, it will be the day when the design drawings of the Wolong are offered!"

Liu Min continued:

"I have an opinion below, I don't know if I should talk about it?"

"In Xia's opinion, among the three kingdoms of Tubo, Daliang, and Tuyuhun, the king can attack Daliang first!"


Liu Min's eyes shone with essence, and he picked up the branches on the ground and drew a simple map:

"Please take a look at the king."

"Daliang is the closest to Chang'an, and if Li Rail reacts to the great king's combat intentions, he will definitely return to the dynasty immediately."

"At that point, the situation becomes very complicated. The

King of the Ring Sun and the others looked at the map on the ground and carefully studied it.

Liu Min added a fire:

"If the Jieyi Empire can quickly capture Daliang, even if the Three Kingdoms return to defense, it will be blocked from the gate

!" "Especially if the army of Tubo and Tuyuhun cannot go south, then Tubo and Tuyuhun will become empty countries

!" "At that time, the Jieyi Empire and our Shenzhou Empire will attack the three-kingdom coalition forces back and forth, and they will surely perish!"

The Jieyi Empire glanced at Liu Min.

I have to admit that Liu Min's plan can not only save the Shenzhou Empire, but also open up territory for the Jingri Empire

! It can be described as a win-win situation

! Another point is that the King of Jieri already has a very bad impression of Li Rail

! This forces not only to rob Lao Tzu's woman, but also to insult Lao Tzu!

The matter was very important, and the king of the Jieyi sent the most courageous eighteen-way scout that night, changing horses without changing people, taking turns to take a break on horseback, and going to the Three Kingdoms to spy on the military situation!

I also followed Xuanzang to visit major temples.

Liu Min: "Master, why are you living in this small temple now?"

Xuanzang: "There are already a lot of Buddhist scriptures in this temple, enough for poor monks to read for a while."

Liu Min pointed to the distance and said, "I heard that in the former Magadha country of Central India, there is one of the largest Buddhist monasteries and the most famous Buddhist academic center, don't the masters want to go?"

Xuanzang's eyes were a little bleak: "This is the place I am going to, the situation there is unstable now, the key is that the king of the sun does not let the poor monks go!" Liu

Min patted Xuanzang's shoulder and sorted out his clothes for him:"

Master rest assured, this Ring Day Empire did not want to make our Shenzhou Empire better in the first place, do you think the emperor will make them have a good time?" "

In the near future, everywhere we can see is my Huaxia land

!" "Master you can go wherever you want, you can do whatever you want

!" Xuanzang held his breath in his chest, and then exhaled a long time:

"Okay, the poor monk waits!"


days later.

King Jingri urgently summoned all the ministers of culture and military affairs to the dynasty and informed Liu Min.

After the reconnaissance of the Tubo, Daliang, and Tuyuhun fire lines, just as Liu Min said, the domestic forces of the three countries were very empty

! The total is less than 500,000! In the face of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, how could the King of

Jingri be willing to miss it! Under Liu Min's own witness, the King of Jingri sent 500,000 troops, bypassing Tubo and Tuyuhun, and hurriedly marched towards Daliang!

"Lord Liu, if you have nothing to do,

stay in my Jingri Empire for a little longer!"

Liu Min rejected the "kindness" of the King of Jingri, and pointed in the direction of Tubo and Tuyuhun: "

Great King, in order to make your smooth march into Tubo and Tuyuhun after capturing Daliang, it is time to go and move around. "


King of Jie Ri looked at the envoy group led by Liu Min with only a thousand people, a little puzzled.

"Just by relying on you people, how can you 'move around'?" Liu

Min stroked his beard, his eyes shining:

"It is said that the new army and the old nobles in Tubo have always been at odds, so I will let them fight first."

"It is said that the Tianzhu King of Tuyuhun has always coveted the throne, so let's help him in the next step!"

Liu Min bowed respectfully, took out a Wolong design drawing, and handed it to the King of Jingri.

Then he turned and left.

Looking at Liu Min's distant back, the King of Jieyi shook his head repeatedly.

Such a good talent, it is a complete waste to give that

Li Zhiyun! I can only clean up the Three Kingdoms first, and then slaughter Li Zhiyun and leave Liu Min behind!"

"Sir, this design drawing is just given to him?" The

subordinate did not understand a little, and felt aggrieved in his heart.

Liu Min smiled at the corner of his mouth and did not speak.

Give, yes yes.

As for whether it was given in full picture, who knows!

At the same time that Liu Min's envoy group was rapidly advancing towards Tubo.

The battle of Chang'an City has begun!

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