Under Chang'an City, the war roared and the flames were bright.

Li Zhuo led 200,000 artillery, infantry, and light cavalry to launch a fierce attack on the north gate (main gate) of Chang'an City.

In this operation, Li Rail's strategic thinking was very clear.

He led heavy troops and launched a fierce attack on the north gate of Chang'an City, in order to attract Li Zhiyun's main forces into battle.

To win a precious opportunity for Zanlongbao and Fuyun to cover their attack on Chang'an from the south and west gates

! Li Rail is confident that he has made great sacrifices and is worthy of the coalition forces!

"Don't be afraid, then Li Zhiyun only has a mere

200,000 troops!" "Moreover, these 200,000 are still scattered in the four city gates in the southeast, southwest, and northwest, and each gate is only 50,000!"

"In addition, the 50,000 troops at each city gate were divided into the first line of defense and the second line

of defense by that fool Li Zhiyun, so the first line of defense was only 20,000 people!" "Our army of 200,000, are we afraid that he will not be able to make it to 20,000 people?" "

Let me quickly break through Li Zhiyun's first line of defense and enter

Chang'an City!" Li Railjian pointed to the first trench under Chang'an City, and a victor's smile appeared on his face in advance.

Two hundred thousand to twenty thousand, a ratio of one to ten.


at Li Rail's army under artillery fire and black pressure rushing up, Li Zhiyun said to the guards in the trench:

"Don't panic, although we only have 20,000 horses, marching and fighting can not only rely on the number of people, but on the heroism and tenacity of each soldier!"

For this first battle, Li Zhiyun attached great importance to it, and simply went into battle to command.

All the soldiers lying in the trenches nodded with a firm expression.

In front of the four gates of Chang'an City, east, west, south and north, trenches were dug on all sides, forming the first line of defense for Gongwei Chang'an City.

And Li Rail chose to attack from the front, and its purpose is self-evident.

He just wanted to take Chang'an City

in one go!

Li Zhiyun was lying on top of the trench, and it could be seen in the telescope that Li Rail's artillery was constantly advancing and adjusting the firing range at any time.


bang!" Three shells hit the vicinity of the trench, scattering countless dust and blowing up a few soldiers

! Li Rail suddenly rejoiced:

"This is the distance, this is the angle, give the king a full cannon

!" Li Rail gave an order, all the artillery adjusted the angle, and blasted towards Li Zhiyun's trench!

"Quickly hide in the bomb shelter!"

In an instant, all the soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire hid in the bomb shelter under the trench.

The sound of cannons shattered the clouds in the sky.

The cold wind blew through the weeds on the ground.

The soldiers of the Shenzhou Empire were full of infinite admiration for Li Zhiyun.

A trench connected on all four

sides can quickly distribute troops on all sides.

How did you think of this? Bomb shelters

? You can avoid enemy fire at any time

! How did you think of this?

Emperor Li Zhiyun, not a person!

but.... YYDS

! Li Rail's artillery was still sweating profusely loading, reloading, and firing!

But Li Rail was full of doubts.

Just now from the telescope, I clearly saw that three people were bombarded!

Why is there no movement now?

Supposedly, countless talents should be blown up and blown up.

But fuck, what about people?"

Great King, is the artillery moving forward?"

and the subordinates were also confused.

They felt that if no one was blown up, there must be a problem with the range and angle.

Just ask, if the shell hits the foot.

How could it be...

"The artillery is no longer advancing!"

the suspicious Li Rail immediately gave the

order, and his brain was spinning rapidly.

At present, if the artillery is used to advance forward, it will definitely be completely exposed under Li Zhiyun's nose, and it will inevitably be suppressed by fierce firepower.

And if the light cavalry is sent to quickly outflank Li Zhiyun's army from both wings, Li Zhiyun's artillery may not be able to adjust its orientation and angle in

time! The light cavalry will have an opportunity! Now, it is time to let the light cavalry go into battle!

The 20,000 light cavalry

immediately went light, carrying only bows and arrows, grenades, and horizontal knives on their backs and rushed forward.

"Everyone be careful on the flanks

!" "Wolong Fort

prepare!" "Archer ready

!" "Shenji Battalion prepare!" Li

Zhiyun ordered, and the three arms instantly formed three defensive lines, staring at the light cavalry coming from the side.

This is also one of the "three systems" strategy that Li Zhiyun has worked out since this period of time to make up for the disadvantages of artillery.

Artillery can exert a great advantage when fighting against land corps

, but artillery is cumbersome and slow to adjust, and if the target is scattered light cavalry, it cannot exert a huge advantage.


Zhiyun's right hand hangs in the air, visually measuring the distance of the light cavalry.

"Wolong Fort preparation-

" Li Zhiyun's right hand fell heavily:

"Give me a hard shot!"

By inertia, they are still charging hard.

But the number

was a quarter less! The archers of the second sequence immediately bent their bows and arrows and shot out countless arrows vigorously

! Li Rail, who was observing the battle ahead through a telescope, looked shocked

! What happened to this?

In less than a blaze of incense, 20,000 light cavalry actually lost so much!

The light cavalry commander, An Xiuren, saw that the situation was pressing. The enemy's fire was too fierce, and he was about to turn his horse's head and immediately withdraw

! But at this moment, he suddenly heard the war drums beating behind him, and the trumpets were high-pitched!

Li Rail was on the high car, personally waving the flag, and told An

Xiuren with the banner: "Whoever escapes from the battle, there is no amnesty for killing!"

An Xiuren had no choice, and the fierce anger in his eyes burst out: There

is no doubt that death will be achieved, and if you advance, you may make great achievements.

"Brothers, if you retreat, you will surely die, and if you advance, you will make great achievements!" An

Xiuren found that the opponent's Wolong Fort no longer fired spears, and the arrow basket behind the archer was no longer bowed and arrowed! An Xiuren

seized the opportunity with an oozing smile and jumped forward, only more than a hundred meters away.

In the distance, Li Rail smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth.

"Brothers, this is the time, kill me!"

An Xiuren shouted, suddenly clamped the horse's belly and whipped down, and rushed towards the trench


How could

artillery, which was relatively poorly mobile, be able to catch up with the flexible cavalry?

Li Zhiyun's method of arranging troops in formation himself had already been understood

! This was clearly a "one-character flat formation";

Li Zhiyun used the horizontal artillery to directly form a frontal formation and was prepared for all his men to face the enemy head-on!

But he ignored the potential threat of the two wings.

And it was precisely because he saw through this that he sent 20,000 light cavalry to launch a surprise attack.

Li Rail nodded continuously, and his admiration for himself deepened further.

"Damn, how can I be so good?!" did

An Xiuren in front of the trench.

He thought he had pinched the gap between Li Zhiyun's Wolong Fort and the archers.

He even saw the horrified look on the faces of the soldiers in the trenches.

On his face, there was a hint of a victor's smile.

And in the next moment.

Li Zhiyun suddenly smiled strangely at An Xiuren.

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