Faced with Zong Luo's doubts, Tang Jian chuckled: "

The reason why the other three gates have not moved must be because 'the three monks have no water to drink'!"


coalition forces have been besieging Chang'an for months, how can they easily withdraw their troops, they must be plotting a more reasonable combat strategy!" When

Li Zhiyun heard this, he interrupted everyone's conversation:

"Can Lord Tang have a way to deal with it?"


There are two results, one is to withdraw their troops and no longer cooperate; the other is to abandon their past differences and fight together!" Li

Shimin couldn't help but interject

: "The last general thinks that the second possibility is greater, after all, they have besieged Chang'an City for so long, it is impossible to return without success

!" Tang Jian nodded:

"King Tang's analysis is good, in this way, my Chang'an City will be attacked on all sides, and the pressure will be doubled!" After

analyzing this, everyone looked at Tang Jian nervously.

That's a good thing.

Don't look at today's big victory at the main gate, but only against tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.


Jian continued:

"Our army can set up a formation at the four gates of the southeast, southwest, and northwest, and stop quietly!"

At that time, the armored combat vehicles developed by the emperor can be of great use and crush the enemy army with a bang.


Zhiyun nodded with satisfaction

: "Then Lord Lao Tang will line up troops for our army to stop

the enemy!" Tang Jian immediately asked people to take out a pen, ink and paper and draw the positions of the four city gates:

"The main gate, under the command of Tang King Li Shimin, assisted by Li Xuanba, Cheng Yanjin, and Luo Shixin, still adopt a 'character flat formation' to meet the enemy head-on!"

"The terrain

on the left and right sides of your three gates is high, and you adopt a 'curved array', mainly to constantly divide, encircle, and encroach on the enemy army, so that his combined forces are no longer connected!" Listening

to Tang Jian's formation, everyone nodded one after another, especially Li Shimin, and there was a little admiration in his eyes.

He admired not only Tang Jian, but also Li Zhiyun.

Tang Jian paused, turned to Li Zhiyun, and said, "His Royal Highness the Emperor will lead armored combat vehicles in the city to wait for the opportunity, and when the gates of our army are wide open, he will quickly defeat the frontal enemy army with a 'blitzkrieg'!" Li

Zhiyun glanced at the fifty armored fighting vehicles displayed not far away and asked:

"Why are there only fifty armored fighting vehicles, but what about the others?"

Du Ruxian and Fang Xuanling said with some self-blame:

"The subordinates were derelict in their duties, and when casting the steel plate suitable for the chariot, the dimensions were improperly handled, resulting in a lot of waste.

"At present, there is no steel..." Li

Zhiyunbing did not blame the two.

In such a short period of time, it is not easy to build fifty chariots that do not belong to this era!

Emperor Qiyu, if the steel plate is not enough, Weichen will find a way to transfer it. It

was Wei Zheng, who was ranked fourth in the history of the "Twenty-Four Heroes of Lingyan Pavilion".

Since he was brought to Chang'an, his original intention was not to participate in anything related to Li Zhiyun.

As the old man of the hidden prince Li Jiancheng, he has not yet turned a corner with a straight personality, and he can't pull his face down to join Li Zhiyun.

But under the general pattern of foreign invasion of Huaxia, he could clearly distinguish between the important and the other.

Especially after following Li Zhiyun to the battlefield once, although he didn't want to admit it, he knew it in his heart.

The reason why Li Zhiyun was able to establish the Shenzhou Empire was his own ability.

Li Zhiyun waved his hand:

"That's it, that's it, it's too late, not to mention it's wartime, where do you go to transfer transportation?"


that everyone had assigned tasks, Li Xuanba was a little anxious:

"Lord Tang, what will be the task in the end?" Tang

Jian originally wanted to arrange Li Xuanba at the lowest south gate of the city to assist Du Fuwei with Su Dingfang.

But now the plan has changed, and Li Zhiyun's armored fighting vehicles are too small to cause fundamental damage to the coalition forces.

Strategies need to change at any time.

"The emperor's armored fighting vehicle is very advantageous for flat ground combat, but for the dense forests on both sides of Chang'an City, it loses its ability to maneuver

!" "If the coalition forces change their combat strategy and shell the emperor's armored fighting vehicles from the dense forests on both wings, the situation will be critical!" Everyone

suddenly became nervous.

Tang Jian's analysis was good, then Li Rail was not a general, he single-handedly mobilized the soldiers of Yanzangbao and Fu Yun for his own use.

Li Xuanba somewhat understood what Tang Jian meant

: "Lord Tang means, let me lead cavalry to guard the two wings

of the emperor?" Tang Jian thought for a moment, nodded, and looked at Li Xuanba:

"General Li led 20,000 cavalry and ambushed between the first and second lines of defense at the main gate!"

When the coalition forces attacked His Royal Highness's armored chariots head-on, you quickly split into left and right wings with General Li Cunxiao and killed

the coalition forces!" Li Xuanba nodded, but he thought of a question:

"Lord Tang, Chang'an City has been surrounded by the coalition forces, and we can only reach the first line of defense at the farthest we can do.


this, Li Xuanba suddenly thought of another question.

"Lord Tang, who is this

Li Cunxiao?" Li Zhiyun patted Li Xuanba's shoulder and said with a smile:

"Third brother, General Li Cunxiao is also a fierce general, and he used to use guerrilla methods to fight against the coalition forces. "

In less than two days, General Li Cunxiao will be able to arrive in the surrounding dense forest and cooperate with our army to act in unison!" Li

Xuanba nodded, and was a little blushed by Li Zhiyun's "third brother".

And this scene is all under Li Shimin's eyes.

It made him feel a little sad.

A heart seems to be "pulled" by a thorn, cutting a hole.

Li Zhiyun's "third brother" was called very kindly, calling Li Xuanba such a burly man shy.



about it, he is still Li Zhiyun's second brother!

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