It was late, and the soldiers were already exhausted from continuous fighting.

But they didn't sleep at all, they still tensed their nerves,

and they knew in their hearts that today's attack was just Li Rail's temptation.

But even so, the fighting was extremely fierce.

Maybe Li Rail went back to move the troops.

If all the 8.9 million troops rushed up, Chang'an City would be in danger.

Facing everyone's tense expressions, Li Zhiyun waved his hand and said with a relaxed expression:

"Don't be tense!" "Everyone has worked hard all this time, each of you has reached the extreme of exhaustion, it's time to sleep well!"

But everyone still didn't


"Except for those who left the sentry, the others immediately went to sleep

!" "Tomorrow morning, Xu personally came to see your formation practice!"

Li Zhiyun said and left.

But none of the big guys dared to leave, holding the weapons in their hands tightly and staring outside the city.

Li Shimin chuckled:

"What the emperor just said is good, don't be confused, I'll explain it to you."

"Everyone should have felt that today's coalition forces are very strange, only Li Zhuo led the troops to come, and neither Zanlangbao nor Fu Yun showed up. "

Do you think that after Li Rail goes back, he won't fight with those two so-called 'allies

'?" Li Jing also nodded and added:

"Yes, it is estimated that at this moment, the three of them have been quarreling for a long time

!" "Before they reach a consensus, they will not send troops to attack Chang'an in the near future!" After

everyone listened, the doubts in their hearts were solved, their tense nerves were relaxed, and they suddenly collapsed to the ground.

Some soldiers didn't even want to eat, they just wanted to sleep, and the moment they collapsed on the ground, they instantly snored.

Li Zhiyun's soldiers slept so sweetly, but Li Rail on the other side couldn't sleep.

Li Rail Coalition Army, large camp in the army.

Li Rail, Nongzan Nongbao and Fu Yun, as well as many generals, all stared at the sand table with displeasure on their faces.

Li Rail raised his head and mercilessly looked at Gong Zan and Fu Yun and asked

, "King Ben has already taken the initiative to attack in the front, the purpose is to divert Li Zhiyun's firepower and win opportunities for you!"

"These soldiers who died in battle are stronger than your soldiers in Tubo and Tuyuhun!" Some

of the soldiers who were deficient in kidney praised the bag, stepped forward without showing weakness, and said:

"Brother Li, your soldiers in Daliang do some things to steal chickens and dogs all day!" "

How can I

trust you?" "You keep saying that you have undertaken the main task of the war and sacrificed yourself to fulfill others."

"Who would believe it?!" ???

Li Rail was suddenly stunned.

What kind of

chicken and dog did you touch

? Why can't you understand a word?

Li Li was a little confused when asked.

"Do you still need to ask, it was given to you by King Ben, what's wrong with this?" "

What does today's matter have to do with these chickens?" Fu

Yun on the side finally couldn't bear it, and stepped forward and pointed to the generals behind Li Rail:

"What's wrong?"

"Then you can

go and ask these generals under you!"

Li Rail turned his head suspiciously, and saw that everyone behind him did not dare to raise their heads, with embarrassed and fearful expressions on their faces.

Zhi Zan Nongbao pointed at these generals with their heads bowed

, and said, "I gave these women from the Yin Kingdom to our army officers and men to enjoy, it would have been fine

!" "Who knows, it was during this time that you shameless people sneaked into our military tent many times and stole these women!"

Fu Yun gloated at the two, this kind of drama about women, he loved to watch.

Who knows, Zhuan Zan's words turned and said to Fu Yun:

"And you, what are you laughing at

!" "Your soldiers are the same!"

Fuyun immediately lowered his head and quickly adjusted the expression on his face.

He already felt ashamed of the discussion, and Li Zhiyun sent an envoy to the Jingri Empire and hoped that the Jingri Empire would attack Tubo, but he never told him.

At present, the soldiers under him are constantly stealing his people.

This also includes myself....

Hearing this, Li Zhuo understood where the anger of the praise bag came from.

He was still wondering why there were frequent fights and fights between the coalition forces

, and why did many soldiers look very weak and always hold their waist

? Now he understood it all! These

dog day soldiers, despite the current lack of clothing, lack of food and grass, and lack of physical strength, are still blinded by the word "color"!

Can they still fight?

No wonder in today's big war, when many soldiers charged into battle, their spirits were not high!

Could it be that the group of

women intercepted at the beginning was deliberately arranged by

Li Zhiyun, used to confuse the fighting spirit of the soldiers and trigger contradictions and conflicts between them?

This Li Zhiyun is really vicious!

Li Zhuo gritted his teeth in hatred, and he couldn't wait to arrest Li Zhiyun and let these women of the Yin Kingdom take his turn!"

In this matter, it was King Ben's negligence that led to the problem of distrust within the coalition forces!" Li

Zhuo knew that he was at a loss, and his attitude softened:

"These people who violate military discipline, King Ben will give an explanation to the two.

Li Rail's words changed

: "If we want to win this great war, we must unite and cooperate sincerely

!" "Otherwise, what awaits us is only fruitless, and we will even be strongly counterattacked by Li Zhiyun!" Li

Rail's eyes were cold:

"Immediately kill all these women for me, and pull out the cancer that disturbs the hearts of the army!"

Nongzangbao and Fu Yun wanted to open their mouths to stop it, but chose to shut up at the last moment.

At the critical moment, they still can clearly distinguish between the important and the other.

Without a woman, you can start over, but to lose the war is to lose everything.

Li Zhuo was well aware of the truth that "the three monks have no water to drink", and immediately said to the two:

"Your two troops, let me and one person will lead

it!" "This king solemnly promises that once we attack Chang'an City, the results we have achieved will be divided equally!"

Li Rail also fought for the sake of the battle, and after launching the poison oath, he looked at the two with expectation.

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